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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. She was looking for and found something in a coat pocket hanging in the hallway, which she took. I wonder if that may be what they were looking for, it was roughly the size of a phone. It may have been her coat hanging up there too. :-\
  2. She had her legs up and wide open earlier, but it was too dark to see any detail apart from that. I'm pretty sure the night vision works automatically according to light levels, you can see it switching on and off in some of the other apartments and notice how them having the bathroom light on without a hall light makes it impossible to see into a bathroom from the hall cam.
  3. Try looking here: (The Web Link is No Longer Accessible and has been Removed)
  4. Pretty rare that I eat skippy, most supermarkets sell it now, but I prefer a good rump.
  5. So when's dinner? *chuckles* I'm having spaghetti and meatballs tonight, haven't made my own sauce for around 30 years now.... Used to have a yard full of tomatoes that would last all year once cooked and the sauce frozen
  6. Not defending the guy, but he was awake all night and appeared to be studying.
  7. You missed Paul giving her a root under the covers this morning, around 6.30am their time. At least he got his rocks off after being on the computer all night and now sleeping.
  8. I don't like that word either, but calling a guy a pussy has a different meaning.
  9. I've had that error heaps, about a dozen times, in 15 minutes. The board said 2.15am roughly when i first logged in.
  10. That should be, Stone Cold 3:16 ;) the pic gives it away
  11. As it says... Alina is in the hallway wrapping glasses in newspaper and there's a lot of bags.
  12. Any guesses when the baby is due? I think she looks around 3 months pregnant at least, so that would make it around the end of June next year, if not earlier.
  13. Some people would say Isabel is already in a lesbian relationship :P
  14. Thank you for posting in a format that doesn't require we sign up or download. They're not very intimate towards each other during the act of sex, both just seem to lay there and keep to themselves when on the bottom. It's like they are just going through the motions and using each other to get off. ???
  15. I had about twenty tabs open at once when I clicked on the password section >:( All SPAM
  16. Is it possible for you guys to post AVI links, so we don't have to download?
  17. Maybe Leora needs an old man like Putin, just to show her how she would be treated by a real man. I'm sure he'd be happy to have her.
  18. You would be correct in that she may have told you the Anglicized version of her name, much like I use the English version of my Dutch name in Australia. (mainly because most people have issues with the pronunciation)
  19. My sister used to do that when she visited me because she thought it was funny, I have my set ways and routines and she likes to get a reaction and stir the pot. But it is easier to remove some paper one handed when it is hung over instead of under, I find.
  20. They are as boring as bat shit, apart from the rare event that they have sex, i'd think they were brother and sister. I find myself watching their TV more than them.
  21. Odds are she's gay, a lot of female beach volleyball players are, bet she has a lot of female friends ;)
  22. Do you hang your toilet paper, under, or over?
  23. Almost, they are on the couch, she is naked and legs up, towards the cam.
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