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Everything posted by Alladino

  1. The GOV concept has never really worked. Of all the girls that RLC has there, maybe one or two are actually ready to participate in the project for real. The rest only give teasing shows or pretend to masturbate. However, to believe that these girls do not have sex is very naive. Just because it do not happen in this apartment, does not mean it do not happen at all.
  2. Could it be that it's not a party but one of those Lola and Anna bullshit events? πŸ˜‚ A bunch of straight girls, without guys, just give a lame teasing show for the camera, where absolutely nothing happens.
  3. That's correct, no one can be sure here. It's strange for an apartment that should actually give an insight into the private lives of the residents ...
  4. Well, as you may have seen from my comments, I suspect that the girls each have a relationship with a guy. This guy, then probably also has the drive described by you and will make his wishes known to the respective girl. In addition, it is also true considered that there are girls with a pronounced sexual desire, too. πŸ˜‚ Even if there is not so much sex as there most likely will, there is still the question why there are almost no visitors in this apartment, in general.
  5. Maybe Malia is texting with her BF (or Ex-BF) ...
  6. I like to think in probabilities and use my common sense. For example, if one of the girls spends night after night somewhere else, I is very likely that she is with her BF. Of course, there are other explanations, but these are simply much less likely. That's enough to make one wonder how much value a project like RLC has if, despite all the sex she has most likely outside, none of it makes it into this apartment. Very similar thing goes for Malia with her BF or ex-BF, who was also never seen in this apartment.
  7. What always amazes me is how much people here believe they can say something with 100% certainty that they only know from hearsay. Even if the translations are correct, and something was really said in the apartment exactly as it is reproduced here by someone, that does not mean the information allegedly contained therein is automatic 100% correct. The girls can omit things, lie, or be misunderstood because the corresponding context is missing. It is similar to sites like facebook. People create an artificial reality, a facade, and this is certainly not complete and certainly not 100% correct. πŸ˜‚
  8. I'm not sure I understood you correctly. Do you mean that RLC made the preview more blurry to avoid potential customers to notice before subscription that nothing is really going on?
  9. I think they are losing more and more customers now. Fewerpeople are buying into the shows, and otherwise they simply lack real content. In the Leora and Malia apartment, this is especially extreme. Here one only have to pay for one day, make a recoding and then he practical has the same content as someone who pays $45 per month, just by restarting the same video over and over again. πŸ˜‚
  10. Why? The two are not a couple. How long is this pseudo lesbian bullshit show charade supposed to continue? If Malia has found some real friends there, maybe even a real relationship, why not stick to it, rather than doing the same RLC bullshit shows over and over again.
  11. Well, considering how much time the residents spend in the tent ot of view there, it's only logical to finally install a camera there. πŸ˜‰
  12. I'm surprised that you don't know the concept, but if you want to buy a smartphone, you can do so in a lot of stores placed almost everywere, even in cities as small as Barcelona. πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‚
  13. You can't know for sure if they may chatting again and might even get back together. Malia could even lie to Leora in this context. Overall, however, I'm referring to a general context and not just to the current situation. If she had a BF a month ago, the relationship may be back on tomorrow. That is life.
  14. The original idea of RLC is not to produce some silly shows for the cameras but to get an insight into the life of the residents. This has always included the residents using smartphones to communicate with thier friends and their relationships, as I'm sure also most viewers do. It should not matter in the least how you feel about it, or that it bothers you that she uses her smartphone. It is her life and not yours. In general, it is reasonable to assume that it would be good for Malia to escape the clutches of Leora. Maybe she could ever bring her BF into the apartment and drive Leora out of the apartment in the long run. 🀣 That would be an interesting development and with a guy in the apartment, Malia would certainly be more concentrated when action is called for. πŸ˜‚
  15. Actually, the occasional absence of the residents is definitely a good sign, as it is simply normal not to spend 24/7 in an apartment. The problem starts when there are no visitors in return. Since is twins already had a visitor here, which, by the way, strongly deviates from their previous participation to the project, I think that we now have to see, how the whole thing develops. An interesting question will be to see if the twins are really ready also to have their sex life in front of the camera this time. I suspect not, but I'm not as sure as I was a few days ago.
  16. Isn't that unusually early for this bullshit shows? I wonder why that is. Can it be that both girls have something outside to do tonight, or is the competition from the other apartments at prime time too strong at the moment? Very strange. πŸ˜‚
  17. It looks like they may be approaching this stay differently than the previous ones. I would not have thought that possible. That they have a visitor is definitely a very big step in the right direction. πŸ˜ƒπŸ‘
  18. Yeah, now people are even questioning whether I know where I live. πŸ˜‚ I deliberately based my answer on Germany, because I only know the legal situation here. The decisive factor in Germany is the Arbeitszeitgesetz. It is important to understand that the european regulations only set the minimum standards. The applicable laws are those in force in the respective countries. ArbZG - Arbeitszeitgesetz WWW.GESETZE-IM-INTERNET.DE What is much more important, however, is that this law is aimed at an employee relationship and that certain groups are regulated otherwise.
  19. I do not think that the contracts fall under the the law of employment relationship. In germany, for example (but certainly also in other european countries), this would mean that certain maximum working hours per day would not be allowed to be exceeded. With this, RLC may have the apartment online for only 10 hours a day. πŸ˜‚
  20. I, and some others here, suspect that Leora has a BF in the instead. This will probably be the place where she spends all the nights she is not in the apartment. I also think that leora's interest in money should not be confused with bisexuality. Without the cameras, nothing would happen between the girls for sure.
  21. I will answer you with the statement of another person, since you would not accept my statement anyway. πŸ˜‚ Do you understand what I mean? They've been doing this kind of peudo lesbian bullshit show for ages now, and it still doesn't look real. The reason for this is so simple that it should not be necessary for me to explain. The two are not sexually interested in each other. That is the difference, and someone who does not live completely in a fantasy world, this is easy to see. My goodness, the girls have, as often discussed here, their BFs outside this apartment. It's a bullshit show for the camera, a facade to make you forget the lifelessness of this apartment.
  22. What I just can't understand is, why it have to be these two girls? πŸ˜‚ Instead of pretending to be lesbian, wouldn't it make more sense to find girls who actual are lesbians?
  23. Do you go to a restaurant just to get full? My goodness, RLC is more than just the sex. To just watch people have sex there are almost endless videos (a lot of them even free) on the internet. You don't need cameras that run 24/7 for just porn. RLC used to be a place where you could at least get a little insight into other people's private lives. That's still their motto, by the way, if you haven't noticed. πŸ˜‚
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