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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Ok point taken but I just really think as true lesbians they will not have sex with men.When Viki jerked the guy off she could have easily taken it further but didn't which suggests to me that was the cut off point.
  2. I don't think V&K will ever have full penetrative sex with a guy.They take it to the limit but that's it .Last night Viki jerked the guy off and he came on his belly and she stayed back out the way.I watched it just too see how far they would go and then logged off.Not for me thanks.I wish they would just go back to just the two of them or with Izzy.I assume all this stuff with the men is financially driven like everything on here I suppose..😣
  3. Oh geez guys your making me blush.I'm taking my show on the road and I have hired the telephone box round the corner.If it gets to rowdy I can always phone for help.😀
  4. Hi Ash,your damn tooting about the don't watch thing.I'm getting OCD about it cos it really pisses me off.Yeh itching is a real pisser and I feel sorry for Nina and anyone else for that matter.BTW I have never heard of the tea bag cure.You said you fell off your bike into poison sumac.What is that.?I fell off my bike and bumped my head when I was a kid and my mum said that will knock some sense in to you,but it obviously didn't work.!!Nice to hear from you.👍
  5. Looks like somebody did not know you cancelled your sub.
  6. I beg to differ but you have just described confusion.using words like maybe,sometimes,so often.it is a very flexible and loose arrangement allowing lots of different scenarios which makes it confusing.Imagine if all APTS.ran like this.OK you have put a timeline on it but the simple fact is that none of us know who is going to appear and when.Confusion.I rest my case.thanks for responding though.
  7. Now that the lovely Nina appears to have gone again I suppose Giselle will show up pretty soon.I dunno about you guys but I'm totally confused with this place.I suppose in a backhanded way it keeps the interest going,something to talk about but it is becoming irritating and I know I don't have to watch.😑
  8. Hi Rob,I have just come in and logged on.Has Nina definitely left for good
  9. Hi Rob,got to agree,surely it's only common sense that health comes first before any of the other nonsense that is going on with this place.Nina needs to wake up and smell the coffee.
  10. I think it will be Nina rather than George preventing a strong bond between Alan and Giselle.!imo.
  11. A tutorial on blowjobs for Ramona from Dana!!😀
  12. I guess Giselle won't be visiting any time soon.😏
  13. Sorry I forgot the smiley face.Just meant to be a bit of jokey sarcasm.They can live in a pigsty for all I care.
  14. Lexy and Pete would have a heart attack if they saw this(and other stuff)I thought only men lived in messes like this.!!
  15. I have had a second look and the guest is leaving but I think Dana is unwell😥
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