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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. That's when she should have called the Police.They would have taken care of him.
  2. I always thought he was on some kind of drugs from the start. Every time they have a fight or an argument of some kind, he always paces the floor back and forth like a crack head.
  3. Zorin OS 8.1 Core. All you do is burn it to a DVD. Restart the computer boot from DVD and run the live CD. It sets up no files and just makes a Virtual Disk and when done just remove the DVD from the drive reboot the computer and your back to your regular OS with no formatting or lost files.
  4. I use Debut Video Capture Software. Downloaded it through BitTorrent and comes with a crack to make it full version. Why pay a developer $49 when you can get it for free.
  5. Ouch! That be painful. More painful than how they Circumcise a Newfie.
  6. Bingo. You got it. "Uploaded" is wonderful if you pay for an Uploaded membership, but hell if you don't. I believe people who don't pay for CamCaps can still access off-site links; and many of us pay the 12 bucks USD to support CC so we can view and contribute more; but we generally ignore UL posts because of the hassle and time required for download. Welcome to the zoo, incidentally. I'll be paying my $12 soon. I just moved to another apartment so things were a little tight on the expenses for a couple months. Can still access the mediafire links and the ul but I only get from mediafire. ul takes to long to download.
  7. It has been a long winter being hibernated inside while it's -30F outside on most days. Plus I prefer to keep my nuts intact not frozen. LOL
  8. L can't edit it... you must be a paid member before you can use the edit feature.
  9. I would have to use the 64 Bit as I have an AMD 8 core 5.6 Mhz processor and 64 gig of memory
  10. No problem. I found a different type called Zorin 8 core that worked like a charm. Could have just been the Ubuntu copy I downloaded. You know what some of those Torrent sites are like.Someone likely removed some files and made the download not worth anything but a waste of bandwidth.
  11. There's software to bypass or detect passwords, then there is software to see who is using your Wi-Fi network and block them. If you know how to install software, which is anyone, then it can be done. With the routers proximity around this building and the people that live in here most are not to bright to figure that out and if they did it's not to hard to unblock yourself from someone else's router. If you can access it to connect to the internet then all you have to do is bring their router page up on your screen something similar to or and so on. Each make of router has a different access but never impossible to get into as long as the signal is strong enough to pull up on the screen.
  12. We have a lot of Wi-Fi connections in this 150 unit apartment building I am in with at least 35 open connections available to anyone that wants to use it. Only thing the person that left it open better hope he has an Unlimited Bandwidth Plan or their in for a hefty internet bill.Even if they had their Wi-Fi secured anyone with the proper knowledge can still use it and get by their secured password.They think they are secured but actually their not.
  13. Yes, I have an Ubuntu system, but I'm not interested in the project. Ubuntu rocks; but I have my limits as to what mighty sudo will allow into the system: I guard that. You might install Wine; it makes many Win applications compatible; but I'm not familiar with Wine since I already have a couple Win OS systems. (And I do that because I HAVE to.) Without Wine, it's gonna need a bit of coding. Needless to say, I am highly respectful of Lisa's work, genius, and service to humankind. I have tried to install Ubunto and have had no success at getting it installed. I currently use NTFS format so maybe the Ubunto system requires a different type of file system than NTFS
  14. So if you see Isabel get struck in the face with a bowl and her boyfriend packs and leaves. Don't worry as he'll be back in the door in about 10 minutes after he walks around the block with his luggage.
  15. A fairly big operation. A whole 8 apartments. That's Massive! LOL
  16. Or their Internet Provider is from the North German area, and they are telling the truth. The I.P. does not give you an exact location of a user, only the provider. When I use a proxy server it says that my IP is in Malaysia and I can switch it to a different Country at anytime when actually I am in Canada.But I only use a proxy for when I go to some sites and it says that you can not view this page from your location then I can change to view it.
  17. (The Image Content is no longer accessible and has been removed). It's about time Putin suits this kid up in a uniform and makes a man out of him.
  18. (The Image associated with this comment is no longer accessible and has been removed). If Putin can't make a man out of him, no one can.
  19. You still have to have an account with RLC in order for that program to work.
  20. Could not have been much of a session he was in the kitchen stuffing his face.
  21. Missed that I had other things at my place to get done before the woman gets home so I closed RLC off for a little bit.
  22. She was hiding in the bathroom. He has now has made his exit out the door. With his loggages... :( Backpack and luggage on wheels. He put his electronic equipment in the laundry area so he likely has to come back for that but he'll have to find another place to stay before he can get that. The dog stayed with Isabel so she'll have to take the dog out or she'll be cleaning the floor everyday.
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