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Everything posted by DWI

  1. I think the best possible new tenants would be Eva and her boyfriend. But right now nobody knows if Eva wants to rejoin RLC even after her recent stay at Masha's. Eva is an RLC superstar and she is as beautiful as ever but I have my doubts on her return. We don't know if the kinky Eva in the past is the same woman now...her stay at Masha's didn't reveal that. But the B6 apartment does resemble her Russian 1-bedroom apartment...no need for a second bedroom...in Russia a whole lot of great sexual stuff happened in that one bedroom!
  2. Thanks ddhm. This is the kind of situation that I wish someone who can translate Russian would have called everyone's attention to, but I appreciate that the translators walk a fine line. I have always felt they know a whole lot more than the rest of us on the forum but they have to be careful to not "upset the apple cart" as we say in the U.S.. I have always felt that they do have limits as to what they can reveal to everyone. So my attitude is, as we say in the U.S., "half a loaf is better than no loaf at all" in terms of translations. I love Eva and the suspense is killing me so its probably my frustration in not knowing what's going on. I would love to see Eva come back if that's what she really wants but that path back seems to me to be a difficult choice for anyone. She does have an RLC superstar reputation, and well deserved...but, can that be reinvented on a second stay in RLC? Personally, I think she might fit best in Barcelona in a couple's apartment, like B6, so she and her boyfriend would be near other RLC participants for socializing, but remember that in Russia her and Sam were not huge party people, at least not on camera, so I worry about that. If they went to Barcelona. B6 would mostly match the kind of apartment she and Sam had in Russia...simple 1-bedroom apartment...but as we all know, A LOT happened in that small apartment! So thanks for your response as I continue to wait to see what happens.
  3. Hi Noldus. Just a quick question...how do we know that the the plans have changed? Someone on the forum mentioned that they heard no mention of any plans of Eva to resume her RLC participation in any of her conversations with Masha during her visit and mentioned that they thought that was strange. Me too. Could it be that the whole idea of Eva coming back to RLC was more wishful thinking and speculation than actual reality? It was great seeing her again but I do have my doubts that she'll be back to RLC as a participant.
  4. Well girlfun, you did it again! If this was a comedy club, people would be "rolling in the aisles" with laughter. I mean "build a parking lot at B4" ? How did you ever come up wth that? Not only is that really funny, it's a great idea! I love reading all your posts. With what's going on in the world today, you're a breath of fresh air. Keep up the great work.
  5. No more comments from me other than to say the reason you're not getting responses that agree with you is because what you say never happened on camera. I want you to end this conversation with me...we just disagree and leave it at that ok. I call a truce.
  6. Oh, I forgot you guys up there do speak English as my wife for 55 years from New Brunswick keeps reminding me hundreds of times. I'm such an idiot...I keep thinking everyone in Canada speaks French only! Just kidding. We spend every other year in Canada on vacation ("holidays") and love it. Canada is a great country with people who are so laid back compared to SOME but not all Americans, you know the type A idiots ...but the U.S. and Canada are very similar in many ways. Both nations are filled with good, decent and kind-hearted people just like the rest of the world. But I'm rambling here...must be the bourbon or as girlfun2 says on the Martina thread "it's the porto"...truer words were never spoken. If you've never followed girlfun2 on the Martina thread you are missing out on one of the funniest woman ever...she's off the charts.
  7. Nice to see Eva and boyfriend socializing. I didn't realize that the boyfriend was pretty fluent in English as is Masha and Allasandro so the three of them had the opportunity to laugh and have some fun. Boyfreind seemed pretty animated and that was fun to watch. I'm not sure if Eva speaks or understands English but at least she and Piper seemed comfortable with each other and conversed as well. All in all, nice to see everyone having a good time.
  8. Are you speaking about the young woman given the name Jewel? She was the very shy young woman who was in Jane and Dicks apartment quite a bit and often stayed overnight there. Finally, after months of some serious seduction skills by Jane and Dick, she got into a threesome with Jane and Dick which was fabulous. She seemed like a very sweet young woman and very cute. But there was another young woman who also showed up quite often...never knew her name but she too was kind of shy in a different way than Jewel. I do not remember her ever having sex with Dick and Jane but I could be wrong. So not sure which young woman you are speaking about.
