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Everything posted by DWI

  1. Wow, ok rado. I sure wish I had the same sources as you do. Thanks for the info and providing some food for thought...or at least food for speculation.
  2. I do think this situation could be part of the huge migration of talented Russians out of their homeland. Estimates were originally 20,000 Russians were fleeing out of the country but the newest count is over 200,000. So when fleeing Russia, the first thing Russians probably would do is contact old friends in Europe to help them. Maybe that's what's happening with Sam. It's almost like Masha has her own "underground railroad"... I wouldn't be shocked by that. I would be shocked to see Sam move on to Barcelona, but Spain is large country with a substancial Russian population in a few cities. I have no idea whether Eva and Sam still communicate with each other but that might be interesting. I would not think Eva would enjoy Sam being in Barca. Then again, maybe Sam is thinking about migrating to Rome. I mean his old friend Masha has made it there, why can't he? Of course there is the language barrier but I think Rome does have a reasonably sized Russian community...I'll leave it to others here to chime in on that. But wow, what a day on RLC. Now all we need is to have RLC try to bring Jane and Dick back. That would really shake things up.
  3. Hi Jen, Well, I am with you on this...but I decided two days ago to stop watching Martina/Alberto on a regular basis. A few reasons: 1. I find their sex-life boring now. It's the same old thing day, after day, after day. I've been watching them on a daily basis since they joined RLC and I've had enough. Martina was most impressive and sexually creative during her trysts with Nelly...and Nelly was just as impressive. I have always been a fan of bisexual women making love. But that aspect of Martina's life is no nonger available for public viewing and I find myself getting fatigued by all the speculations and gossip. I have no idea if the Martina/Nelly affair is still going on and NOBODY ELSE DOES NEITHER...just pure speculation, fantasy and personal opinions and I'm just tired of it. If something pops up on RLC with Martina in a sexual adventure with a woman again, I'll probably have more interest. 2. I have become so unanamored with Alberto's behavior. In my opinion, he's an adolescent when it come to sex. Watching him pull out his dick and rubbing it in front of Martina when he wants sex has become repulsive. I mean, how many guys do that? I think very few because it's simply immature from a sexual point of view in my opinion, but I could be wrong and maybe that's how some guys make an advance. Anyway, for me it's more than weird. 3. I have grown tired of Martina's isolation from the rest of the Barca apartments. I found Martina to be very interesting when she socialized with the other Barca women...it was fun to watch her interactions with the other women. No more. I've read all the speculation as to why that happened but I still think it's all just guesswork and I'm tired of reading about it. ..I really don't care to know the reason unless it came out Martina's mouth...but I doubt the "translators" would ever mention it. It simply doesn't change the fact that she no longer socializes on camera other than when her girlfriend visits... and that on-camers friendship appears to be plutonic. Martina used to be so much fun to watch...she was a breath of fresh air. I am sad the way things are playing out with Martina. I think you might be right about the FWB stuff. And I think to not see Martina do anything adventureous on cam anymore, well. it's time for me to take a break. The Martina/Alberto apartment is now just too damn boring. I do wish that will change. Thanks for the post Jen...it makes a lot of sense.
  4. I forgot about that...no sex though on cam. Thanks for jogging my memory.
  5. Sorry, I think I read the inititial post with the replay wrong. It was evidently a joke. I did know Nelly left the project a long time ago. The whole question now seems to be is she still seeing Martina off-cam. Who knows ? I don't think anybody knows, not even the "translators"...it's all speculation without video proof in my opinion, but some don't agree with that I know.
  6. Where is Nelly? I never saw her enter B4 today.
  7. Good points Moules. I thought the long conversation between Eva and Tweety was interesting. It reminded me of Eva in Russia who always listened to people intently... guess that explains her profession. I think Eva is trying to make female friends in Barca and it's not all about sex. I also have a sense that the other Barca women like both Eva and Mat...that's a great sign for the future. As far as Tweety goes, I'd love to see your suggestion of a Tweety visit come true but we'll have to wait and see if there is any sexual attraction between Eva and Tweety. Some on the forum feel that Tweety is straight and not into women. But if nothing else, it would be fine to me if Eva and Tweety just became good friends...I think both women could use a good friend in Barca. Again, thanks for the good post.
  8. They already are I think. Since when have we seen this type of activitty generated by any new couple in recent memory so soon? Some will say that by B5, but is nowhere near the strong sensuality that Eva has shown. She is the very best RLC has ever had, but she does take her time when it comes to other women...she is a siren and her bekon call is enticing, eventually. She is irresistable to many women. That's why she is a legend,
  9. Hi Jen, It's always been about slow sexual stuff with Eva. She is a siren...women follow her. RLC made the best decision in a few years bringing her back...I mean, to get other women in a bathtub naked with her boyfriend, who else has done that recently? There is just something about Eva with other women that trancends others. For subs that have never seen her before this, now I think what us old guys have been talking about when Eva... she IS the queen of RLC...she has no equal in my opinion...just look at tonight...so many naked women in front of her boyfried.
  10. Sorry, I shoud have sent my recent post to you. I love your two picks. Those two would really liven up the place. They're both unpredictable and sometmes out of control...perfect! And father Bogdan won't be around to come the two brats down! I'm praying for your two picks.
  11. Absolutely the perfect two picks. We need some wildness desperately in B4 and seeing Bogdan is not around to play dad, well, I can only fantasize what could go on there. with the two infamous brats!
  12. Hi Jen, Perfect post! I feel exactly the same way, but truth be told, I still can't get a Martina/ Eva tryst out of my mind. Most probably time for some therapy. But anyway, I too find the scenario of the "unexpected" events by these two to be invigorating and keeps me watching RLC... without them I might be gone. I mean, in three weeks Eva and Mat have shown us more surprises, so quickly, than any couple in recent memory. What a brilliant move on RLC's part to bring her back. Now if they could only get Jane and Dick back...that would really stir things up!
