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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. I would think some people are owed apologies for all the bashing and accusing why these cams went off line when no one really knew the actual reason for them going off line.It was likely just a technical issue from so many users watching the cams all at once. To the person who said Efim committed suicide, get your facts straight before spouting off. That's the bottom line because Stone Cold said so.
  2. Thanks for the info. I'll just keep using what I am currently using.
  3. Is there any real benefit of using this browser over Internet Explorer or Fire Fox.
  4. Then someone must be an experienced hacker to divulge that information if it wasn't posted for anyone to see.
  5. I'm very sure that Diane and Efim were actors playing to the camera too. If you act your life out in front of a camera you can never be relaxed or behave naturally. They weren't camera shy like most couples are when they first appeared, so they had to have some experience in front of the cams. They knew exactly what to do and when to do it.
  6. If they don't want their real lives to be intruded on, then they should not post their real names, addresses and phone numbers on other websites for the whole world to see.
  7. Why start another thread when there is already a thread to post this.
  8. Bill Gates invented the internet. LOL
  9. So much for heating up, Leora is at the computer. Now on sofa playing with the dog.
  10. If they can't train each other, how are they going to train a dog.
  11. NO it has everything to do with Paul. :-[ I'm not so sure, because he is trying to consolate her and she seems mad about something else. He didn't even recieve a slap on the face :) Slapping seems to be a Russian Custom. They do it quite a bit.
  12. They are feeding you a line. I have 50 Mbps service and it still freezes.
  13. Change your IP after each download, then no waiting 3 hours.
  14. Pay your $30 to RLC and you'll see them. With accounts been banned, you won't see much of videos here anymore. Don't waste your efforts man. These people don't even bother to read. OK I'll save my breath. lol
  15. Pay your $30 to RLC and you'll see them. With accounts been banned, you won't see much of videos here anymore.
  16. I would but they banned me for posting ruslan beating the dog. so its only free cams for me GRRRR small tits 8) Best way to have them. More than a mouthful is a waste.
  17. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed).
  18. Leora is going to be upset when she finds most of her viewers tuning into something a lot more livelier than her
  19. Even with the number cropped off, they still have a way of identifying you.
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