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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. They hide too much in the bedroom. There’s no reason to close the door, yet they frequently do that. It would be very smart thing for them to always leave the bedroom door open so that freeloaders can at least see them from a distance. It’s not like they would have a very good view of them.
  2. Anybody else have an opinion about leaving threads open or closing them? I think I’m leaning towards to original idea of closing them. I suppose someone could always open and new thread under the apt, right?
  3. I totally agree with you about Lisa. Haven’t watched Serena mostly because I can’t stand Alan, but I can see what you mean. It’s a bit unfair to judge Terry and Candy since they don’t live on VH and we don’t really get to see how boring or interesting they are in their day to day activities. But, for the most part, I think you’re sort of right, they fuck well and that’s about it. Maybe if they stayed for a few days we could better tell if they were really boring or not.
  4. Just In, who do you think is the most un-boring person on VH at the moment?
  5. I think anyone who lives on VH can be found to be boring. Just imagine your own life if it was on cam. Not even counting your sex life, just your regular life. It’s almost impossible to remain interesting all day long, day in and day out. This is one the main reasons it’s hard to find people willing to do this, much less be good at it. Nonetheless, I can see why you would think Terry and Candy are boring absence sex. It’s not like either of them appear to have any other skills or talents outside of sex. I’m not hating on you.
  6. I think that fits Candy at least to the point where she gets really honey and needs dick so badly that she can’t stand it anymore. The rest of the time she’s rather lackadaisical.
  7. lack·a·dai·si·cal [ˌlakəˈdāzək(ə)l] ADJECTIVE lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy: "a lackadaisical defense left the Spurs adrift in the second half" synonyms: lethargic · apathetic · listless · sluggish · spiritless · passionless · careless· lazy · lax · unenthusiastic · halfhearted · lukewarm · indifferent · unconcerned · casual · offhand · blasé · insouciant · relaxed · laid-back · easygoing · couldn't-care-less
  8. Haha! Terry boring. Good one! Candy I can see what you mean. She is a bit lackadaisical.
  9. It’s all full of useless dribble really. After 2 days no one will post anything, BUT if someone later decides they have something to say, they can’t if it’s closed. I’m not really strong minded either way.
  10. I see. Seems to me that it can’t hurt anything to leave them open. Maybe get another opinion, but I can’t think of a good reason to close it. Anybody else have an opinion about this?
  11. Goodbye Tony and Margaret! Hope you find happiness out there. ❤️ Feel free to join Camcaps and join us in the other side. 😬
  12. Why? What if someone later joins CC and wants to have a conversation or even just share their thoughts on the apt in question. Why close it? @StnCld316 Can you explain why there is this need to close threads after the couple leaves? Why not just leave them open indefinitely?
  13. It was a pleasure getting to know. Having been down this road a few times I can tell you it's not going to be as easy as you might think especially if you plan to read CC. Someboyy will envitably say something that will draw you out or you will see something that you'll feel the need to express. I've been trying to figure out a way out of this addiction for quite some time now. In some ways I'm glad I'm not alone anymore. Again, thanks for the friendship and best of luck to you.
  14. I know can you imagine the uproar. It would be amazing. Just for the record I've done it and it was completely amazing! Guys you have no idea how great it is to suck cock and get fucked. Before I meet my girl I had an Asian transsexual girlfriend. I wish I could run a few different lives simultaneously cause she was amazing!
  15. Wow! I'm surprised that he would get so upset about it. I mean practically every guy on the planet dreams of sex with 2 women. Surely if your girlfriend is willing to make out with another girl that's a green light for the all mighty menashe twa or at least an opening to the possibility. I suppose it could also mean she'd rather be with women and not you. Perhaps that's what he's afraid of. Damn Ash, Guy is in love with you. Kudos for asking him. Most women would never be so bold.
  16. Now that would cause sparks to fly. Never gonna happen though.
  17. I hear you about the lovey dovey stuff. It's hard not to when it's so in your face. I mean what else can you say that's not going to sound awe inspiring? I suppose people could just not say anything, but that's not like us to be quiet. Surely there's nothing wrong with suggesting ideas. She does read CC and has willingly interacted with us. I guess I just don't know what you expect us to do. I don't post pics and if I can't express affection for her, what's left for me to say? And if I say nothing how is that helping her? I want her to stay and make a ton of money off VH. My only regret is that Anna and Alex are ripping her off. Too bad she can't make a deal with VH all by herself. I guess the issue is this. If she chooses to interact with us, why get so upset when we do?
  18. Just curious do the Barca girls interact with CC members? See told you Nack it’s her show. If she wants to bate in front of the cams it’s her privilege to do so. She doesn’t have a steady stream of partners so she has to do her thing to get views. There are other apts if you can’t stand it.
  19. Sweet! Thanks for the pics! Lisa, thanks for the view. You're amazing! Can you do backbends?
  20. They probably are and it’s just a bunch of lies VH believes.
  21. I don’t like Alan. I never did. Now, I have a good reason to despise him. Have your fun guys.
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