Nobody knows where Em was in these days.
I share the Miscvoyeur and Fasterboss hypothesis and I think Alex & Anna lost patience and so they decided to move E & S out of the house.
In my opinion, Em - once back at home - would have to change attitude: having sex with Sid, being social with the guests, not wearing that ridiculous pajamas, forgetting the phone, trying to show Alex & Anna that she could change and so have a last chance to stay.
Instead, the capricious girl avoided Sid, avoided the guests, wore her ridiculous pajamas, typed a lot on the phone and left once more out of the house!
In Italy we use to say "are you or are you doing" which means - more or less - are you really stupid or do you pretend to be?
She lost another opportunity and in the coming days we will see the developments.
Good day to everybody.