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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Establish a good presence. All they have to do in Bali is lay on the sidewalk spread their legs and the dude's will be lined up for 10 city blocks waiting for a piece. 😁😁
  2. I don't even give to any political party in Canada. They won't do anything for me so why donate to them. Trudeau overstepped his boundaries when dealing with the truckers. His days are numbered, as soon as the next election comes he'll be gone this time. They need to bring in term limits as too how long a politician or PM can hold office. I would think 8 years (2 Terms) is sufficient, then these grey haired bastards who think they know what's best for the country can't collect a gold lined pension.
  3. I would never give one thin dime towards this SOB. Fake or not.
  4. Thanks. I was inquiring as all the apartments seemed silent with no action of any parties.
  5. Just wait till Florida changes to a blue state then you can have some of the nonsense as well. 🤣🤣
  6. Surprisingly Dylan doesn't try hitting on her with his hello charm.
  7. I earn my own money. I never have to worry about robbing Peter to pay Paul style of life. My upbringing taught me how to stand on my own two feet and fend for myself. Can't say that for every Canadian though, there are a few lowlifes in our society that have no desire to work or earn a living. They just pilfer and steal from others.
  8. They all need to get some sleep instead of worrying about their genitals.
  9. That's called love when you sleep in different rooms instead of with your partner. Paul's only interest of Leora is getting his dick sucked , sometimes the odd fuck, someone to cook his meals and do his dirty laundry. Not necessarily in that order. If the man had half a brain he'd be an orphan.😁😁
  10. Wandering and pacing like a crackhead looking for his next fix.
  11. It helps a lot. If I know if I have a parcel coming, I am always home to receive it when it shows the date of delivery on the deliverers tracker. The only one I ever had issues with was Staples. They left it in the front entrance area and it was the keyholder/superintendent that brought it to my door. The packaged was labelled with the apartment & buzzer #. Now Staples has lost a customer because of their inept delivery practices. The only parcel I have never received was an ECO-Tank Printer, I ordered that 6 Months ago through Walmart. I purchased one elsewhere. If the Walmart one ever shows up it will be a freebee courtesy of Walmart. I can always sell it and make some profit. For all it's worth they won't pursue it if it's not paid for. It costs them more than it's worth. They just pass it off to a 3rd Party Collection Agency that has no real power to collect anything. It's just the annoying phone calls one has to put up with.
  12. Over here they bring it right to the door. If they don't get a response then they leave a tag showing they'll be back the following day. If no one is there then the package goes to a local pickup depot where one has to go and retrieve it.
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