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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Meanwhile..Sera is hosting a party without her roommates in B1 with Jenn and Frank...from B3.
  2. No please let them stay where they are it's where they want to be. You said so yourself Why spoil the evening for the rest like last night.
  3. Nearly 10 pm Jane and BF of little guest headed back out...a 2 person search party. Jane seems upset and tired.
  4. Sera from B1 may as well move into B3 with Frank and Jenn. She has spent more time here than with her own roommates. Back again today and out.
  5. After 3 1/2 days away Jane has return with her little friend's boyfriend. Both sleeping hard. Dick's other bald friend came in and left too Still no sign of Dick or their guest the one we want to call Katia/Lola. Probably arrive later tonight. We shall see.
  6. Mila and Oksi left Elvira and Laima behind to stay In their rooms ? But they all went out together yesterday when Mila arrived...what changed?
  7. I should have been a little clearer in my posts but my ghost writer likes to get paid.. 🙃 This is strictly my observation. People like Oksi never change and don't think they have to. Their behavior is something they have done for a long time.  They end up hurt and can't understand why the person they were with would ever hurt them. Remember the gifts she bought Anita trying to win back her affection when she was spending time with Dalia?Trust me I slept at a Holiday Inn once or twice.. You can't fix what you have broken by trying to mend what is irretrevable. Some know this, the best relationship you can have is the one you have with yourself. That's why she lays on top of girls so they can't leave. She wants to feel in control. ->IMO<- Oksi, does not love herself or have great self-esteem and because she lacks certain skills she does not know how to be in a relationship with anyone because she has a failed one with herself. In the photo section search for her photos in the LR headphones on the inflated banana , when Anita was packing. It speaks volumes about her. She is very insecure. She looks like a child who lost their binky in those photos. It's very sad. Grant it we know nothing of her background but someone sowed these seeds in her psyche and they stuck. Finally, I would like to think that I'm a pretty good judge of character and watching her meltdown behind Anita was not only predictable, but I knew what her next course of action would be. One day she will learn or maybe she won't to care about herself a little more. I believe 2 things. 1. Nothing will change until you do 2. Nothing will work unless you do. You have to be willing to do both. In this way it's okay to be a little selfish. In other words, You are responsible for your life. I will finish with my favorite 3 letter word that has real impact. ACT= Action Changes Things Merry Christmas to you all.
  8. Twas the day and night before Christmas, not a creature was stirring in Jane and Dick's place...nearly 4 days have past since we last seen this pairs face or their live in guest...in their lair. They trimmed the tree with such care, will they return before St. Nick stops by to deliver the goodies from his sleigh. We must wait even more to see what will be...Merry Christmas to you Dick and Jane...we hope you are well and a toast to you full of holiday cheer!
  9. Let me explain the "ugly" part. Oksi to me and I don't know anything about her except what she has shown us to me is unattractive or ugly because of her behavior. She was in this very bed trying to get with Sandra twice this week while laying next to Lily. They sent her to her room both times. She was at B3 with Sera last night, they went out came back, layed in Sera's bed acted as though she was asleep waited for her to get in bed and snuggled up next to her. Sera rejected her too. If I said her interpersonal skills it does not have the same impact as the vernacular I chose. I was harsh and apologize. I will not speak to it again. If I upset you I am a person who can say i was wrong.
  10. The chance of us seeing Mila with anyone else for awhile are severely diminished now. Oksi won't let her out of her sight, I guarantee that.
  11. Mila likes girls. Not girls who act like men though. I knew she would come back.. get a clue!!
  12. Not really watching this looks like a man with Mila is not a turn on at all for some. Oksi won't let up and Mila will have to hurt her feelings.
  13. Elvira will have to wait to some other time to get with Mila. Oksi is not going to let go of her. That is so F$%#%ked up!!
  14. Mila better watch out as frustrated as Oksi has been lately. Damn. That blows it for me. I like Mila but not her and Oksi..
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