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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Here's an idea that doesn't involve cheating. All the girls in the middle and a circle jerk from all the guys followed a lesbian orgy in the cum bath. Just a thought.
  2. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Is it too much to ask for something different to happen tonight?
  3. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    I don't think so. Move on with your life.
  4. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    Word of the day: pitiful!
  5. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Nice to see Anna and Lisa friendly again. Anna's hair looks absolutely terrible. She really needs to seek professional help about that.
  6. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Jacky is back in black in Tula.
  7. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Given his level of almost constant alcohol intoxiction, I'd say yes. Even fucking the most beautiful girl in the world has to lose its charm after a while, I would guess. Lol
  8. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Anna needs to take those extensions out. She is so much prettier without them.
  9. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    Yes indeed! It's true, there's been no sex in Sophia since Bella got fucked by Jacky's BF. VV should auto rebate 1/4's worth of a membership to make things right.
  10. Absolutely no doubt about it. Behold the power of steady pussy and in the case of Lisa, asshole. Nick will never leave her.
  11. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    You gotta know that she getting it off set. She's gone all day usually.
  12. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    So, how would Alex get back at Anna for her cheating on him with Petra and not letting him cheat on her with Petra? hmmmmm
  13. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    oh yea, forgot. lol
  14. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Wonder why Alex didnt leave with Anna?
  15. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Figures! I guess Anna isn't in a forgiving mood.
  16. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Cept, where is Anna and Petra?
  17. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Back in the kitchen clanking glasses and settling things down.
  18. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Yea, usually Alex goes along with it. Maybe seeing Anna becoming openly bisexual is fucking with his head and Nick was the stick that broke the camels back.
  19. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    I think the guy just can deal with the cams and sex. It's probably a lot harder to do then you might think. Even with a hot girl in your lap.
  20. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Interesting! Alex finally got fed up with Nick's homosexual leanings?
  21. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Surprised to see Lisa chilling in the kitchen. She normally hot to trot.
  22. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    ok. so is it safe to say that Alex started it?
  23. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    yea, but why? did Alex try to touch Lisa?
  24. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    or he is bat shit crazy! my bet is on that.
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