  9. I think you're right about this, But, here's my question...do we know who actually owns RLC? I've heard on this forum it's an American company, but some say it's a Canadian company, and others say it Russians. Do we really know who owns and operates RLC? That could have an impact on what the future holds.
  10. You might be right ddhm. I'm still divided as to whether Eva will rejoin RLC. I think Barcelona would be the only good fit...she'd be around a lot of Russians so there would be no language or culture barrier and there certainly would be a lot more social activity. But, I'm not so sure that Eva wants to revive her past RLC activities. I think you might be right that this trip by Eva and her boyfriend night be more about getting the hell out of Putin's Russia before its too late. I just saw on CNN that there have been thousands of Russians that have left Russia in the past three weeks seeking a better life in the West. Eva is a very smart professional woman so it could be feasible that she sees more opportunity in Europe than under Putin's dictatorship. I also think your observation that during Eva's trip you have heard no conversations about RLC and that does seem to add credence to the possibility that there is no intention on Eva's part to re-enter RLC. Of course I would love to see her come back, but only in the right location. So much that we really don't know yet but fun talking about it anyway.
  11. Perfect analysis. Both Dick and Jane were at the very top of previous participants, BUT, I suspect you had to love kinky sex to appreciate them. The foursome between Dick, Jane, Masha and Sasha is historic RLC. And the fuck session between Dick and Masha on the couch actually "injured" Dick as we all saw. Oh for those golden years.
  12. I'm taking that as a joke, correct?
  13. Is it just me, but it's about 12:30 am and is Masha trying to be seductive to Eva and her boyfriend. taking a bath, and wearing see-through, sexy lingerie without panties and walking around and now on the couch? Am I fantasing here? The brain can be a curse sometimes?
  14. So, list those "hundred other guys"...I suspect you can't list more than ten. You are a proponent of disinformation...you just don't like Eva and don't have the balls to admit it do you?. It's ok to have your own opinion, but your rants go beyond what old videos of Eva and Sam show...you are clearly making shit up...I feel badly for all the folks that never saw Eva in action on the many of the old videos. Your representations are false...period! Please provide all of us the videos that prove your ridiculous rants...I bet you can't find one, in it's entirety, that validates your accusations. Show us the forced drug use by Eva and Sam on unwilling women in their apartment...show us the videos of any woman being taken advantage of due to secretive drug ingestion on another person by either Eva or Sam. Now, if ALL of them did partake in mutual drug use, and those videos would not serve as any evidence for forced, unwilling, sexual activity under U.S. law...but we're not in the U.S. are we? As a well-known attorney, I would love to meet you in any court of law...anywhere. Your BS just doesn't hold up...you need proof and you can't show that.
  15. DWI


    Good funny reply. Thanks.
  16. DWI


    Sorry, I spoke too soon...Eva and boyfriend are back after a very long day being away...probably just exploring Rome. Sorry for any speculation, but I still think the chances of Eva rejoing RLC are doubtful and I still thing Eva and Masha are just close friends, nothing else. But I suppose I could be wrong about that too.
  17. DWI


    So did I miss something? It seemed like Eva and boyfriend left abruptly today which seems strange. Was there any farewell between Eva and Masha that I missed? So what's next? Is Eva just going away and back to her current life with boyfriend? Did some of us speculate too much that she was rejoining RLC? I had my doubts that she and boyfriend were going to be in RLC as participants. She has a professional career which should easily outpay any income from being an RLC participant, correct? Maybe the visit to Masha's place was just about two old friends who really like each as friends, and sexually are not attracted to each other, and just wanted to see each other again after so many years. It just seemed to me this time, possibly two friends that have had bisexual relations with other women, remain just good friends, nothing more. Whatever happens, it was such a treat to see Eva again...such a nice, decent person with incredible sex appeal and sensuality. She is easily in the top 5 women ever to appear on RLC...some like me would say she's # 1.
