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Everything posted by DWI

  1. Hi philo. Add Sam from Eva and Sam and Dick from Jane and Dick back in the Russian days. Like Sasha with Masha and Dasha, the difference is that both Sam and Dick fucked other women in front of their partners on many occasions. They also had wild FFM threesomes with their partners...wow, do many of us old-timers here miss those days compared to RLC now.
  2. Sorry Harley, just giving my take on things. By the way, I did say it was just my opinion and mentioned not everyone feels the Martina/Nelly thing was anything special. I have no pretension that I speak for everybody so sorry if you felt I inferred that. No worries ok.
  3. Great post Jen... lots of insight. I think you hit the nail on the head when you speak about how the Martina/Nelly affair changed everyone's view of Martina...or at least most peoples' view. Not only was it a game changer, but it was probably the single most important event (events) on RLC since the demise of the Russian apartments...RLC owes a huge sense of gratitude to both Martina and Nelly for their love affair. That affair greatly increased membership while it was happening, made RLC more relevant for many viewers, and gave us something to talk about for months on end. IMO the Martina/Nelly affair was the closest the current RLC situation has ever come to the "glory days" of the Russian apartments...and we should all be thankful we were able to see it happen right before our own eyes...we got lucky.
  4. Hi yelt, I also remember a phone conversation Martina had on cam which appeared to involve some type of interview with someone on the other end of the line. Two things struck me about the phone call: first, how fluent Martina was in English...she was easily undertandable. Secondly, and I've bee thinking about this for a while now, I am almost possitive I heard Martina say her real name and it kind of shocked me. I know we can't divulge any tenant's real name but if someone here also remembers the phone conversation and the name Martina used, can you PM me? Is that legal here?
  5. I too think you're correct here. The presumtion that Martina and Alberto were together with Nelly and Bogdan last night seems like pure speculation which just can't be proven, once again. Sure, if a tryst between the four of them ever happens on camera I'd be the first in line to watch that! But at this point, just to keep my sanity, I've adopted the " If I can't see it, I can't believe it" approach. If its off-camera, none of us knows if it happened or not. As good as a couple of translators can sometimes be, they're not perfect. So right now, the most plausible speculation would be that Martina and Alberto went out for a romantic evening together...whether it involved sex between them, who knows. Although the sexy lingerie might suggest that. But we can't be certain. Like most of us on the forum I would be happy for them if they did have a nice evening together outside the apartment. But for me, I just don't want to waste anymore time speculating about stuff because too me, that borders on fantasy. It used to be fun to read over the last few years but I've just grown tired of all the speculation...although its really funny to read Girlsfun's posts...she does bring a lot of needed humor to the forum and I appreciate her effort to keep us from taking things that happen between Martina and Alberto too seriously. I enjoy her "fly by the seat of her pants" take on things. So thanks Girlsfun for your attitude and energy.
  6. Martina's nails, both hands and feet, are perfect. The way she keeps both her hands and feet nails reminds me so much of how Eva in Russia kept hers...always at an attractive length....as much as I do like Holly, I don't get the really long finger nails. I think Martina has the nicest feet...probably in the top 5 of all current and past tenants...but of course that's just a personal opinion. Like tle and others have said, she is a naturally very pretty woman. Some would say "stunning" and I would not disagree. I can't believe I'm talking about womens' nails length...what's the forum comming to?
  7. Oh yes..brings back memories of Joe Cocker's "You Can Leave Your Hat On" from the film "9 1/2 Weeks" with Kim Basinger. An unbelievably erotic and sensual scene...no sex, but just pure eroticism. For those who have never seen the movie, give it try...very outside the norm for Hollywood flicks...almost classified as an NC-17 rating but the producers fought and got the R rating. One of the best songs ever in an erotic film...period!
  8. Yes, they were great. As much as I really enjoyed the Martina/Nelly trysts, I think my favorite were the girl-girl escapades involving Eva her various girlfriends and occassionally Eva's boyfriend Sam who took part in some FFM threesomes. They were always slower paced than the Martina/Nelly events but more sensual and at the same time very kinky with a lot of anal sex. Oh to have those Russian apartments back. Even Nelly back then was enjoyable to watch.
  9. All M&A cams are down here...just replay is available.Anyone else having issues?
  10. Hi JenMom, Well, its so nice to see your post here. I chimed in early yesterday and made pretty much the exact same points as you did here on this post...its always great to have someone be on the same wavelengh when it comes to point of views. My post yesterday was not met with great support so hopefully yours will be. Anyway, I too am trying to not post on the subject anymore but I felt I needed to support your post also. Thanks again.
  11. Absolutely! Enough is enough...let's just let it all play out. We know nothing right now.
  12. I can just tell you from my experience with my bisexual wife and her best friend for over 40 years, I have to stand by my words...that's why JenMom's words ran so true to me. Let's agree to disagree ok.
  13. Hi Deepdave, Well, as I told JenMom, I am trying so hard to stay out of these conversations about Martina and Nelly because I basically feel none of us knows shit about what's really going on between them behind the scenes..just translations and speculations...which I have to admit is "fun" to read as entertainment. I think that you're right to suggest we "cool the jets" a bit on this discussion. I think JenMom has the most logical approach to all of this after reading her recent posts. I respect your posts too and always enjoy them even though sometimes I have a different take on things...but that's what a good forum is all about...give and take. So, in that vein, I do disagree with you when you say "that is not love" when talking about Martins's and Nelly's relationship where drinking is involved. It is absolutely PART of most people's love-life...we party, we get drink too much, and then we go home and have sex...or maybe even in a parking lot. Normal behavior. It really has nothing to do with love...its about being drunk, high or whatever. Hundreds of millions of really good people do this. Now, I do believe Nelly has some drinking issues...plain to see. But, maybe Martina does also at times. But the underlying thing here is that this happens all the time with people who are in love with each other. My subjective opinion is that these two women are deeply in love with each other...whether that's right or wrong, I can't be the judge. I can say no more than that. Thanks for your honest post.
