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John the Baptist

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Everything posted by John the Baptist

  1. I have screenshots of Nelly in their old apartment back in Mother Russia cleaning the house shackeled and in slave attire. Very hot. She is a strong woman, but submissive at heart.
  2. While I cannot speak for Harley, I agree with him. As a rule of thumb you should always try to make life intereseting, inside the bedroom and out. The sexlife of me and my wife is very different than it was 18 years ago. I'm now 38 and I can say our sexual drive has never been better. Keep it nice, keep it fresh, invest some time. If all you have is maintenance sex, well yeah. That grows old pretty quick. But that goes for both parties don't you think.
  3. Things develop so quickly nowadays, it's hard to keep up with. As much as I'd love to watch Martina 24/7.... Well you know where I'm going. Thank heavens for replay.
  4. So am I correct in saying this is only thing of interest that happened?
  5. Last time i posted a screenshotted pic in the premium section it got me an ip ban at rlc. So no on that, not without editing.
  6. I have a full lenght video of both cam 3 and cam 4. If someone could tell me how to anonimize it, let me know!
  7. I don't know Martina is talking to on the phone but she does not sound happy. She's talkig very fast and I cannot make much out of it, but it seems to be about money
  8. I don't frequent these forum as much as I should but what the heck is UM?
  9. in general, the more southern you go, the more 'loose' people are. It's less common nowadays, but when I was young (mid 30's now) and we went to visit spain or france in the summer there were topless women on every beach and they men and woman were very firty and touchy. Especially Spanish people are vey social and interact a lot in ways that are different to a nothern european or an American. My parents had Spanish friends that would behave in the same way. The women never wore a bra, for instance. Having her hug me when they came over was one of the highligts of their visit when I was a teenager, I can tell you that! I guess it's less common now with all the snowflakes and new prudeness going around, but I think martina was raised the Old fashioned Spanish way.
  10. Alberto left after the fucking, leaving Martina to finish herself. Missed chance, Aberto.
  11. Dinghy on the rocks in Teulada, the autopsy: the Russian model drowned - L'Unione Sarda.it WWW.UNIONESARDA.IT Cronaca Sardegna - Approfondisci su L'Unione Sarda.it Some more background
  12. I for one applaud that thread already in advance
  13. Well it kinda does. Doesnt have anything to do with social graces really. Maybe she is a farmers daughter :). People blow their nose, pick their nose, scratch in inapropriate places, fart, whatever. It's all part of the game. I personally think that the only person on this earth that doesnt do all that might be Leora, which makes Malia doing it extra bad 😉 Maybe she has hayfever?
  14. Just goes to show that these girls are only human...
  15. What happened with Nelly and Bogdan getting such a bad reputation on site here? I liked watching them before The Big Russian Purge (also because Nelly has some nice kinky bdsm tendancies)
  16. Did anyone catch Martina undressing her last night? Just watched it on replay. Never thought I'd see Martina unhooking another girls' bra... Shame that it was because the girl was drunk, but you gotta be happy with the small things in life 🙂
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