  18. This point of view sounds quite pausible to me but like you say, only Eva knows for sure. Without direct translations of Eva's conversations or new sexual escapades, we may never really know. The one thing I'd like to point out is that Eva on at least two occasions that I can recall, did have lesbian sex with two of her women friends when Sam was not at home. So I'm not sure we can credit Sam for that. Both of these other women also had sexual threesome sex with Sam and Eva...one of these women more than once on camera. But time does affect the memory of all of of us. I definitely remember Eva having lesbian sex with her close musician friend, although that took quite a while to develop between them. In the end, and as of now, I'm not sure any of us knows whether Eva is still bisexual or not. Some people do leave that lifestyle but some find it impossibe to change their sexual orientation. Maybe we'll find out, maybe we won't. But anyway, I appreciate your very rational post rado07.
  19. Give it up will you. You never saw what you're talking about. Apparently, for some reason, you're obsessed with trashing about Eva. Just stop! I will not respond further as you're talking trash.
  20. This will be my first ever negative response to another CC member and I am sorry for that. I appreciate everyone's comments even if I disagree, but EMMETT11 I have watched Eva and Sam from the very start when they first joined RLC and never, ever did I witness what you describe. Your view of events makes it seem that Eva and Sam secretly drugged their friends in order to have sex. There is not one shred of videos evidence to show that to be true. Now, it might be true that Eva, Sam and whomever was involved in sexual activities may ALL have used some pot or other substances during the evening, but that's a very long way from your point of view that Eva and Sam secretly got friends "high" and took advantage of them. Everything I ever saw was of mutual consent and mutual desire. A lot of the sexual interaction between Eva and Sam were with personal friends...Eva's musician friend, Sam's business employee ( known as "Baldy") and others. Eva and Sam were kinky, yes, but they never, ever entered into the Bill Cosby scenario you preach. Show us the videos to back up your assertions of forced drug intoxication! Eva is a past RLC superstar and she deserves that title despite your slander.
  21. Hi ddhm, I have a question because I really don't know the answer to it and maybe you do...do you think that RLC had to approve the Eva visit before Masha could get it done? If that is so, then I guess RLC finally got something right although I do think they are trying to figure out how to get the site back to some resemblance of the Russian glory days. But like I and some have said, there needs to be more real lesbian/bisexual women on the site, whether in relationships with men also or not. I agree with many others that the bullshit, fake lesbian shows need to stop...I mean there are thousands of lesbian videos on the web with real porn stars and amateur lesbians that are so much better than the current fake lesbian content on RLC ...and most of it is FREE! But that's my opinion as I know many here do not like lesbian/FFM sex on moral grounds...I'm ok with that of course. But I think that RLC might finally realize that real, authentic lesbian or FFM couples sex is a money maker...but it has to be authentic, as Jen Mom in the Martina/Alberto forum often says, or its worthless. The new addition of Katie and Adam might be headed in that direction, but we will see. As for the Kitty/Smith thing, RLC should drop them. Real Life Cam does not mean they will broadcast or tolerate physical abuse...none of us wants to pay to see that. Enough said.
  22. I totally agree Alladino. After seeing Eva again, it reminded me of how natural and real both her daily life and sexual escapades were. She always came across as the real deal. I never, ever thought she was putting on a bullshit show like most RLC women do now. Her sensuality was addicting and her sexual adventures,whether hetero, FFM, or lesbian, were just a real treat. I really misss her and I thank Masha for letting all of us get another glimpse of one of RLC's best ever.
  23. Seductive as hell right. I'm not sure I could watch her all night...at some point cardiac arrest might occur. And when she got warmed up in the old days, watch out! Just impossible to not watch her. You're so right about those eyes...the eyes of a siren.
  24. You're right about both things. Actually I liked her pubic hairand she did show it for a few years. I guess its not as fashionable now. As far as Sam goes, well, like most, I have no idea what happened between him and Eva, but at the very least, he was the big loser.
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