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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. Correct, theoretically, England's mass would fit into Tasmania, Australia's smallest state.
  2. and no, it's not about virgins.
  3. I find politics an enigma, the females have bigger balls than the men and they are all either cunts or arseholes, yet they seem to screw you anyway. ???
  4. I've noticed quite a few of the RLC videos end up on other sites online, I found some while browsing spy cam sites last night. Same bathroom, people and bedrooms.
  5. I must be a boring old fart, I'm not into booze, politics, your mom :P , apple pie, and my memories are vague, but i do like music, yes most types including pop rap. Ahh the girls I left behind, or in some cases they left me behind, either way I still have memories of them.
  6. I think every country has their undesirables, for some reason concentrated in certain areas. Perhaps it makes it easier for the governments to cater for them. Over here they are moving from these lower socio-economic housing estates to integrating them into average suburban areas, not that it is hard to spot the scum bags.
  7. What better way to reduce the population than a virus carried in eggs. :o
  8. Anyone else seeing Maya and Stepan in the kitchen ..... and lounge room at the same time? It appears the kitchen cam is showing a time 25 minutes behind the lounge room.
  9. 1. Having a drunken fuck at night in a Motel pool, while people watch from adjoining rooms. 2. Lifting my girlfriend onto the boot of my car and fucking her while parked beside a river, during the day as boats drift by. I'll add as my memories come back, or if I remember :P
  10. I kinda guessed you meant liters, most countries sell them in 1 liter or bigger. We do get them sometimes, but it must have something to do with import duties.
  11. Yep, that's the one, in the early morning when it started to get light, she was still wearing them, from what I could see.
  12. Well said young man, I totally agree, we seem to be a dying breed
  13. 7ooml bottles Stoli is $34.90, Smirnoff north is $29.95, for Red in 1000ml bottles it is $46.95 in Australia where I live.
  14. It's a mobile based messaging service where users send photos with short messages. The message lasts 10 seconds before disappearing, unfortunately screen grabs can still be taken and a few pics have found their way online.
  15. I got the error twice this morning my time, not sure what time it is over there. Merely mentioned something about server maintenance?
  16. Bwahahahaha :-X sound like my brother in law
  17. Thank you, although story writing is not my forte, perhaps I could try to contribute towards the plethora of T&A onboard here. Apologies upfront if I offend anyone, my humour doesn't always translate well in type. I also have difficulties relating in RL (part of Aspergers), so feel more at ease online.
  18. Smirnoff still comes in glass bottles here, and Stoly is in the same price range... As long as the filtration process has been adequate, most are good.
  19. Snapchat seems to be all the rage now, bad news for parents though .....
  20. Did you write your own code for it too? ??? It was amazing what some people could do with those things
  21. Just me being myself. I don't find the need to make up multiple personalities, especially as a newbie to a site.
  22. I think you just summed up all relationships, people seem inexplicably drawn together for whatever reason that if asked they themselves cannot define.
  23. Before or after i've been in it? :P
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