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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  2. First thing he did was go in that room they always go into was in there for an hour then came out and looked like he was spaced out on something. Personally I would think he's a Crack Head. He paces the floor like a Crack Junkie does.
  3. OK -1 just as you asked. LOL You'll have to wait an hour before I can give you another.
  4. Just the color of the dirt on the furnishings tell the tale of this couple. When they vacate RLC is going to have to replace the furnishings.
  5. As long as they don't get the music to loud where they have to scream and shout to sing. Definitely not Grammy Award material but nice.
  6. You never many of them going out and shopping coming back with bags of food to much. Then again I am only on for 4 or 5 hours when they are home, so they must do their shopping early in the mornings.
  7. Yes, this idea that they are in the same apartment complex or adjacent buildings has been discussed many times, but never fully resolved. The same metal cutting buzz-saw sounds have often been heard both at L&Ps and M&S's apartments, at the same exact time, though it was louder at M&S's apartment. Since the layout of these two apartments is very different, this suggests that they are adjacent buildings, possibly near a metal recycling operation. This would most likely put them on the south side of the river which, from Google Earth, one can clearly see is an industrial section dotted about with large Soviet era apartment buildings. Hence, you are suggesting that A&A's apartment is in the same building as M&S, and you could be correct. We've also discussed the appearance of specific pizza boxes, shopping backs from specific stores, and KFC buckets, all in the quest to understand the connections between the couples and where they shop and live. Lina and Mark, formerly in L&P's apartment, often party with M&S. Lora and Max supposedly were within walking distance to another couples apartment. Leora is either Lina's friend or more likely cousin -- the speculation continues. Certainly Lina "recruited" Maya and probably Leora for RLC. I personally like the idea that the entire thing is a fraud, and it's filmed in the the same studio in which the Americans faked the moon landing. I don't believe it, but it's fun and hilarious to think about these things. I see you're new to CamCaps. Welcome to the zoo. We're more fun than a barrel of monkeys, but be careful around the chimpanzees...they like to throw shit at newbies when they walk by the chimp cage... ;D ;D ;D When the maintenance guy was at Katya and Ruslans flat sawing away, you could faintly hear a sawing noise at Sofia and Romans flat, so likely they are not to far apart. Hopefully soon they reopen the other 2 apartments where Nora and Kiko and Lora and Max once lived.
  8. I think the dog has Medical issues that are unknown. Considering the looks of the dog it's quite old.
  9. When I first joined I went back and read many of the old threads searching for a fellow Aussie. As a result, I read many of the posts of the most frequent contributors. It was also apparent that many of the topics were the most controversial. That's an Aussie trait for sure, shit stirrer! It's hard to be certain because if I give someone a -karma it updates their profile so shows the progressive total, whether you are looking at their first post or their last. It does seem however, based on comments, that -karma was earned by those that tended to piss people off because they were the most controversial, right or wrong I'm not judging. People got them because they earned / deserved (?) them. Even in the short time I've been around, people seem to have decided there is merit in having the most -karma so now some contributors seem to be asking for them whether or not they have earned / deserved (?) them or they are being given to people as a means to boost their credibility, for whatever reason. I think the old way was the best way, you got them because you earned / deserved them! If you piss them off you'll get a +. If you make them laugh or give them something to fap to you'll get a -. Kind of backwards but hey, no one is perfect.
  10. Alina and Anton are very explorable and up for different things for sex. Surprisingly the thinner girl that comes over once in a while has not been invited in for a threesome yet. Or even the chubby one for that matter.
  11. Paul give Leora multiple orgasms. LOL Is that before or after picking his nose and scratching his head.
  12. That will happen someday with Leora and Paul. She'll get tired of his lazy ways and underperforming sex and kick his ass out to the curb. Surprisingly she has not done it yet. Paul is as useless as tits on a Boar Hog.
  13. It's surprising they have not reopened Nora and Kikos flat with another couple, they were in the +2 time zone as Isabel and Diana's cam times.
  14. OK if bbw is not your thing here is one that will suit everyone. http://www.secretfriends.com/feeds/FreeRooms/ChatRoom/default.aspx?RoomName=Innocent%20Teens%20392 They get naked and fool around and best part you never have to pay.
  15. There used to be a site that I used that had the scripts for getting into the locked rooms but somehow the person that was posting the scripts is no longer doing it. Now I use a site called http://login2.me and it has quite a few usernames and passwords but most of them don't work or have banned accounts but the odd one still slips in every now and then that gets access to the unlocked rooms.
  16. Sorry to burst your bubble but I posted that site 2 says ago. http://camcaps.net/random-discussion/found-another-voyeur-house-site/
  17. Sparks from Paul and his soldering iron.
  18. 15 C at night here and about 25 C in the day. Compare it to last summers 40+ C it's great. But won't be long for the cold winter to settle in around November and watch my nuts shrivel into hibernation.
  19. When Lora and Max were on, their cat out did them all.
  20. I don't think it's an apartment they live in or by the noise they make late at night there would be complaints and visits from the Police.
  21. Neither did I. Watching guys bath is not my thing.
  22. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Humping the Bass
  23. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Time for them to go to bed and let the fun begin.
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