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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. Once her punishment for her Visa violation has completed she may come back.
  2. Could always use Bandicam then screenshots can be done in many formats whichever is chosen.
  3. They should tell OPEC to shove their oil up their Arab asses. There is enough oil in the USA to cover their own interests.
  4. She has to blow to keep the apartment.
  5. The old saying goes if you've seen one, you've seen them all. Turn them upside down and they all look the same.
  6. Close only counts in Horseshoes & Hand Grenades.
  7. Don't let those blonde roots fool ya. Look what the roots did to MTG.
  8. There's a reason for everything. If she is out and has an accident, then all she has to do is reverse them to the opposite side rather than tossing the garment away. Never let a little brown skid mark destroy the evening.
  9. Intelligence! You're giving the guy too much praise.
  10. This apartment has been archived. Kelsy left the VHTV project and Elisha & Karel are now shacked up with Shana.
  11. Hole in Cap of Ballpoint Pens All of us have used ballpoint pens throughout our grade school years. Did you ever ask yourself why the cap has a hole in it? Well, that hole was strategically placed there by the company. Nope, it's not so that it dries out faster, thus forcing you to buy more pens. The hole in the top is there in case a child or adult accidentally swallows the cap. If this happens, then thanks to the hole, air can flow through the cap, and the poor fellow who swallowed the cap can still breathe.
  12. Then when Leora gets up the lazy prick will go to bed and sleep. He'd be better off serving on the front line defending his country.
  13. Lay has departed the VHTV project. Douglas has moved in.
  14. Apartment Topic for TransVoyeur Ashley Aspen. Link to this Apartment: https://voyeurhouse.com/live/ts-ashley-aspen/living-room-2 Please Note: When Uploading any Pictures a Third Party Host Must be Used. For the Time Being Please Do Not Upload Using Attachments.
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