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Everything posted by DWI

  1. Eva was actually involved in at least 5 threesomes...3 with Sam and her female friends, and 2 with Sam and "Baldy" Sam's male friend. I myself prefered the FFM threesomes. After watching the recent "fooling around" with Olivia, I think we can expect more intense sexual threesomes in the future...or at least I hope so.
  2. I agree...its the same type of hair she had in Russia...it fits her nicely. Hopefully you will watch her more...she is one of the most sensual woman to ever grace the RLC cameras. Her bisexual tendencies only add to the intrigue.
  3. Hi dd, I like some of the things you say here. I myself am ok with last night. I thought that despite not being hardcore sex, it was still pretty sensual and erotic. I feel as though Eva showed her bisexual side and I think there is more of that to come...after all, it is her nature as was proven during her Russian days. I think you're correct in believing that there was some pre-event planning between Olivia and Eva. Was last night just a "show"? Maybe. Maybe not. But I find it heartening that we now all know that Eva still likes girls...I was worried that she no longer had those desires. So that gives me hope that under the proper circumstances we'll see the real Eva in action with another woman. I just hope that sometime in the future Eva meets Martina. If that happens let's see whether there's any chemistry there. Thanks again for your input.
  4. Hi Miraguy, This has been my question for months now. I think much of thIs is based upon the common perception, or more accurately, the common "speculation", that her and Nelly are stil having lesbian trysts, or at the very least are still good friends. The problem I have is a lot of this is predicated on the belief that the "parking lot" incident did in fact occur....I think not. When we rely on the translations of a couple of subs who say they can interpret everything Martina says, but, for some strange reason, will only interpret a tiny portion of the conversations between Martina, Alberto and Martina's girrlfriends, well, I'm suspect something is amiss. If I do not see it on camers how do I know if all the translations and speculation are actually true? Frankly, I do question the "translators" accuracy. Some say that if the translators provided too much accurate info, RLC would shut them down...that could be true but I can't say. What I do believe is that position suggests that the translators work for RLC and are not allowed to give away too many secrets... keep 'em guessing as we say in the U.S. Personally, I have seen no evidence that Martina and Nelly are still making love. I also doubt they see each other as friends. Of course that doesn't explain Martina's all-night escapades, but that is all off-camera so none of us will ever know what's going on there. In my opinion, RLC loves to create a "soap opera" involving Martina and Nelly. My problem is that they blew it...they have carried the guessing game on way too long...they should "put up or shut up". And the"translators" should do the same thing...start giving us a lot more info...if you can't, well maybe its time for a new day job. Its the lack of credible translationn of Russian/Ukranian to English that will eventually sink RLC. Sorry fo the long post.
  5. I believe you're speaking of Nelly here. But the last time I looked, Martina was neither thin nor had fake tits. Candela despite small breasts, which I actually don't mind, has yet to have any sexual activity with Martina so I try not to think about that so I can't compare with the trysts between Martina and Nelly. I personally never had a problem with Nelly's breasts...I mean they're nowhere near as fake as let's Radi's in B4. But like you said, it's all about personal tastes. So no issue here with what you like.
  6. OMG...why did you have to say that? Such a scenario is going to get into my head again just when I started to think she was done with Nelly. Now I have to deal with a Martina/Nelly shower image floating around in my brain. I mean its just too much!
  7. That's why many of us "old timers" who we're there during the Russian days paid so much attention to the Eva and Sam apartment...everything you are seeing now with Eva happened during that time. I still think that Eva and Masha are just good friends and not sexually attracted to each other...although alcohol consumption could prove me wrong about that. I also believe that Eva is still a bisexual woman. I'm not sure whether there is another woman she could meet and be attracted to, but my best guess it would Martina, but I have a funny feeling they will never meet... speculation of course, but I think Martina is done with ANY interaction with Barcelona appartments.
  8. So my memory fails me here. Did Olivia during the old Russian days ever meet either Masha in Rome or Eva in Russia? I just can't remember what city Olivia was in. I think Eva was in St. Petersburg but I'm not sure of that. Do you remember what I can't ? Thanks.
  9. Thanks, I must have missed that fact along the way. Anyway, it was good seeing Masha away from Rome...seemed like she needed a break. And it appeared she really wanted to spend some time with her longtime friend Eva who she defintely "connected" with last night. Just beautiful to watch, in my view...two RLC legends.
  10. Surprise... any idea what happened? Wasn't Masha supposed to fly out today? Or is her trip going to be a little longer staying in B4? Questions, questions, questions. Oh the drama.
  11. Just awesome catch... a voyeur's dream. Leave it up to Eva to provide to the embellishment. I suspect when more subs see her in action she'll be #1 camshots many times. She is everything previously advertised and she's only been here two weeks! Thanks fug...very attentive watching.
  12. Hi dd, I think what could really skyrocket the interest in her apartment again is to have Martina meet Eva. After watching Eva in the super erotic session with Masha last night, I can only imagine the possibilities if Martina gets a chance to meet Eva. Of course if that happens we'll just have to hope that they like each other first and foremost...they are both strong-willed women with very strong sexual libidos...sometimes that doesn't work out...but we'll see if they even meet.
  13. Hi Jen, It is reaaly hard ( I mean that as a pun), but I am a little concerned that tonite will evolve into a night of beautiful sensuality but no final explict sex...which would disappoint me. But that being said, how could anyone watch this tonight and not get turned on by just the sensual eroticism going on? . Let's see if anything evolves.
  14. And Eva says "come on it's Masha! ...let's go for it! Oh by the way I told you I'm bisexual right?
  15. You're right, but eventually she had sex with him at least twice on my recollection, both times in a threesome with Sam. Am I correct?
  16. You're right, but eventually she had sex with him at least twice on my recollection, both times in a threesome with Sam. Am I correct?
  17. Really, and he walks naked in front of Masha every chance he gets?
  18. Maybe. It is possible that there is no sexual connectuin beween Eva and Masha. Maybe they are just long-time friends and no more than that. Of course she does have a boyfriend back in Rome so that could complicate things also. But why put Mat through that tonight? This might be the first time I've seen Eva in a teasing "show"...and I don't like it.
  19. Its really hard to figure out the dynamics here tonight. Hopefully the translators can watch the replays and tell us what was being talked about between the three of them. This so frustrating for English speaking people. There is almost no cooperation in recognizing that we don't know what the fuck is going on between the tenants and their conversations...I mean, English speaking people are the majority of RLC customers. I myself am tired of the disrespect towards English speaking people...I have been a paid subscriber on RLC since almost the very beginning and I'm about to end my sub. It is disrespectful that RLC refusues to allow translations from Russian/Ukranian to English...I've had it!
  20. Yup, you're right about that. Back in her Russian days there wwere times when I thought something was going to happen between her and a girlfriend and it didn't happen. She is a complex woman to be sure.
  21. I mean as a guy, how could there no be sex after sitting in the tub with these two women? I mean they're both legends. But maybe this is a little tease. That's possibly part of their "job" also.
  22. You got that right but of course I think Eva (with Masha) is much hotter!
  23. God, this where a translator would co in handy...what the fuck is the conversation between Eva and Masha in the bathtub?
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