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Everything posted by charliefoxx69

  1. What's the line from the movie.. Daisy -> " You sure know how to treat a person". Now, they want to engage her in conversation because they can't avoid her.
  2. She needs to buy herself a 10" toy that will help "loosen her up"
  3. Hey Sera how are your roommates? (I thought I told you not to mention them)
  4. I used the words insecure and immature to describe Oksi. She can't be cool, she does not know how to lay back. She has to show you that this girl is with me. Very boorish and childlike.
  5. Sera brings Mila and Oksi back to B1 after spending the afternoon with Maluma from B2.
  6. Why do the right thing it's not her way. I think it's connected to a 3way switch and it's not on.
  7. You assume that we don't know this. The bickering between, Sera, Amira and Karina that kept them A/K in Amira's room when the B4 girls stayed overnight the night after A/K had just spent the night with the B4 girls at B4 the previous night scripted. Sera being at B3 with Frank and Jenn or at B1 when A/K are not, then B2 last night. You are right.
  8. Sera changing to leave out again. She should put on a t-shirt that says : ANYWHERE BUT HERE!!!
  9. Just the opposite my friend. They are good. Laughing and smiling in Karina's room. Sera is back with the B2 girl.
  10. Definitely a Spanish lesson. Working on phrases. We know Sera is the Queen of the B villas so she is getting her ques from Nora or someone. If you, notice she does carry 2 phones with her. Always a text never a call that we can see and boom there she is in B2 to spend the night or B3..etc. She must get paid extra to show up in the other apts. Strange how she has not made it back to B4. But hosted a party for them @B3/B1.
  11. Seems like she is having a Spanish lesson Cheesy. Not speaking to Nora.
  12. You know my Cheeseheaded friend it's been a few days since we saw your girl with the banana in her tailpipe. Why do you think that is? In fact, we have seen nothing from her since.
  13. They are close and last night we saw them, especially Karina get much more comfortable with her part at B3. You are right.
  14. The words Immature and insecure come to mind plus inconsiderate. All these words start with the letter "I".
  15. Sera and the girls from B2 just left I will give you 3 guesses where they are headed and the first 2 don't count.
  16. Happy I don't know about you but is it not better to warm up the car before you drive it even if your just driving a short distance? Fedor is great at that. His girl is always satisfied.
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