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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Oh, self proclaimed pro huh? Good for you! ❤️
  2. Oh, yes that’s right. Out of the loop. I suppose that should be a good thing, right? Haha!
  3. Somehow, someway that black box idea is going to fail. I’d be thinking about that every time I went in there. lol
  4. So, what’s Anna been up to? Haven’t seen too much of her. Does she stay in bed a lot or is she out of the apt somewhere? Amazing how much a pregnancy can change a person.
  5. Yea, but you’re missing out on all that pheromone goodness! From my experience a smooth bald pussy sometimes isn’t so bald or smooth and those stubble hairs around the hole can be like a meat grinder.
  6. Me too! Had a girlfriend who always shaved bald. It was nice, but a little hair down there feels better. Enough that it's soft. Sex with a stubbaly pussy hurts. My girl now just shaves the sides and trims the rest. I like it. Plus, there's the whole pheromone thing. http://www.livestrong.com/article/196634-how-to-get-rid-of-unwanted-hair-forever/
  7. The protesr did not begin because of Trump. It began because of this idiotic notion that the police are targeting black people for death and the overarching notion that the USA is illegitimate because of racism. It's a bunch of bull shit!
  8. Maybe Alan wants some pussy from a bad bitch on a big bike. Doesn't everybody?
  9. Damn! That for the pics and gifs. So fucking hot these two. Damn!
  10. I don’t think he put that decision squarely on the girls. I could be wrong, but I don’t think the guys really want to swap either.
  11. No, can’t see Clara and Stas, not a sub right now. ‘‘Twas mole sex, which I don’t really care to watch. I think you’re right about Katie and Lena. They don’t seem to have orgasms during sex so much as they do masturbating. From the looks of it today, I don’t think the guys are too far off from that problem either. Intimacy is a like a plant, you must keep up the hugging and kissing and touching, otherwise the plant dies. Groomy already qualified that there will be no swapping. I don’t think he specified the boy or girls. I think it’s all of them. Nonetheless, today performance was very low quality if you ask me. It all started with the complete lack of attention to the porn.
  12. Yes, you saw it too. Why so quick to clean up? It’s not like they are going anywhere. Plus, no affective afterwards is truly poor quality love making. The whole session looked like work. Sorry, but it wasn’t sexy.
  13. Well Peter, hurry up and clean up the mess next time. Geez, not even a kiss afterwards.
  14. Ok KPLP, you forced me to watch my own porn. I'll see ya later!
  15. I love Casahot! When I was a member, I bet I watched it more then 50%.
  16. I'd be constantly checking the TV. Lol
  17. I'll give them points for hanging out in the living room though. That's a plus.
  18. And yet they could care less. The porn on the TV shouldn't be more interesting then you. Makes em look bad and makes their sex seem like work. No way, I'd be able to sit still.
  19. Really! Never seen people so I uneffected by porn. That's a bad sign. To be so young and already immune to porn. Sad!
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