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Everything posted by Panther063

  1. You would be like that if you came twice as often as Christmas too .... :o
  2. I think they understand commands in their owners language, but that they aren't multilingual. I've heard of Trainers using German to train guard dogs, so they wouldn't listen to English speaking people.
  3. I'd like a cam on the dividing wall on the other side of Leora and Paul's sofa, so we get to see from both ends ;)
  4. Panther063

    Read Me

    Ok, you sold me. I paid for a subscription, so you're stuck with me :P
  5. Maybe it's the food they eat *shrugs*
  6. I think the night vision makes her look different, I also think she should move on and find someone that can pleasure her and has more than half a dick like Kiko does. Judging by one of the videos he was in, he's only about 3" hard and she was constantly holding onto him so he wouldn't fall out.
  7. Panther063

    Read Me

    I'm Dutch, so don't part with my hard earned easily, I'd like to know what this worthy cause is and why it should cost us money, considering CC is using a free to use website and has advertising that should cover costs. I'm a member on a similar style website that is free to use and also is hosted for free. They don't have advertising and there are no running costs, so just wondering where the money is going.
  8. Panther063

    Read Me

    'Print Screen' puts the whole screen into the clipboard. Just open a program like 'Paint' and paste it. Just make sure to use the Paint program to edit out any identifying markers or pictures that you don't want seen. You can easily crop pictures using Paint.
  9. I interpreted that as him saying he'd need a ladder strapped sideways across his back so he wouldn't fall in, or something like that :P
  10. I see the problem, she thinks her clitoris is on her head, that's why she keeps running her fingers through her hair, constantly! :P
  11. 3 minutes going by the times on your posts, pretty ordinary for him.
  12. Both of them got dressed in the lounge room in the morning, the "chubby one" changed her knickers and gave a glimpse of the front.
  13. True, if the Video is UL. or some other upload site, then I don't waste my time, fortunately some members put AVI files on which are much more user friendly.
  14. I'd vote but the poll appears to be closed, even though it says the 16th! Thanks!
  15. Mid 80's, high humidity and thunderstorms. At least our rain is warm.
  16. Panther063

    Site Updates

    Since the maintenance, the format has changed slightly, the colors are different and the reply buttons etc are hard to find as they are not labelled.
  17. She looked a bit like Nora, but fun, she was wearing glasses and it wasn't Maya's sister, she is chubby.
  18. THAT is why God invented lesbians! ;D Men are lesbians with natural attachments ;D
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