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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Amy3


    I was about to say that I would bet they come back, but the thought occurred to me that it's possible that they could turn up on VH in an apt managed by Anna and Alex. I think that has a decent chance of happening.
  2. It has been proven that a big dick alone, will only get you so far. - Jeka
  3. Yes, fines are an excellent idea. That way the guests will think twice before screwing over their hosts.
  4. The cams are too conspicuous. They really need to work on making them less obvious and more secure from accidental or intentional moving. I don't agree that the cams should not be visible in the view of other cams. Look at the sabotage we have seen because we can see the other cams.
  5. 0512. So did he not cum or is he sleeping in it. I try not to make fun of a guy bating. It's just not fair, but this is Jeka so it's kind of different.
  6. I agree. The train is coming off the tracks all over the place.
  7. Ok, this is getting very aggrivating! VH, your site is in a tailspin. Do something!
  8. Ok, this is getting very aggrivating! VH, your site is in a tailspin. Do something!
  9. Amy3


    Can you post in English? Unfortunately, nobody here can understand you.
  10. I agree with the sentiment. To which part of the site's success belongs to Alex and Lina, I will truly forgive. A person's health must come first. A won't ridicule or harrass them for these shortcomings. However, Alex and Lina are not the totality of VH and for them, action is required asap. Particularly with respect to the cam and lighting problems. The experience of the viewer is paramount.
  11. Maybe they will come home ready to party.
  12. Amy3


    I just wonder if they will come back.
  13. Amy3


    Wonder how Nick and Lisa's parents are doing?
  14. I like to read some people's posts in the voice of Eeyore. ?
  15. Amy3


    Greg? For Mona?
  16. He pays them enough. He just doesn't have enough to keep them there long.
  17. Ha! There is no doubt they are. Jeka is a stop along the way. I'm seriously starting to think that he pays them to come over.
  18. I'll second that. This is what sexy looks like!
  19. Amy3


    Nobody is home anywhere except a couple of couch surfers. You're missing nothing right now on VV.
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