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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Whatever happened it was about 2 weeks ago when Sera woke up and got on Karina and Amira. Amira was sweet to Sera, braiding her hair, they were getting along fine. But we see what has happened since, Sera avoided both her and Karina even when hosting other girls in B1.
  2. I would prefer to be there. It's a nicer place. But as someone just mentioned there will be no sex in this place while Sera is there.
  3. Yea, and the GB Packers will win the SB this year. NOT.
  4. If Sera wants to hang with Mila and Oksi so bad why not do it at B4? Nope, it has to be her way or not at all.
  5. Amira, best wishes and safe travels. I am sorry that Sera spoiled the latter part of your stay. Take care. At least you made one new friend in Karina who will now continue to be subjected to Sera's B.S.
  6. Sera carries herself like her shit don't stink, she has no class, is very selfish. She couldn't even say goodbye to Amira. Bottom of the barrel.
  7. Jane's little friend left about an hour after they did yesterday and has not returned, Dick waited up for her but no show. When she will be back is anyone's guess. The last time she left they were all gone about 4 days.
  8. Mila and Sera sharing a moment again until Oksi-interrupts again. Lays down between them then Mila sits up.
  9. It must be local or Karina would have stuck around to say goodbye. I am sure this is per Sera's wishes.
  10. For her to move in someone had to move out. Amira is headed home Noldus?
  11. Sera speaking to Daisy but not her roommates. It takes a special kinda person to treat someone you live with such callous disregard. Kinda makes you wonder what does she say to the 10 others from B2/B3/B4 about them, they are not blind.
  12. She is entertaing herself, she is channeling her inner Brittney Spears it seems, dancing and singing. She was singing last night, she has quite the voice, compared to Elvira who was >trying< to sing earlier... ouch!!
  13. So between Laima last night and Elvira this afternoonwe are having a Karaoke contest. Laima wins. By a longshot.
  14. Sera just completely ignored Amira and Karina..seated just 2 feet away at the table what a @%#&#*!!
  15. Oksi went shopping for a a gift for Mila. She is very animated about her adventure...
  16. Then you are right Cheesy. Mila needs to step up her game instead of playing with her phone.
  17. Here's my pergunta (question). Don't you think if Sera wanted something to "go down" that she would just initiate that?
  18. I think they have to get clearance from Nora first. So you know that won't happen.
  19. To be fair, look at what has transpired since Amira arrived. She checks into B4 and spends all of her time with Sera, sleeping, showering and eating together getting on just great until they moved to B1. That's where everything has changed. They initially kept the same routine 2-3 days until Karina arrived and now we see Sera with anyone who are not Amira and Karina. How would you feel about the project if you were treated this way...? Probably not very good.
  20. Sera is a one woman kinda girl. She is in love with Serafima.
  21. Mila is a chameleon she can love on Sera if ever she would open up to her. But that as has been said highly unlikely.
  22. I know we're at the beginning of Mila's stay at B4, she has not been the same as her last stay. She did wake up early and as someone said "touch her plum" most everyday more than once. But she was also surrounded by a different set of girls. That in front of Sera would be a delight to see Thes.
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