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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. looks like a bunch of silly parties on vhtv today. that's cool. at least they are smiling. ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ™‚
  2. well somebody must be watching it. just nobody here it seems. oh well!
  3. @lolaaloveyou awesome! thank you. see, nothing major. just a little scuffle. now it's clear to all at least that much of it. indeed vhtv will clear the tape asap and unfortunately CC will probably be asked to censor your post, but no big deal it's out there at least for now and can be shared in secret by more people. i used to hate it when something dramatic would happen while i wasn't watching only to see that vhtv scrubbed the footage. i mean unless people are truly getting beaten in an extreme manner, i don't see the problem. it's life on an adult cam site. appreciate the post. thanks! ๐Ÿ‘
  4. good point, to be honest i'm shocked there isn't more scammery on vhtv. if i were a tenant i'll have the viewers on a leash. ๐Ÿ˜
  5. i very much appreciate your kind words. sorry, i agree, that i need to learn to be more concise. i'll work on that. ๐Ÿ™‚
  6. me neither. i mean well. all the best to you as well. most important thing is have fun and keep smiling. you're living a dream for us. ๐Ÿ’‹๐Ÿ’‹
  7. i find it odd how when things like this happen, no one seems to be willing to post images. when @Robwin had a sub, he'd do it. geez we're adults, we've all seen terrible things on video. oh well, if i has a sub i'd post the bad stuff too. it's all part of the story and everyone want to see for themselves. i know these kinds of videos to get shared in secret places.
  8. i became aware of several really bad deals that some managers were making with tenants. vhtv finally has enough of me and cut me out after i figured out the 1st month trial scam. anyways, i'm out of that game, but i have no doubt the shady deals are still happening in some fashion. my spidy senses tingle with this manager in particular. but, i could be wrong. sometimes ignorance is bliss. actually a lot of times it is bliss. have a great weekend ash! โ™ฅ๏ธ
  9. exactly! always keep all of your options open to possibilities and if people complain be happy they are watching you and following your program. no one is obligated to anything from you. you are free to sit and do nothing if you want. i suggest keep people guessing. voyeurs are suckers for the future they envision. trust me, they are used to not getting what they want all the time. complaining is just part of their fun.
  10. i was referring to the tweet. in it they referenced people aggressively complaining about the tenants not meetings their expectations and that they shouldn't have these expectations. Something like that. anyways, my comments were not to say that they couldn't push back, they were to explain why it's a bad idea. it it my opinion that announcing one's limits may stop complaints, but it will also stop views. that's all i was really saying. you've seen this many times. remember when violet made clear that she and jeff weren't going to swing, they lost a lot of views after that. i know because i was friends with her. a tenant would be wise to keep all options open, not declare their limits, and think of negative complaints as good in the sense that at least they are watching. does that make sense?
  11. well, do we really know that? just kidding, no i don't believe they are slaves, but the idea that the manager is directing their daily behavior seems plausible. i really don't know for sure, that's why i referenced my intuition as my source. either way i sense something shady is up with this manager. i'll just leave it at that. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. do you think there is a possibility that my tinnitus is caused by 5g data? on 27 Nov 2020 i bought an iphone 12 mini with 5g. that night is when my tinnitus started. i had the phone up until yesterday when i returned it. so, it didn't go away when i gpt rid of the phone. i actually have had a galaxy s20 since September with out problems but i think it uses a diferent form of 5g technology. to test this theory i where can i go to escape 5g data? so far Joshua Tree National Park seems the closest. unfortunately this test may not work as i may already be damanged and escaping 5g data will do nothing.
  13. not even close anymore. cc vhtv subs are nothing anymore. they probably still keep tabs on the forums, but probably just for an occasional laugh.
  14. Amy3


    excuse me, but what busniess is it of your to clarify my accounts to members. remember you are a moderator and what you say has significantly more clout then a regular member. your assurances to them is born out of this and to me it is unacceptable that you would use that clout to confirm or deny information about my accounts to others. my arguements have merit. again, you do not see what you do not want to see. that does not mean it doesn't exist.
  15. Amy3


    thestarider, i am honestly crying right now. thank you, thank you. trust me I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. i just want to be left alone to say what I want to say and maybe have some fun with some other members here who are still willing to talk to me. i don't want to be called a troll for no reason or that what i have to say is bullshit and stupid. i don't have any influence here anymore and i don't want any. they can have their club, i just want them to leave me and other people alone to comment how they want to without fear of getting targeted with reports and snide comments. i wish they would just stay in their clubs where they seem to be more happy anyway. the only reason i am commentig here it to shed some light on the imact it this club is having on the public forum. io know this club was created because of me and i know it's my fault. i just want it to stop. i don't hate anyone anymore. i don't want to fight anymore.
  16. my doctor thinks my may be due to taking advil, which is known to cause tinnitus. I suffer from frequent headaches and take Advil fairly regularly, not every day, but frequently. There is no other reason I can think of that it started so that might very well be the reason. Usually though tinnitus caused by Advil goes away after one stops taking it. My isn't stopping.
  17. Amy3


