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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Seriez-vous entrain de dire que ce dégénéré est PD ? Would you say this degenerate is gay ? ;D He looks like the type of guy who likes playing the skin flute.
  2. better look out she will get the knife out again. marcelo you might not get the door closed quick enough this time buddy. :o Guess he'll be packing again for his journey around a couple blocks then crawl back home like a Momma's Boy. The guy is pussy whipped.
  3. Does that go for those prepaid Mastercards and Visas like I use for online purchases.
  4. Here's another but it's another one where you have to register and pay. Looks like it could have some potential It's only 1 house with 9 cams in it. The sample vids of it look good. It's English by the looks of it. http://www.anettehome.com/webcams/index_ENG.php Sample Clip from one of the cams (The Image Content is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  5. As soon as you type the website in the browser, the first thing it asks for is a username and password or you can't view what it's about or pricing. Pay or No Play. LOL
  6. They can take it directly from your bank account but I would not advise that method. I did that with some other site a year ago and the fuckers took drained my chequing account dry and forced me to open another account. To this day still waiting to be reimbursed. Prepaid MasterCard or Visa will work.
  7. And this evening, she will have a headache... :D Likely tomorrow she'll start her period then another 7 days or more of next to nothing. lol
  8. you can get rid of that annoying,, 'press esc to exit full screen' dialog , it works on all videos and browsers,, http://forum.videohelp.com/threads/304807-How-to-remove-annoying-Press-Esc-to-message-in-Flash-Video 8) All that needs to be done is wait 5 seconds till it disappears then take the picture.
  9. They are opening up. Things are starting to get better for this couple. Keep it up.
  10. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). No don't think so.
  11. After leaving the code on the picture, does the account holder still have their RLC account.
  12. Better being horny, than running around with Suicide Vests blowing themselves up.
  13. Paul is enough to make any woman get pissed. The guy is as useless as tits on a Boar Hog. The only talent Paul has is scratching his head and picking his nose.
  14. Give them time they'll likely find a way to do the same for this one.
  15. Could be Fried Chicken and Watermelon for their meal LOL
  16. Could be that Marta might be a male. Then everyone will be in for Gay orgy. LOL
  17. It is possible. All someone has to do is fool around with the scripts if they have the know how for doing that type of thing.
  18. Barak Hussein Obama's real name is Barry Soetoro.
  19. It's more exciting watching paint dry than this apartment.
  20. They should force him to get sterilized, so he can't infect the rest of the world. One of him is enough.
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