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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Yep! That's what I thought, but the underlying brown spots didn't look like psoriasis plaques. But in retrospect, I can see how those are old plaque scars, but usually they are redder. Hope you have a good immunologist. I worked on a psoriasis clinical research study a long time ago. It was pretty cool. It was a drug that was supposed to lubricate the plaque and dissolve it so some extent. The interesting part was that it was also a device study. The drug worked in conjuction with various levels of ultraviolet light applied to the drug treated plaque. I even got to be present and help the doctors office apply the drug and adjust the lamps. Unfortunately, the result was a failure. This is a very difficult condition to treat and there not any very good treatments for it. It's not contagious if anyone is wondering. I wish you luck with it. Enjoy your wives! Any more in the works? Of 2 is better then 1, then surely 3 is better than 2. πŸ˜Šβ€οΈπŸ’‹
  2. Smalller the place, lower the rent, higher the profit. Simple!
  3. Joey, I love the cadence of your voice. Flows like river through my mind. I don't know, just a compliment for your style. I personally appreciate it cause I know that it takes effort and intent. ❀️
  4. Courtney 😊 You bad girl you. πŸ’₯
  5. Rule of thumb here in this thread is this, look, but do not touch! You've been warned!
  6. Not hearing too many positive things about Pablo. That's too bad! Maybe he'll learn to be a better guy.
  7. Yeah, but I wonder if they can see the viewer rate per cam and thus, a competition for views within the apt. Guess since Juliet is done bating, there is no competition.
  8. I bet they are competing to see who get the most views.
  9. I distinctly heard the sound of several locks being clamped shut after they got there. πŸ˜† Sounded like this: https://www.pond5.com/sound-effect/67041644/door-doors-jail-prison-bar-door-latch-mechanism-int-close-lo.html
  10. Understanding ☺️ I'm just kidding! I really have no idea. Anyone?
  11. A place where non-members can post caps of the preview pics that VHTV selects to represent each apt. I want to see if these change over time or if they stay the same.
  12. Do they have any belongings there? Seriously AlexLina places are the worst when it comes to the empty apt cam studios. Real homes? I don't think so VHTV. Surely you can do better.
  13. Oh wow, what happened to Mr. Optimistic? At least you are in agreement that camstars don't belong on a voyeur site and they should be rightly shunned for doing such a blatant, non-realistic, act. To me, it's cheating. Don't be living on a voyeur site and then cheat against your fellow competitors by slinging the pussy for views. The job requires subtlety, skill, and an actual interesting life.
  14. Yes, yes it is! There has been a grand total of 1 real transgirl on VHTV and she was in guy mode 95% of the time. I'm so bummed! Sorry, but none of those non-binary types count for me. I want to see a transgirl who by every means necessary and available seeks femininity as the goal of life. I want to see a serious effort in this regard broadcast on VH. But, I'm picky! The lady has to be able to at the very least barely be able to pull it off. Sorry, no bear man who cross dresses. Oh well, you get the idea. It's never going to happen though. πŸ˜”
  15. Yes! That's what I'm hearing. Too many tenants and guests to keep track of. Being God must be hard. πŸ˜πŸ˜‰
  16. Yes, thats was classic! Lisa sure was a fun girl. I would have prefered seeing her slowly torture those BatMan panties into oblivion though. 😊
  17. I miss Lisa!! She was awesome. Too bad she was with lame-o Nick. She was the most cock drunk girl I've ever seen on these sites. True north always pointed to Nick's dick. I so wished that she would have explored her lesbian side more.
  18. With a guy she just broke up with and whom he knows has already fucked other guys? Surely that is not possible? This has to be the most amicable break up in the history of break ups. Something is afoot!
  19. ...and you're laughing? No doubt an evil laugh too. Titty twister for you. πŸ‘ŒπŸ˜
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