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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. At least she chooses her own men instead of taking the rations that RLC tosses at them. 😁
  2. He got his wiener wet which was likely his main objective.
  3. I have not once blamed Camarads at all or any posters on Camarads, it's just you. CamCaps.net has no affiliation with Camarads.com, we are two separate entities. I am not paid for anything I am retired and on a pension. You were originally banned a long time ago for posting links and personal information of tenants of Camarads. You were told to stop but you persisted and kept posting the information at that time. Even going forward with other accounts created by use of a VPN you persisted in the same manner and went even as far to post information about Cam Caps, it's servers and IP addresses. It's a violation of the forums rules. Once your banned for that violation any further accounts created are also banned going forward. Each time you get banned you're doing something that overwhelms the CamCaps.net servers shutting the website down and don't say it's not you doing it because I know it is. Please take the hint " be like the birds and flock off " Your antics are not welcome here.
  4. Life is full of surprises. It's likely not her first or last time getting stood up or ghosted.
  5. She can always stand on the street looking for a date.
  6. The Hazmat Team will have to come in and decontaminate the place after they're gone.
  7. There are other fish in the sea she can go out and catch.
  8. All postings on Camarads.com apartment topics on CamCaps.net are now closed to any further commenting. The current comments can still be read but no further replies to any postings can be made. Anyone who wants to continue posting in Camarads.com topics will take place at our Sister Forum xCamFan.com. Click the link below. Thanks. StnCld316 - Forum Admin Camarads (13 Online Apartments) - xcamfan.com XCAMFAN.COM https://www.camarads.com/
  9. May have clean bedding but it does not help the poor mattress any unless they have a plastic sheet covering it. It would smell rancid after a few wettings similar to an unattended cat litter box.
  10. His back is always to her. His love is the computer not Leora. He'll be tiring soon and be off for a nap.
  11. Mr DDoS has reared his ugly head once again. Going to be a fun day.
  12. Massi's acceptance of consent is rattling the pill bottle and they come running.
  13. Masha can stay where she is. She only creates chaos where ever she goes.
  14. Bathing at Masha's is ridiculous. All that happens is they sit in a tub for over an hour and wrinkle like a prune talking stupid shit.
  15. If he spent $3,000 at least he got little bang for his buck.
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