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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. Guestroom before Dick and Jane finished cam 11 before he came in
  2. Don't the other girls realize what is going on between their host and her roommates? This isn't awkward at all since they hosted those same 2 ladies at B4 last night.
  3. Hey Sera..You didn't tell me we->you had company. Wow..no words.
  4. I know someone whose been talking about that very thing for a few days now..hmm
  5. It may be drugs, one night she and Jane were in and out of there 20 times and were awake more than 36 hours...
  6. Now with the 2 extra lamps their bedroom..it's well lit with the Christmas lights on the headboard too
  7. Can you say screenshot...wow. Noldus please be right..😁
  8. She had a man this morning in the half bath off camera. Dick even stopped to listen thru the door.more kissing
  9. Love this...finally. What we were watching to see...will they go all in and take it to the next level..he did hand her a condom in the bedroom..earlier..
  10. Part fashion show, part seduction..waiting on Jane to change
  11. Dick and Jane in the guest room. Striptease by her for Dick. Those 50 cent pink nipples of hers are hard. I think it's Dick's birthday?? She is hott dancing for him very sexy...in stiletto heel shoes..
  12. That's more than fair but there is a pattern here in the past 10 days or so that does look on the surface that seems as though that is the case. That's all I am saying.
  13. Last night she left B1 before her roommates and came back with the B3 couple for a party while A/K were at B4. She spends a her free time at B3, since before the other couple left. When she invited a couple of the B4 girls over the other night she ended a massage session them went out to the club with the B4 girls and came back just before dawn. Now this. It's just a coincidence. You are right. Stormy one. To me her actions as of late say otherwise.
  14. I know that but my point is 2 nights in a row she is hosting a party in without Amira and Karina her roomates. Who were just with these B4 girls last night minus Mila who was asleep.
  15. Sera hosting another party without Amira and Karina. That's special it's only Christmas. Great job Sera.
  16. Is not incredible that Sera is hosting a party 2 nights in a row without Amira and Karina?
  17. Kinda of seems coordinated but maybe just a coincidence that at the same time Amira and Karina left B4 to return back to B1, Sera was leaving B1 and Jenn left Frank alone at B3. You can't make this stuff up. "Happy Christmas"
  18. Dick and Jane returned late last night Her little live in friend took who I described as he BF off camera into the hallway half bath before going to bed. Dick have her a big hug in the kitchen prior. (Affection w/o intimacy) She and the male guest spent several minutes there Dick came by during and placed 2 pieces of bubble wrap on the floor outside the door,( as a prank) then came back to listen at the door for a brief moment before going to bed. She and the man came out went into the guest room for a couple mins before he went into the LR, she gave him a hug and he retires to the sofa. Katia/Lola whatever we are calling her is handling her business off camera. My guess is she is a (private) dancer" and does not want to be seen dancing on camera. Now we know. The mystery of where they all where for 4 days is anyones guess. I bet she is a great dancer...
  19. Jane her little guest and BF are back. Still no sign of Dick.
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