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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. This is probably the worst cast that RLC has ever had in B2. In the middle of summer, its such a well located apartment and instead of some people actualy life there, RLC has only bullshit and boredom at this place. I really think RLC would do better to close the apartment than to let these three continue annoying customers.
  2. I don't know what was meant, but I think one problem is certainly that after Martina had sex with Nelly, the interest in events with her and Alberto have certainly decreased. The relationship has given both girls, Nelly and Martian the spot light. When it is really over, the attention will also decrease, which in RLC probably also means a loss of money.
  3. The whole group made a very sympathetic impression. 😃 They were really there to party, and that has unfortunately become a rarity in RLC. The girl sleeping in the livingroom looks great. In the night there were two more girls to visit who also looked very nice. If more would happen with this girls, it would be really interesting, but I have given up hoping for something like that on RLC. Still, It was very nice to see a real party on RLC again. The whole thing reminded me a tiny bit of the new year's celebrations at nelly and bodgan's apartments, where a group of young people spent the holidays there while n&b were on vacation.
  4. There hasn't been anything like this at RLC in a very long time. Nice to see so many real guests. 😃👍
  5. I think it would be more important for RLC to have more residents who really live in the apartments. It used to be that you could almost always find an apartment where something was going on that was worth watching. Imagine, for example, if all the girls in the GOV apartments really would get a visit from their BF or some other LI from time to time, and then not hold back from the camera what happens. Depending on what you count or not (in terms of hiding) there are currently 8-12 girls in the project, from which you see nothing of the sort and will most likely never see. That's up to half of the girls in the current cast that you don't see having sex. In addition, of the girls who openly have sex in front of the camera, many have simply been there for too long, or simply do not look really good to be truly interesting to watch.
  6. Your fetish may not be as unusual as you think. I guess, there are a lot of fathers who like to remember their pregnant wife. However, I don't really care if she is pregnant or not, it would be nice to see her BF visit in any case. 😃
  7. Okay, even though we all know that none of my wishes will come true: I wish RLC would stop giving shows, but really give a glimpse into the lives of the residents again. I wish RLC would open some new couple apartments (at best with high quality girls like Anabelle, Eva or Lana). I wish RLC would bring Holly back in an real roommate apartment (or with her BF if there is any). What would you wish for? BTW, Stella's return could be considered the fulfillment of one of my wishes. I like that she brings her BF at least occasionally to the apartments. I also like that Gina has her own place, even more now that a group of her friends were there (and in B1) to visit.
  8. Everything is moving rather away from Bodgan and Alberto than in the direction you seem to hope for. I think at some point Bodgan will wake up and realize that he has become obsolete.
  9. The sad thing about people like you is that you really believe you are smart. I am sorry to tell you this, but you are not. 😂 Like everyone here, we can only make assumptions about what happens outside the camera range. You shouldn't badmouth people for something that is unlikely and is based solely on your negative prejudice.
  10. Let's ignore for a moment that like most of your assumptions this one again is completely made up out of thin air, this time also your logic is also completely absurd. What makes Nelly behavior so nasty in the current situation is that she takes liberties for herself that she forbid Bodgan. So she gripes with him for spending too much time with the girls (the last group of girls), although he was just frendly and always kept his distance, while she herself had sex with others. However, if both were free, used this freedom and did not envy the other there freedom, i.e. actualy lived an open relationship, everything would be fine.
  11. I don't think that the situation with Nelly and Martina will develop into something like a normal swinger relationship. Bodgan increasingly becoming the third wheel on the wagon. Him being friendly while his own wife is taking him for a fool is not really the best reaction.
  12. RLC could kick them out at any time, preferably in combination with the show girls from B2. That would be an event to celebrate. 😂
  13. In the case of the twins, a day of sadness, I would say. So much time and so little actual content. Also in this stay, the real action only takes place somewhere else and in the apartments (or the house) there are only cheap shows.
  14. It's really strange. A guest girl in this place who practically only has sex, and then a bunch of girls in GOV who never have sex.
  15. It's insane, if this continues, this guest girl alone has had more sex in front of the camera than all the GOV girls together had over the last few years. 😂
  16. Just imagine if RLC had to close all Spanish apartments for good this time, just like they did with Russia.
  17. I thought the context was obvious, but of course I meant something like "the girls are not sexual interested in each other". It is exactly the same issue as with Leora and Malia. The girls are maybe friends, but obviously have no sexual interest in each other. The do this pseudo lesbian bullshit show for money, that is all. It's the same thing that the last cast of B2 pulled off so often. A guy is invited, endless teasing by the group of girls, but nothing ever happens. One can only hope for the guy that it is at least paid for this bullshit. Nothing will happen. The guy would have a better chance of having sex in the nunnery than in one of the GOV apartments. 😂
  18. What is the point of the same girls going from one apartment to the next to repeat the same meaningless events, which they endure like robots, without showing any real emotion or being involved in the slightest? The problem with these shows is that they are easy for the girls to perform and as long as they get away with it, nothing will ever really happen. Take a look at Tesla, for example. In the beginning, she really took part in the project, but then quickly saw with the other residents how little participation is needed to still get invited again and again. Why should they bother to really keep these apartments alive when these bullshit shows are enough to fool people like you. It is not that the shows are better than nothing, but the shows destroy real life.
  19. Of course, prime time is over, and the girls have done their work. BTW, I really think that this bullshit show should not be called a party. That's just not fair to the apartments where at least occasionally have actual a party.
  20. No, shows are worse than nothing because they destroy reality. It is an easy way for residents to pretend that something is happening, and one of the main reasons that so little actually happens in this apartments.
  21. Just wake up, the guy is so boring for the girls that they prefer to watch TV. The girls have chosen the guy precisely because nothing will happen. It's about making it look like something could happen, while in reality the girls want to do as little as possible, at least in front of the camera.
  22. If RLC had brought back the guys they had in B4, there would have at least been the possibility for some action with the girls. For this guy absolutely none of the girls has even a rudimentary interest.
  23. These are the moments when I wonder if the other twin is having sex off camera. 🤣
  24. This indicates that the two may have had sex off camera already. The miracle of RLC has struck again. 😂 The really interesting events always happen off camera. 🤣
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