  14. Hi ddhm, Well, the fact you mentioned the open relationships of some of the Russian apartments during the "glory days" of RLC like Sam/Eva, Masha/Sasha/Dasha ( and of course Jane/Dick), to me strengthens your belief that you're really speaking to the morality of "cheating" which of course means different things to different people. But, your point of view on cheating is well taken now that you've expressed more tolerance towards "open" relationships. I definitely respect your belief that the Martina/Nelly affair was immoral...I can easily see how you and others could feel that way and I never want to question anyone's belief in that...except to say that I believe that Martina and Alberto do have an "open" relationship just like some of the former Russian couples because they talk about it openly...there doesn't seem to be too many secrets between them....and Alberto clearly knows what's going on...to me that's clearly an "open" relationship. However, the situation between Nelly and Bogdan, seems to fall closer to your belief in "cheating" as it does appear, like you said, that Bogdan does not approve of the Martina/Nelly affair. So, I agree with you there...Nelly IS cheating on Bogdan. My final point...the Martina/Nelly thing is pretty complicated when really studying it, as Jen Mom often tells us. I think all of us need to just let it all play out, hopefully on cam, so we can all really figure it out...I really have no idea where the Martina/Nelly thing stands right now and I don't even want to begin to speculate. But, as always I read your posts and always feel I learn something that I never thought of. Thanks for your thought-provoking post...and sorry for the essay. Like a bunch of us, we just don't know how to say things in a few words.
  15. Hi Jen, I totally agree with everything you are saying here...we really don't know shit about the encounter. I kept reading all the translations and speculations and I decided to not chime in with a post as it just seemed ludicrous. None of us know what actually happened, including the translators who try to do a great job, but sometimes even they can be a little bit off. There is no visual evidence of the encounter nor actual recorded sound during the meeting. For me, without that, I have no idea what actually happened and until there is more "proof" I really don't want to waste my time speculating. Thanks for your very rational post.
  16. Hello again Darkman, I need to apologize to you. I misunderstood the language in your post as coming from a text you saw. I now understand it was from a conversation you were trying to translate be tween Martina and Alberto. I'll be more careful next time. Sorry.
  17. I meant to say texts, not emails...sorry. But it seems like we are talking about in-person conversations at home between Martina and Alberto. Am I right? If so, I still see no mention of Nelly. I don't quite get that we should infer they're talking about Nelly...especially when some of us suspect Martina of having relationships with other women...but I apologize that that is also speculation. I just think none of us really knows if the Martina/Nelly affair is over...although I do suspect it is...but I don't really know, despite some translations.
  18. Thanks Yelt. But can you maybe explain how Martina's emails could have been hacked by Darkman? I that an easy thing to do?
  19. Hi Darkman, I have several questions about your post. *First, how did you intercept Martin's text messages? Isn't that illegal? I'm a senior in the U.S. so I might be behind in understanding how people can hack into someone's text massages with just normal software. Can you explain that for us folks wgo don't understand such things? *Can you show digital proof that what you say was said can be proven? * I see no specific mention in the convvesation about Nelly. If your intercepted text is valid... why then are people assuming that Martina is talking about Nelly? I don't know, but I like many, I think that the affair is, regretffully, over. I enjoyed every moment of it except when Nelly got drunk to the point she coudn't stand up. I think that your text recording needs more proof that it is a legitimate "hacked" text. No disrespect, but maybe I just don't understand the freedoms allowed now to intercept someone's private texts.
  20. Hi Philo, I think Martina is, as we all know, an exhibitionist...thank god! I think she is the most open, natural woman currently on RLC and I hope that RLC understands that, although Holly and Tweety are promising in their openess. I have admit that I really miss her escapades with Nelly which I found highly erotic. I must say I love her bisexuality, not common for such a beautiful woman...but I might be wrong about that...some of the women here might correct me on this. Bi-sexuallity among women might be more prevalent than I think. Anyway, thanks for your observation.
  21. Hi Corvette, Although I am totally pro-vaccine and pro-masking in enclosed spaces, I think you do raise a good point. Just because someone has the sniffles or coughs doesn't mean they have Covid...it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere, so that means flu-season and common cold season co-exists with Covid. I just think we need to be careful now about attributing everything as Covid. Maybe soon there will be a test to distinguish whether someone has Covid or the flu...maybe that already exists, I don't know. Anyway, thanks for your insight.
  22. This is such an interesting and entertaining event between Radi, Masha and Tweety. It is very real. But like JenMom has been saying forever, just imagine how great it would be if someone, anyone, could translate these conversations between these three ladies in English, Spanish and other languages without revealing their identities or private RLC stuff that would violate their contracts. It seems like Masha and Radi really like Tweety a lot...and it is apparent that Tweety is a very open woman in her personality. Maybe everything they talked about is stuff RLC doesn't want translated but just a accurate synopsis by someone, anyone, would add so much to subs understanding and enjoyment. JenMom, are you reading this? You could do a better job than I here,
  23. So, I'm done with this conversation as it came to the responses I expected. I I wll NOT read any more responses to my post...I've spoken my thoughts and that's it. I hope nobody catches Covid no matter what their politics. Goodnight and thanks for listening no matter what your views are,
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