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Everything posted by DWI

  1. So, I'd like to broach a new topic with a question that's been bugging me for a while now and I'm not sure if its been talked about recently...maybe I missed a discussion along the way but here goes. Why doesn't Martina take part in any Barca events anymore? Is it because of her past affair with Nelly and the other women look down on her for that? Is it because she was not well-liked by the other women...but she always seemed to be welcomed before the split with Nelly by the other women.. the night in the B4 bathtub with Megan and Holly was pretty sexual though not hardcore. Is it because Martina doesn't want to associate with any of the other apartments now...that seems strange seeing she clearly likes to party and dance...or does she actually see some of the other Barca women socially off-cam and we just don't see it? Or is it that she has just moved away from her earlier involvement with the other Barca apartments to focus strictly on her studies and at the same time, paying more attention to Alberto? I also am wondering why she apparently no longer has the visits by her long-standing female friends, although I believe she got tired of dealing with her abused friend from school. Sorry for so many questions...I probably should have bulleted each question but I'm sure some here have some good opinions. There just seems to me that there is a rapid decline i Martina's activity with the rest of Barca women. Thanks in advance for any input.
  2. Great insight van the man. I really like your words "her eyes and her face told a tales of inner turmoil or deep thought" ...what a perfect understanding off Eva and her mysterious power. Again, so well said.
  3. Just had to reply to the comments about Eva earlier. In my opinion, Eva was the absolute best female ever on RLC. She was highly intellegient, artistically very creative, beautiful, bisexually active, and wickedly sexual with a strong preference for kinky sex. I miss her dearly. It would be great just to see her face again at Masha's. Thanks to all who also remember Eva. Every once in a while I track down her RLC videos on the web...never a dull moment with Eva. In my opinion, Eva is the "real" queen of RLC.
  4. I must have missed that... do you remember how long ago that was when you heard her speak fluent English? I have a feeling many other subs like me never heard her speak English to this extent. I wish I would have known this as it could explain a few things over the last couple of years...maybe, I don't know. It would have been great to hear her speak English with the Russian/Ukranian women who also spoke English...I wonder what nuggets those conversations would have revealed...NO need for Russian translators! I hope she will continue to speak some English moving forward...it is very pleasant to here.
  5. Holy shit! Martina is speaking fluent English...I did not see THIS coming. Apparently it is part of some type of online interview for a job application/education application. Martina is one very smart woman which I think we have all known for a while. But speaking fluent English...wow!
  6. Nice quick wit Jen. Just what we need here...a bit more humor.
  7. Hi everyone, I have a couple of questions as I my memory fails me here. Wasn't one or both of these two women part of the Russian apartments quite a few years ago before the shutdown? If so, I kind of remember the blonde having a male partner but her being bisexual. I never really follewed them in B1 so I'm sorry for my ignorance here.
  8. I agree ddhm. There have been a couple of small parties, including todays, where the women are simply having fun...it seems real to me. The alcohol is there like most parties everyone goes to, and even though I'm not into kareoke (bad spelling I'm sure), I enjoy this type of gathering because it seems "authentic" as Jen Mom puts it. Young women just having fun does follow the original intent of RLC. Just maybe, just maybe, this is a start by RLC execs to allow a little more freedom for the women rather than everything being "staged". I know we all like sexual action but maybe RLC might be taking small steps, really small steps for sure, to allow things to be a bit more real, attempt to open things up a bit. I know, I know, seems too optimistic, but at this point, these last couple of gatherings at B4 just seem way more unscripted...to me, it looks like the women are really having fun with each other. Like almost all of us, we hope the fake lesbian shows just go away...I'd rather see genuine, fun-loving parties with the women. I think Jen Mom has it right when she wishes that somehow, someway, these type of parties could at least have some type of English translation...to undertand what the women at these parties are saying and wildly laughing about might all of us English speaking subs stay on a bit longer. I mean, if we knew what these women were laughing so hard about, woudn't that tell us more about their personalites...isn't that what we're all looking for? Just insight into who these women really are....nothing does that better than listening and understanding their sense of humor...they've certainly been laughing a lot together the last few days. Just my thoughts.
  9. Thank you badboy for shedding light on a situation I wasn't aware of in Europe as you definitally make a lot of sense. I suspect there are a lot of subs here from North America who are not aware of the things you point out. Along with ddhm, I learned a lot about the reality of the situation and now can just be thankful that I was one of the lucky ones who could experience how great some of the old Russian apartments were. So again, thanks for the insight.
