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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Can't even take his underwear off but sometimes leaving them on is better. A hairy ass and nut sack does nothing for me.
  2. I eat the same stuff today that I had back 50 years ago. I can still get to sleep at night but it takes a little while to get into a deep sleep. I have gotten used to it over the years. I'm 64 now so I only have about 10 to 12 years to listen to it.
  3. Looks like another inexperienced dude picked up off the street. 🤣🤣
  4. You'd likely have a meltdown as well if you had to live with Henry. 🤣🤣
  5. We all knew he'd be back at some point.
  6. I guess my skull has been squeezing the nerve since I was 13 years old. I do take solace that it's not only me but it affects millions of others as well. Some just have a mild case of it, where others like myself it can be severe and debilitating. It would certainly drive a deaf person insane.
  7. There will come a day where I wont have to hear it any longer. Just a matter of when. 🤣🤣
  8. Alberto rarely ever goes out anywhere with Martina.
  9. I'm going to look into a couple of things and compare them. Something about this soap opera just doesn't add up.
  10. The whole thing was covered from the beginning so no one could even tell if something was really happening or she was just giving the movements like something was happening.
  11. She's down under the blanket further. Either blowing him to finish off or using Vencel's Flesh Light. 😂😂
  12. She finally broke out of her just going to bed and sleep mode. See how long he lasts, he hasn't much wood in that department. 🤣🤣
  13. I cut the main political topic off. So if it's off there it will have to stay out of the apartment topics as well.
  14. If he takes that he's looking at going to the grave earlier than expected. The lead content will surely create severe health issues.
  15. Looks like she'll have to settle for her fingers to look after things.
  16. He doesn't miss anything much. I think in Portugal they're trained to sleep with one eye open all the time. 🤣🤣
  17. If you go back in the comments Saturday the 23rd is he arrived. Vencel & Peater as some call him both left with their backpacks early that morning and later that day this other fellow arrived. This will be his 4th night.
  18. I have brought it to Admins attention that the MasterCard was missing and he was going to look into it. I'll run it by him again and see if he has found anything out about it.
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