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Everything posted by StnCld316

  1. 15 Years from now. RLC will be gone out of business by then.
  2. If she had a mate that could properly satisfy her, she wouldn't have as much need for masturbating.
  3. Ewww. That's as bad as Taiwanese food. One look and say Should I eat this or Did I.
  4. I think there are many others that have the same problem. It just doesn't get mentioned or many just do not notice. The points thing is just an application which is a plug-in developed by other Third-Party Software Developers and is not an actual application installed with the Forum Software directly. Each time the Forum Software is upgraded to newer versions there are some things such as plug-ins that become no longer compatible. They'll function in some form but not as it should be. It's up to the Third-Party Developer to keep their applications updated as changes to the software sometimes affect the way the plug-ins work. What worked with Versions 4.3, 4,4, 4.5 or 4.6 of the Forum Software may not be compatible with the recent version of 4.7. Even Cam Caps had to make some changes in order to update to the newest version 4.7. The PHP had to be updated to PHP8 in order for Cam Caps to receive the update. Now the Third-Party Developers of Applications need to update their applications to be compatible with PHP8 if it applies to their applications. Plug-ins are almost similar as Computer Hardware they call Plug & Play. Just plug them in and pray that they work.
  5. They'll just summon them to come to the Embassy saying there is some technicality with their paperwork documentation and then advise them they're going back home. They got ways of getting them to return back home without going to another land knocking on doors to scoop them. It's an extradition process. Paul's not a permanent resident of Czech Republic so all Russia has to is revoke his Visa then he becomes an illegal alien. Actually, Leora's not a permanent resident either.
  6. Under Putin Rule anything is possible. They do have a Russian Consulate in the Czech Rep. so it would not be very hard tracking people down. His knee can't be that bad they go out for walks almost daily and Paul does visit the Gym. Don't think he's hurting all that much. A good solid diet and lose some weight works wonders for knees. Leora would be a wreck if he ever got recalled into service. The FSB would be there to escort him back home.
  7. The Ccleaner issue has been resolved. The new version can be downloaded directly from the link below. Download CCleaner | Clean, optimize & tune up your PC, free! (This error has been Corrected)
  8. Do they not have a Stand Your Ground Law in New York. That guy should have been dead meat if someone had a weapon.
  9. For the atrocities that man committed, he certainly is no hero worth celebrating.
  10. When I looked last night, they were already asleep. I highly doubt there was any activity at all, or something would have gotten posted.
  11. Maybe when he pulls it out, she'll plop a brown nugget on him. Then he'll say
  12. That's all Masha ever see's is what's between somebody's legs. She has no common interest for any other attributes.
  13. She managed 3 years without him. The urge to need him confuses a lot of minds. Millions of decent men in the world and she picks a dipshit.
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