  10. Hi ddhm. Well, one of the best things about the CC forums is that there are quite a few smart people here. I always make it a habit to read just about everything people like you, Jen Mom, Aladino and the translators write....there are others too. I even enjoy reading Harley's posts as he is pretty good at times of casting a bit of humor on the situation at hand. It's not only fun, but I learn stuff too...even though some of us have a habit of over use of words...we just can't help it I guess. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for opening my mind a bit about why you feel we can't go back to the old Russian days. You gave me a lot to chew on as I was clearly ignorant of what it all entails...as an American, I do not pay enough attention to what really goes on behind the scenes in Russia and Europe... "ignorance is bliss" as the saying goes. I guess I can still be thankful for what I have seen over the past 6-7 years with RLC. Like many here I can only hope now that the folks who run RLC can get a better grip on presenting higher quality product that they can afford to all subs. I'm not sure if I am going to renew my sub after all these years because I now fear what you said about duplicating the Russian days are gone...I'm not sure if I can put up with the dismal quality of most of the product...Martina/Alberto and Masha being the exceptions...I also miss the Leora of the Russian days...she was fun to watch back then. So thanks again for shedding your insight on the reality of the situation.
  11. Hi ddhm. What reasons have been analysed and by whom? One of the best ideas RLC had during the Russian years was to have couples that had a bisexual woman and a loving male partner who not only accepted her bisexuality but also participated in female-female- male sex acts willingly...Eva/Sam, Jane/Dick, Masha/Sasha/Dasha to name a few. Are you suggesting that those type of relationships can no nonger be found outside of Russia? If so, I don't buy it. Russia dies not have a monopoly on people of such persuasion. There is absolutely no evidence that most subsribers of RLC and CC oppose RLC from finding those type of participants...it has nothing to do with geography. My sense based upon what I've read in CC posts is that many subs on RLC and CC love the idea of bisexual women who are partnered with heterosexual men. So, I'm not sure what you're infering to. What persons here have said that what happened in Russsia cannot be duplicated now and why? Are there no such couples available to recruit outside of Russia or Ukraine? I suspect there are tens of thousands of couples where the woman is bisexual and the male partner is not. But please tell me what you know that I don't as to why truly bisexual women can no longer be found or won't be allowed to participate in RLC. I am perplexed.
  12. You are so right...it is the "unexpected" that is so missing...everything seems so well planned right now. Some think that RLC does not get involved with planning or dictating what happens...I disagree. Their recruitment of participants dictates what will happen in each appartment. RLC has lost sight of their original business philosophy... allow each apartment to do what they do without interference...BUT don't pre-program each apartment's result based upon their recruitment of participants. I believe RLC does not want couples with bisexual women involved in the project for some reason...maybe new ownership is morally against that...I don't know...it is their choice after all...they are the owners.
  13. Hi Aladino. I'm not sure I like the word "girls" that you use. I prefer "women" as that is what they are right? Well, why do all "girls" need to be straight with a male partner? That is not what happened during the Russian apartments era in some cases where the apartments were very successful in viewership. There were quite a few apartments with bisexual women and male partners. I'm not sure what you are saying here as you normally are quite insightful. Am I misreading the intent of your post?
  14. You are right on target here ddhm. Thank you. Unfortunately, many on RLC and CC never saw the Masha/Jane/ Dick/Top Knot videos...all part of the old Russian years, although the visit of Jane and Dick to Masha after the Russian crash was pretty extrordadinary...Dick literally got wounded in action with Masha. I also miss Jane and Dick...they provided so much "kinky" action never seen on RLC since.
  15. Hi Mark. I also used to watch some old Russian era videos of the best couples back then who made it to Hotscopes but I finally gave up watching as my anti-virus software started to block the site. But there were some of the best moments from earlier RLC there...including from the apartment you mentioned. I remember an earlier couple from that apartment who had a woman named Amira who was cute and sexy as hell. Thamks for bringing that up Mark.
  16. Right again. When you look at the site now, how many truly bi women do we have? Martina for sure but there's no way in hell Alberto will take part in a woman/woman/ male escapade with Martina. Masha might get involved with another woman possibly. I'm not sure who else would who is currenntly currently in RLC. And fake bi women need not apply...what's the point of that as that is mostly what the problem is now on the site as many have said. I know some will say that even during the golden Russian years, that some of the bisexual action between women must have been "planned" so its not real. Really??? Well it sure didn't "seem" like it was planned or orchestrated...it felt pretty spontaneous to me and many others I'm sure. That's why there is still great demand by RLC subs for that type of action still today. But today on RLC most of us know the pseudo lesbian shows are staged and not worth watching in my opinion...but each to their own I guess. We can only hope that the powers that be at RLC will et their minds back and see the error of their recent recruiting decisions.
  17. Well said philo. Your reasoning and perception is very sound. The list of women you mentioned was near perfect. The "female predator" list has three women I was lucky enough to watch quite a bit during the golden Russian years...Eva, Jane and Masha. And they all had one thing in common...they were bisexual women who had loving male partners who also enjoyed taking part in the female/female/male action. THAT is what RLC needs to bring back. I have no idea why RLC has not gone in that direction for years now...it make no sense. The Eva/Sam, Jane/Dick and Masha/Sasha/Dasha apartments were among the most popular apartments around for several years. The "proof is in the pudding" as the saying goes. Look what happened to RLC's viewership when word got out about the Martina/Nelly affair...it skyrocketed for months...ít was easily the most sought after action on the site for months...it was also maybe the most controversial...great for RLC's wallet I'm sure. One last thing. Your mention of Eva was so nice to hear. I have a feeling that most of our subs on both RLC and CC never saw Eva in action. In my opinion, Eva was the best female ever to appear on RLC. I know that's saying something but she had everything...she was very pretty, highly artistic, smart and funny, and in her bisexuality she was very, very sensual and erotic and probably the most kinky woman ever on RLC, along with Masha. I feel badly for all that missed out on her during the Russian years. I know that RLC can find these types of women if they put their minds to it. Just imagine how good RLC could become again with 3 or 4 new couples who all had a bisexual women involved running around the site. Thanks again philo for your input and insight.
