I have moved this Post to Rants & Flames as that's where it should have been placed rather than in the Apartment Topic.
Everyone has a right to post and be heard but it can be done in a respectful manner rather than coming out of the start gate and cutting another Member apart because the same view is not shared. If you don't agree with the Members post that's fine but please be respectful and explain yourself as to why you disagree instead of just cutting apart with negativity and cursive language.
Secondly it was Myself who Removed the Post. Comments as such Generate Reports and if not taken care of wind up leading to Ranting & Flaming in the Apartment Topic which does not belong. Your Comments are not the only ones that get Removed from the Forums, a few others get Comments Removed as well. I don't have many issues with your posts but there is the odd one here and there that crosses the line.