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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. They are the usual teasing show events. No matter if it's with the twins or most of the other girls in GOV. All just bullshit. Not long ago, there were these bullshit shows in B2. The girls also invited a guy, put on a endless teasing show, but nothing ever happend on camera. Even if they suddenly had sex in front of the camera, which is highly unlikely to happen, it would be more like a porn event and not remotely exciting or interesting. With Tesla's decision to give only bullshit shows now instead of actually living there, and the twins moving in, B4 is dead for the next few month. The sooner people realize this, the less they will be disappointed later on.
  2. It's the same shit as the pseudo lesbian shows. An event for the cameras to fool the viewers and real life takes place somewhere else. It's a shame, but RLC has never recovered since all the Russian apartments went away. So much bullshit and just way too little real content. 🤮
  3. I hate it when these absolutely silly bullshit show events are portrayed as something I support just because suddenly a guy is participating. I think, RLC should be about seeing real events, with real emotions and real relationships. It shouldn't be about creating events as a show for the camera. Until recently it looked like the guy might really be the BF of one of the girls (I can't tell the two apart and have no interest in trying at all). A real relationship, with real emotions and everything that goes with it. That everything would end again in such a bullshit show, one could have foreseen. It was just a small chance, and I knew from the start that with the twins, the road is more likely to end in a bullshit show, just like always. It is important to emphasize. When I speak of more guys in the apartments, I certainly don't mean that the unemotionality of the pseudo lesbian shows is now simply retained in show with some guy present. I am in favor of finally stopping the shows and instead showing real relationships and real life.
  4. I really wish people would stop calling these teasing show events a party. At least not call it a real party. One thing should be clear to everyone here. Without the cameras, these events would never take place like this. It would not be about girls running around half nacked and it would be some actual guests (not just one apartment moved to a different apartment) with at least a halfway balanced ratio between the sexes. The reason these events are so strange is that the residents want to make it look like more than they actually are. They want to create a show and in doing so, they create a over-sexualized impression that ultimately triggers expectations (with at least some viewers) that they never fulfill. In the end, it's quite simple. RLC try to makes it look like it's a swinger party, much like some of the events in VHTV, but then skip the sex part this events normaly have. If the residents would just behave normally throughout, it would not be so incredibly unbelievable and dishonest. The problem of B2, an apartment whose residents do not really live in this apartment, cannot be solved by shows. It needs residents who really participate in the project. Real guests, real emotions, real life.
  5. To be honest, I don't see the problem in B5 but in the GOV concept in general. No matter how the guys would behave, the result is a given and even with this events look like swinger party, it will never something happen.
  6. Lola and Anna are there and so it is almost certain that nothing will happen. It will be just again a lame teasing only bullshit show night. Also, Once again not a single genuine guest. Just the mandatory event for the camera where people are shuffled from one apartment to another, because today it was just their turn.
  7. Leora is on vacation, which means that Malia will have to keep her genitals fully point into the camera as long as possible. What a load of crap. 🤮 A little further and the girls have to get a vaginal camera to take pictures from inside her pussy. 🤣😂
  8. The cameras will always have an influence, but there is a big difference between the actions that make sense even without cameras and those that are only inzinated for the camera. Can you understand that? For example, if Stella has sex with the guy, that's something they would have even without camera. They are a real couple and real couples have real sex. It is, in complete contrast to the events that are performed only for the camera, such as all the pseudo lesbian shows. There is so many things that make this difference quite easily recognizable. One thing is that the pseudo lesbian shows is something that always takes place only at prime time. The normal intimacy for intimate relationships is also missing in the pseudo lesbian shows. There is no emotional closeness there, except perhaps for friendship, and that shows itself again and again. After one of these pseudo lesbian shows, for example, the girls never fall asleep arm in arm, and these events never take place spontaneously, but always at prime time, because they are artificial. No matter what you say, real emotions, real relationships, that's real life. No matter whether it interests you or not. RLC should have this insight, show real people with their real lives. That's what RLC used to be and the only reason why 24/7 cameras make any sense.