  13. Badboy,you might be right. I don't think there is a B7. It seems to me that has been pure speculation on the recent posts. None, not one of the "translators" has broached that subject to my recollection. If they have, that will indicate whether their translations are correct or not. I think that maybe RLC is trying to create another "soap opera" to keep sub viewership. They've lost the Martina/ Nelly thing which exploded their subs and need a new "soap opera".. Good luck with that!
  14. And Radi had a long converation with Martina at a day-time in party in B1 a couple of years ago where to me it appeared that Radi was quite fluent in Spanish. Martina and Radi seemed to enjoy each other's company even though Nelly was there also. Oh, the good old days are surely missed now.
  15. Sorry, meant to an FFM tryst, not an FMM...big difference.
  16. Then how can you say with such certainty that Martina would not have an FMM with Eva and Mat, or with anybody? How do you know what Martina will do or not do? I agree that Martina is not as exciting as in the past, but, I still think none of us is qualified to know what she will do or not do. That's just speculation and unreliable.
  17. No, I never said that! I suggested that there is no evidence that Martina DID, or DID NOT have a FFM threesome with ANYBODY. Do you have proof either way? Its all speculation. Read my post again.
  18. Just saying...I don't agree with that. I think that goes against everything we saw about Eva in Russia and even now...she is open to almost everything. So you're saying Martina would never have a threesome with Eva and her man? How do you know that? You apparently know that Martina has never been in a FFM sexual tryst right? Give me the evidence.
  19. I agree with you. It just seems like common courtesy that other Barcelona participants either visit Eva and Mat at their apartment or invite them over to theirs. I am particulary disappointed with both Tweety, Holly, and in particular Martina making no effort to at least recognize that if it weren't for women like Eva they would not have a job in RLC .None of these three can hold a candle to what Eva has brought to RLC... they just don't have the talent or desire. It pains me to say that especially in Martina's case. But I think Martina has decided that she wants nothing to do with the rest of women on RLC..... I suspect Martina and Eva will never meet. Such a shame.
  20. I like this post and I think you showing great insight. I too have always thought that Radi is basically a shy, maybe a little insecure also, but I could be wrong about the insecurity. I believe she has tried to overcome some of her shyness by attempting to mingle with some ofthe other women in B4...sometimes successfully, sometimes not. I think she is actually a nice person, but the perception of other women in B4 towards Radi gets gets in the way of them trying to get closer to her. Foa a while now, I've been trying to figure out how her exhibitionist leanings are related to her shyness...does she really, really need that attention?
  21. Eva was actually involved in at least 5 threesomes...3 with Sam and her female friends, and 2 with Sam and "Baldy" Sam's male friend. I myself prefered the FFM threesomes. After watching the recent "fooling around" with Olivia, I think we can expect more intense sexual threesomes in the future...or at least I hope so.
  22. I agree...its the same type of hair she had in Russia...it fits her nicely. Hopefully you will watch her more...she is one of the most sensual woman to ever grace the RLC cameras. Her bisexual tendencies only add to the intrigue.
  23. Hi dd, I like some of the things you say here. I myself am ok with last night. I thought that despite not being hardcore sex, it was still pretty sensual and erotic. I feel as though Eva showed her bisexual side and I think there is more of that to come...after all, it is her nature as was proven during her Russian days. I think you're correct in believing that there was some pre-event planning between Olivia and Eva. Was last night just a "show"? Maybe. Maybe not. But I find it heartening that we now all know that Eva still likes girls...I was worried that she no longer had those desires. So that gives me hope that under the proper circumstances we'll see the real Eva in action with another woman. I just hope that sometime in the future Eva meets Martina. If that happens let's see whether there's any chemistry there. Thanks again for your input.
  24. Hi Miraguy, This has been my question for months now. I think much of thIs is based upon the common perception, or more accurately, the common "speculation", that her and Nelly are stil having lesbian trysts, or at the very least are still good friends. The problem I have is a lot of this is predicated on the belief that the "parking lot" incident did in fact occur....I think not. When we rely on the translations of a couple of subs who say they can interpret everything Martina says, but, for some strange reason, will only interpret a tiny portion of the conversations between Martina, Alberto and Martina's girrlfriends, well, I'm suspect something is amiss. If I do not see it on camers how do I know if all the translations and speculation are actually true? Frankly, I do question the "translators" accuracy. Some say that if the translators provided too much accurate info, RLC would shut them down...that could be true but I can't say. What I do believe is that position suggests that the translators work for RLC and are not allowed to give away too many secrets... keep 'em guessing as we say in the U.S. Personally, I have seen no evidence that Martina and Nelly are still making love. I also doubt they see each other as friends. Of course that doesn't explain Martina's all-night escapades, but that is all off-camera so none of us will ever know what's going on there. In my opinion, RLC loves to create a "soap opera" involving Martina and Nelly. My problem is that they blew it...they have carried the guessing game on way too long...they should "put up or shut up". And the"translators" should do the same thing...start giving us a lot more info...if you can't, well maybe its time for a new day job. Its the lack of credible translationn of Russian/Ukranian to English that will eventually sink RLC. Sorry fo the long post.
  25. I believe you're speaking of Nelly here. But the last time I looked, Martina was neither thin nor had fake tits. Candela despite small breasts, which I actually don't mind, has yet to have any sexual activity with Martina so I try not to think about that so I can't compare with the trysts between Martina and Nelly. I personally never had a problem with Nelly's breasts...I mean they're nowhere near as fake as let's Radi's in B4. But like you said, it's all about personal tastes. So no issue here with what you like.
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