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Everything posted by Amy3

  1. Forget that, just shoot it all and start playing spin the bottle. Can something tantalizing happen, please? VV call them and demand they start a kinky sex party or threaten the boot. FFS, WTH!
  2. When did Lex try? Hasn't he been in the LR for the party all night?
  3. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 2

    VV are you listening? Better do something soon, I think.
  4. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 2

    Hallucinating excitement in Sophia I see? I'll have to give it try.
  5. Amy3

    Tver - Split 5

    Never could figure out which one was Elly and which one was Toss. Guess, I just didn't care that much. I do know this though, the girl is smoking hot and the guy doesn't deserve her. Hope she quickly dumps him for a better guy.
  6. No, the bitching never stops. Beats falling in love.
  7. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 2

    Bella seriously needs a clothes stipend. I'd settle for a no clothes allowed option though.
  8. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Thanks Spielo! That is a one of a kind pussy. I like things that are different.
  9. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    Hate to say it, but I gotta agree, Ben. As nice as Bella is, she's just not cut out for this. She obviously has issues with having casual sex and doesn't seem to be able to land a steady guy that's willing to be here. Plus, she's not even willing to flaunt her body in general. Too bad, cause she has an amazing one.
  10. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    Looks nice! But maybe a little too corporate. Hoped they picked a place that can handle some loud noise without the cops showing up.
  11. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    I think it's probably the bathroom cam in Voro.
  12. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    What do you all think is the single best cam in all of VV?
  13. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    No sense in being annoying. Begging will get you no where.
  14. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Subscribe and see them in the archive. Very rarely does someone post videos here.
  15. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Never let a man break your heart twice. Not worth the damage it will do to your psyche.
  16. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Come on Jacky! You're better than this. He can't be trusted. Move on.
  17. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Why wasn't Jacky invited to the fun?
  18. Amy3

    Sofia - Split 1

    Bella, just strip off those clothes while your dancing on the patio. So much more fun!
  19. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    I don't think Anna went to Voro, did she?
  20. Amy3

    Tula - Split 1

    Is it possible that Anna is getting tired of Alex's juvenile behavior? The frequently busted up hand is an ever present reminder. Also, a girl that changes her hair drastically is usually saying something.
  21. By the end of the day he'll be fucking Bella in Sophia on Tula's big screen TV.
  22. Amy3

    Tver - Split 4

    Think she may be a little shy with the way her hair looks. I would be too. She looks like the bride of Frankenstein.
  23. In the tub again, yay! Sex is always the same with these two.
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