  18. Great, acccurate post Van the Man. The only reason I stay as a sub is hoping someone in power at RLC acknowdges that the original business philosophy of RLC was the secret and somehow, some way, it needs to be revived...but this time around, get many more English speaking participants. Today, almost no conversations can be understood unless subs speak both Russian or Ukranian which really is getting intolerable because the physical "action" is so subpar. But, the biggest difference from the Russian days and now is that in the Russian days the participants were so good, that the language barrier didn't really matter. Your mention of Eva was especially on the mark. As a long-time sub, in my opinion, Eva, of Eva and Sam, is the best RLC personality of all time...she was very,very pretty, smart and funny, very open and wildly erotic and kinky in her bisexuallity. Her trysts with other women were spectacular...no English language was needed. Same with all the other women you mentioned. The other trait of the Russian days, was that so much of the action was spontaneous...we didn't know it was coming. I could go on and on here but I'm sure some here wouldn't enjoy that. In the end, there has to be a way that RLC can at least to some small extent, try to extract something from the success of the old Russian days. For the life of me, I can't figure out why they won't attempt that. Thanks again Van the Man for bringing back memories of the Golden years of RLC.
  19. You have to remember, this is Tereza and Timur we're talking about here. In my opinion, based upon what I have seen up until now, I think that both Tereza and Timor are conservative in their views about having sex outside of their relationship...and that's ok. But maybe Masha opened their eyes a little bit last night. Masha has always had a special skill in moving others to "push the envelope" a little bit when it comes to sex. I think she knew that Tereza and Timur would be a bit inhibited with any kind of a sexual threesome and if you study the session, Masha was very cautious...she took her time in moving forward...very wise on her part. That's not to say Masha didn't have desires, especially towards Tereza, but I personally think Masha was not going for a "homerun" threesome last night. I think if sex happened with the three of them that would be great in her mind, but if it didn't that would be ok. So where I disagree with you is that sometimes eroticism is actually as good as the actual sex acts and I think that's what last night was all about...and I think Masha was knew that. I enjoyed the "theesome" a lot...very erotic.
  20. Hi Jen, I totally agree with you about sometimes it would be nice to get just a short translation from someone concerning the general idea about what some of the conversations are about without giving away any real identities of the participants... just a short, simple overview. That situation just came up last night, or should I say all night and morning involving the tryst between Masha, Tereza and Timur, which was very hot. They had many conversations during the night while their escapade was going on and it would be very nice to be given a translation that was very general but still shed some light on what they were talking about. It would make a great event even better and probably a little racier. You would think that could be done without divulging any personal secrets or identities...just need someone who knows Russian and Ukranian.
  21. Hi ddhm. Of course, what about all those earlier years when Dasha ad Sasha shared Masha's Rome apartment with her for maybe 3-4 years. There were at least 50 FFM threesomes in addition to many lesbian sexual escapades beween Masha and Dasha. I also remember Masha being devastated for weeks after Dasha and Sasha split. Maybe your point about Masha needing a trio is based upon the Dasha and Sasha years and she longs to go back to that...although one would ask why she would want to go back to a situation that eventually caused her so much pain in the end?
  22. Sorry everyone for leaving out a few words on my last post...too busy trying to eat and type at the same time.
  23. Well said. I have never thought of RLC as anything near a porn site...it just doesn't qualify as one from the porn sites I've seen unless people think its a soft porn site I guess. I do think though that a few things that happen on RLC are real such as when a participant is clearly distressed about a reallife situation and cries on cam. Or when sometimes a participant gets into a real argument...like Masha has been known to do at times...a real argument is hard to fake and I'm not many of the people on RLC could pull that off. So, I have to admit, I share your addiction. Is there any hope for us or are we doomed for eternity?
  24. Hi Jen, I know what you mean about keeping posts short...hard to do when we have so much to say in our heads. But I've not been posting over the last few days just to take a break and figure out how to shorten my posts...not sure I can conquer that yet but here's what I'll say about your last posts...it makes me happy to see someone else here use the words "soap opera" in a good way when it comes to some of the reallife dramas going on in RLC. For me, I've decided over the last few days to just enjoy the ride here and not be too concerned with wondering whether everything we see is "real", staged, or directed by someone''. I no longer care...its still a soap opera to me because there's so little any of us know as to what is going on behind the scenes...so I'm just sitting back, chillin' out enjoying the whole thing from here on out.Thanks for your two great last posts.
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