  9. There were two events. The second was definitely without doubt with sex. I know you have something against real people, with their real lives on RLC, although I will never understand why. The idea of RLC (at least in the past) is to get an insight into the private life of other people which you otherwise do not have. The decisions about how people live their lives should be left up to them. It is not your life, but theirs. I know many here believe they know better than the residents what would be right or wrong for them. Some, like you, even believe that they are some kind of moral authority. Sorry to disappoint you, but no one here will ever see you as morally superior or being a somewhat wise person because you simply are not. Part of life is making mistakes. Drugs can be one of those mistakes. The decision and the resulting consequences are borne by the residents, it is their life. The only thing you can expect is what RLC is all about, and that is to get a real view into "the private life of other people" and you should remember that nobodies real life is perfect.
  10. Very nice, Stella's BF got used to the cameras even faster than Pam BF did. 😃 Spontaneous sex, with real emotions and genuine relationship. This is what RLC should be.
  11. The best thing would be for RLC to simply move the twins to B2. So, the two do nothing girls can hang out with the other do nothing girls and spoil each other's mood. It is the best way to keep the negative influence of the twins away from the other apartments.
  12. I would love to see the real party the girls leave the apartment for, but at RLC there is probably only once again pseudo lesbian bullshit show. 🤮 This time with Pam. A really sad development to see now also Pam do this bullshit.
  13. Maybe it is the moment we have all been waiting for and Leora finally leaves the project. 🤣
  14. What? So the girls finally brought their BFs into the apartment and had real sex instead of these pseudo lesbian bullshit shows. Wow!!! 😂🤣😂
  15. To be honest, this group does remind me more on apartments like Annabele and Efim. 😃👍 Maybe the apartment what I probably miss the most, of the good old time on RLC. BTW, I don't see any problem with more than one good apartment, if something really exciting should happen in Masha apartment and at the same time with Gina and Stella, there is always the extended view mode. 😄 I'm just delighted that there are finally some real visitors, again.
  16. The whole thing is developing better than I dared to hope. Really a very good amosphere and a lot of fun to watch.
  17. Have you ever ordered a $45 steak in a restaurant? Sure, this is not yet a Wagyu steak, but for $45 you can expect something. Now just imagine, the order is out, it takes its time and then the plate comes. But instead of the steak as described in the menu, the plate comes with a big pile of fresh bullshit. Effortfully garnished, complete with all the side items, but still just bullshit. Shall I tell you what I don't understand? I don't understand how you seriously want to pretend that this bullshit has any value. 🤐 It just doesn't make sense to have the cameras running 24/7 when the only thing that happens is an emotionless and unrealistic show at the same time every day. On top of that, if you just want to see women having sex, which if you're honest RLC doesn't even have, because almost all of this bullshit shows are teasing only, there are a thousand times better porn alternatives on the internet, for a lot less money (or even for free), in better video quality and with better looking girls. My goodness, there are even porn sites with lesbian content, where the girls are actually lesbians. 😂 From my point of view, the whole 24/7 camera idea only makes sense if RLC actually has residents who really live in the apartments. No shows, but a real insight into the private lives of the residents and hetero girls who do not pretend to be lesbian, but quite normal sometimes have a BF to visit.
  18. This is one of the points that surprise me the most. Why not at least install simple rotary locks on the bedroom doors. It would be very simple and completely sufficient. Well, as few guests they have, I guess no one has ever thought about it. For a night on the smartphone, a lock on the door is probably not so crucial. 😂
  19. Pseudo lesbian bullshit, as expected. Simply ridiculous.
  20. The event of Anna was not sex, at least not in the definition according to bill clinton. 😂 Also, I think, only what was really visible from the cameras should count. So, okay, I honestly forgot about Mila. She is so incredibly unremarkable in this stay.
  21. A meeting of the do nothing girls, as boring as expected. Not a single genuine guest. Where, for example, is the BF that one of the twins once had to visit. BTW, not one of these girls has had open sex in front of the camera, despite all the time they have been in the project.
  22. Lola, Anna and both twins in B4, that is will certainly one of the most boring days in the history of the house. 😂
  23. I think it's good that they do not do this silly pseudo lesbian shows, and I think, Tereza and Timur are currently the best couple in RLC right now. Granted, that's not saying much, as RLC currently doesn't give a shit about the couple apartments, but they are similar in character and appearance to many couples of the high quality apartments RLC used to have in Russia. A reminder of the good old days. 😃👍
  24. This then completes the other two failures RLC has casted for B2. There is a reason why even many GOV fans here say that this apartment is the most boring RLC may has ever had.
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