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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Since Ukraine is having rolling blackouts, they want to them to feel like they're back home as much as possible.
  2. Liz Cheney just let Trump know she's not f*cking around, in case there was still any confusion WWW.MSN.COM "He’s not going to turn this into a circus," Cheney said when talking about Trump testifying before the January 6 committee.
  3. Meals done. Now in the bedroom popping the zits on her tits.
  4. Then you need to click the Chat Tab on the top of the page. It's right next to the Forum Tab.
  5. The thing with the videos is there are 15 videos to a page. If all of them are in MP4 Format a video player will appear something similar to watching a video on YouTube for streaming. When on the page there are 15 Videos that have to buffer and likely 10 have to buffer to at least make a video play. Lately I have been uploading as .AVI so no Video Screen appears. The Video must be downloaded to view on one's own computer or device. What I can do is go back through some of the pages and change some Videos that are long playing for example 10 minutes or longer and change those to AVI Format, it will be a lot of work and may take a lot of time to complete as I'll have to wait for them to buffer before I can even change them or I can even just lessen the amount to go on a page. Instead of 15 posts cut it back to 9 or 10 the less things on a page will make the buffering process go a little bit smoother. I'll check the settings and see what options are available on those pages without affecting all the topics throughout the whole forum.
  6. When they execute these mother fucker's they should have done to them what they've done to their victim. Stand him on a roadway and have someone run him down going 100mph. Then scrape up the remains and feed him to the sharks.
  7. Not that I am aware of. I'll check it out. Thanks
  8. Thanks. I saw someone there but could not make out who it was through the blurred images of the thumbnails. Maybe once I get these cataracts taken care of the viewing hopefully will be a bit clearer.
  9. Those YouTube Vids of people that said they had the cure for tinnitus is all a bunch of hogwash. I tried their suggestions and they do not work. About the only thing I have not tried yet are those CBD Gummies or Ginkgo Biloba. I'm not one for putting unknown substances into my body not knowing what they'll do.
  10. They're going to move Nelly & Bogdan from B#7 into the Guest Room.
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