Nope, it was just sort of implied. He made her open a drawer and there is was. The next scene was her at work looking uncomfortable. Ya know, like she had a big stainless steel plug stuck up her ass.
I will admit the butt plug is an awesome invention. You should definitly try one. 😊
How old skool of you to say. We all know that neovoyeurism is about a tenants navigation of their own life's capacities as pitted against the demands of the viewers for survival to stay.
Yes, the kitty has a streak of fearlessness whereas age brings out the cautiousness in wise old Tomi. There’s a life lesson here somewhere I think. 😊
Hope all is well with you Let’s! ❤️
Thx! I missed you too. ❤️
I have always loved Lisa. She seems to be carrying us along on this journey of hers. It's as if sometimes she takes a glimpse back at us to see how we're doing and then turns forward to make her choices a reality. She makes herself transparent to me on a subliminal level. I can perceive her thinking process and she just seems real to me. There are a few others on VH who are also like this to me and those are the ones who I enjoy the most. It's the ones who I can't feel, the one's who put up a veneer over themselves, who I don't enjoy as much.
Here’s the thing about boring sex. More then likely it’s not boring to the participants regardless how it looks. So, if it’s boring to you that's a sign. 😊
I love how people selectively forget that Chloe ever existed and that the sex with her and Lisa was only some kind of practice run for the real lesbian sex she would be doing later. Discussing the semantics of passion would be worthy if Lisa was actually in love with this girl, but as we all know, it’s a show for views. Nothing more, nothing less! Enjoy it for what it is!
* couldn’t help myself! Hibernation is too boring! ❤️
I hear you and you’re probably right. It’s just a gut reaction that I have whenever I see it. I feel pain in my soul for all others out there who are like me and are terrified of what society thinks of them. To the point that it stops them from being who they were meant to be. Like me!
@golfer06 You really don’t mind if they tap the VH cams and so POV cam shows on VH? I won’t get into an argument with you about it, I just want to know if you think it’s an acceptable practice or not.
And yet you guys remain glued to this soap opera. Honestly, I applaud you for that. Means you’re actually voyeurs! Unfortunately, there’s only about 5 of you and as someone recently said to me, you’re worth to them isn’t enough to feed a mouse.
I'm guessing that Stella will be doing this soon too. Jeka must have worked out an agreement with VH to test this theory that tapping the cams will draw in the camstars audience. I think it's going to work like a charm. Yay!