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  1. hello, you have had a good trip to your new city

    and that the move is going well

    and that your cold is passing

    1. Ruby


      Hello) Thank you) Yes, all is well

  2. Hey Ruby, 

    Advance happy new year wishes.

    How are you doing?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. neha shah

      neha shah

      Pls ignore him ruby. He is very rude.

      How are you doing?


    3. neha shah

      neha shah

      Ruby, do you have an instagram or twitter?

    4. nack


      First of all,i dont give a shit about you Neha. You have an Indian female name and i just commented that i was pleasantly surprised to see an Indian female on CC.How is that rude ? I doubt that you are a female or Indian for that matter.Why keep an Indian Female name to fool others.

  3. My dears! Zack and the blonde good guys, they are not addicts, questions Manager and other will remain our, I have no to them claims on parts of communication)
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