    A photo I have of you collaborating with members inside of the club wherein you relay information about which accounts do and don't belong to me. You are an agent for the club and I have a picture to prove it. Again you do not see what you don't want to see. You are blinded by your alligance.
  18. Amy3


    Sorry, but I know a little better than that. There are thousands of posts amoung these 2 members in the club. I am not at war. I'm responding to you that's all. I know it may seem that I am on a battle footing, I am not. I don't want this anymore. I already destoyed myself enough over it and I don't want to do it any more. I fully accept that this club exists and I understand that the Admin is not going to lift a finger to do anything about it. None of that negates the arguements that I have made or the consequences of it's existence. I am merely explaining this to you and perhaps others so that they can understand what is actually going on too. I have nothing really left to say about it, but if someone is interested to ask me here I will be happy to share my views on the matter. I put this topic here for this very purpose so that hopefully talk of the clubs be it postive or negative can be taken out of the public sphere and moved her out of view. As for me, I just want to be left in peace to speak my mind about all sorts of things in the public forum without being called a troll or that my comments are bullshit or that I am nt a good person. I apologised for losing my cool and going overboard. I paid the ultimate price for doing so and I would imagine that I am hanging by a thread as we speak. I just want to be left in peace to say what I want to say in the public forums and as long as I am not breaking the rules I hope that you moderators will do something when I too am targeted by them.
  19. Amy3


    trust me you don't and you of all of the moderators are the least effective in this regard primarily because you are a member of the club yourself and you do in fact use the power to provide clarifications on the status of other members. Remember, I know about that. Want to see the pic again? the truth is that the club is used as a base so that they can be their true selves, where they have total control over the field of play. but that isn't enough for them, no they also need to control the public forum as well, and they do control it. just look what happens when someone dares go against them. they come after them as a team. they report posts as a team. they target other members, who they don't like as a team. Sorry, but you don't see what is plain as day. This club is like no other club in that this club is a bully that hurts other members, which in turn hurts the public forum. That's what makes this club different then PMs and other clubs. I fail to see how you cannot see it, except to understand that you don't want to see it because you might lose you own ticket to the club.
  20. Amy3


    Yes, you can and there may very well be many of those, but do they make themselves known and use that platform to target other members of the forum to be ignored and shunned? Again, this club holds the power and something of value to people who belong. It is run by THE 2 most prominent members of your forum. Both of whom get benefits from VHTV and hold the keys to knowledge and content directly from the site itself. These are not mere members who are gathering to share videos in secret. To be fair this forum is a theft of the VHTV forums.
  21. Amy3


    I am more then happy to forgive and forget and move on. You fail to see the flip side of the coin and to see how they too shame away members of the public forum. You have alligance with them and so you cannot be objective in your judgement. They are a large group of your most promient posters and they are purposely coordinating an effort from within their club to ignore and shun members with the effort of a team and you think that this is harmless and that the members in the public forums should just roll over to it? This club is a bully and it has been proven to be a bully many times over. It's members are not individuals anymore they are part of a team. They are the preppy kids in high-school who have all the connections to the cool kid parties and they are purposely targeting the underclass and you moderators have for a long time just turned your head to what is really going on. To the demise of the public forum even and yet I am the problem for speaking out against it.
  22. Amy3


    Yes, you can, but it not the same as a built out forum with many members. I've done both and I know the difference. Generally people use PMs for quit chats or check-ins, but a club is a world that members can essentially live in and some do. You make my point with the comment about how civil it is in the club. This is the theft of the Admins's proper forum. He should care about this loss as it has greatly impacted his internet ranking. Generally, the club members in the other clubs are quiet about it. This one in particular was widely reported and circulated. Remember the dead links to the pics that required jabbath to admit the member into the club? Plus, the other things to note, which you don't seem to be able to recognize is the fact that the members of this particular club often target members in the public forum in several ways. First and foremost, they have largely decided to mass ignore members even to the point of threatening other members if they do not comply with their demands to also ignore said members. They frequently team up and attempt to crush the ideas of public members who may say things that are contrary to the team model of behavior. Again, if you cannot see this as bullying then you are not looking and perhaps the reason is that you yourself are among them. They may be part of the forum, but they are bad for the public forum for many reasons. The primary reason is that they are divisive. Again PMs are generally only 1-2 people and they run more like a chat then they do as a forum. Since VHTV does not prohibit content, the primary purpose of a VHTV club is to deny access to certain other members. It creates a groupthink feeling of animosity towards other members and destroys the spirit of individuality and truth in character.
  23. Pretty scary that the most commented on topic is Suicidal. I can understand why. This is torture.
  24. Did you ever see an ENT doctor?
  25. god bless you stncld! thank you, i will check that out. this is getting very difficult to manage. i took some time off work to sort of get a handle on it and try this treatment, but I am pretty terrified of trying to go back to work. i'm sort of using this forum to test my ability to concentrate again. it does seem to get louder the more i stress my mind.
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