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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. Which one, even he has no ass, it's the assless duo.
  2. I think it's more like I'm her kitty, ummm, she's married and i'm her plaything. ;)
  3. Don't forget it must include the billions of Asians :P
  4. I thought he was working at a Gym, possibly as a trainer. It fitted in with his attire and supplements. His physique also shows some muscle tone.
  5. I wouldn't mind a Kitten hanging around, I'm not rich enough to be a Sugar Daddy, but my sex drive is still there, and I'm told I look pretty good for my age. Pity my girlfriend wouldn't allow it.
  6. I thought he was a jerk all the time, well, maybe not when sleeping. 8)
  7. That's what nice girls say, it's almost as insulting as them telling you, you have a nice personality. I'd rather hear the truth.
  8. My guess was a Christmas Ham, complete with trotter still attached.
  9. And I thought the gender symbol with the arrow pointing up was male ???
  10. I've looked at this plenty of times (your post) and finally just had to reply. B.S. If you claim he is average, then you are bragging about yourself, fine, be a big dick then. Marcelo is average in size, the mean of an erect human penis is approximately 12.9–15.0 cm (5.1–5.9 in) in length.
  11. Looks like knitting to me, and it's too big to be booties.
  12. I think she is a demanding, attention seeking bitch, having a tanty in her own way while trying to get his mind of work and onto her. She needs to remember it's not all about her. But that's just my opinion based on personal experience with someone like her.
  13. The whole argument about Tattoos revolves around stereotypes, and for the most part, those that have them are pigeon holing themselves with their markings. The style of marking defines who they are and their social peers. So it is easy to generalize and make blanket statements regarding them. Woodworker is correct in what he has said, even if some people may not like the way it was said.
  14. *puts hand up* pick me, pick me She could be taller, a bit lighter in color, and, less chubby. But basically I think she is sort of attractive and has a good sex drive.
  15. He seems more preoccupied with running his fingers through his hair..... hmm, reminds me of someone else on RLC. ???
  16. Whoooaaaaa, lets not get too carried away there little fella. Sex is an important factor in a relationship, without it they may as well be brother and sister. (which I think may be the case :P )
  17. I agree, full HD cameras are needed in all rooms. The resolution when viewed full screen on my monitor is woeful, even in adequate lighting.
  18. I think Paul would be better suited to Nora, he wants sex often, and she gets off easily. In return she could teach him a few tricks, like pleasing the woman and lasting longer.
  19. Maya's dog would get some good shots, it's always sniffing around her butt.
  20. So you get free samples? I've known a few that have drained the hoses after refueling tanks and got quite a few litres that way. p.s. I work part time at a Service Station, besides my full time job.
  21. They were trying on new clothes, Nora took of her undies with her back to the camera, and partly hidden by the wardrobe door, but you could still see half her butt. She then pulled on the yellow pencil skirt (without undies) and went out to show Kiko (not sure about the last bit)
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