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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. So much for heating up, Leora is at the computer. Now on sofa playing with the dog.
  2. If they can't train each other, how are they going to train a dog.
  3. NO it has everything to do with Paul. :-[ I'm not so sure, because he is trying to consolate her and she seems mad about something else. He didn't even recieve a slap on the face :) Slapping seems to be a Russian Custom. They do it quite a bit.
  4. They are feeding you a line. I have 50 Mbps service and it still freezes.
  5. Change your IP after each download, then no waiting 3 hours.
  6. Pay your $30 to RLC and you'll see them. With accounts been banned, you won't see much of videos here anymore. Don't waste your efforts man. These people don't even bother to read. OK I'll save my breath. lol
  7. Pay your $30 to RLC and you'll see them. With accounts been banned, you won't see much of videos here anymore.
  8. I would but they banned me for posting ruslan beating the dog. so its only free cams for me GRRRR small tits 8) Best way to have them. More than a mouthful is a waste.
  9. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  10. Leora is going to be upset when she finds most of her viewers tuning into something a lot more livelier than her
  11. Even with the number cropped off, they still have a way of identifying you.
  12. Leora is sure going to be upset when she finds there's something a little better to look at than 3 minute episodes. I just may start forking out $30 a month for access to RLC.
  13. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  14. The way it is with accounts getting banned, if people want it bad enough they'll have to pay the $30 for RLC access.
  15. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  16. Whatever floats their boat. To each is their own. Everyone does it, just not for the whole world to see,
  17. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). Trying something different. See if it works.
  18. I agree, she's smart sexy as hell,has a beautiful face and smile. All she need's is for the right man to find her and love her for who she is, treat her with dignity and respect and i would bet good money that his balls would be drained on a regular basis. If i was younger and closer u bet you're ass i would be trying to date her! on a side note, would love to rub up against that red pantied ass while reaching around and caressing those wonderful boobs! Alina gave her an exercise rope that you fasten to something then put you feet in the stir ups so you can exercise your legs.Alina has been pretty darn good to this girl and one thing she does help Alina with the chores around the apartment, so she not lazy.
  19. Hopefully she keeps that up on a nightly basis. Someday she'll get brave enough and shed the covers.
  20. It was 2 minutes and 32 seconds of knee-twitching sheer excitement. I have a video of her for about 2 hours masturbating under the covers. Only thing is the file is 920 MB so going to be very hard to upload it because of size limitations.
  21. 47 to 50 kb/s. Take awhile to download a large file over 100 MB. I have a file from Alina's guest masturbating under the covers and it came out as 920 MB so I guess that file won't upload because of set limitations of a single file and it's almost 2 Hours in length.
  22. The girls on CB if they are good, they make more in Tokens in 1 day than a hooker gets. In Canada most hookers where I am from charge $75 for a straight fuck, $50 for a BJ or $25 for a pump and run. These girls on CB make more than that in a day just for removing their clothes masturbating on camera.
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