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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. Yeh the brewery is in a town called Dunbar about a half hour drive south of where I live.
  2. It's almost the worst bedroom camera setup in VH and has been the whole time it has been online.
  3. Sorry Lets as you have probably noticed I have sent the reply to Ash.Humblest apologies for not checking properly who posted.Big oops!!!
  4. Hi Ashley Howzit gon(how is it going)Burns night celebrates a very famous Scottish poet Robert Burns who lived and died in the 18th century near Ayr in Scotland.To be really honest with you poetry is not my thing so he is definitely not my specialist subject.As for the hunting question once upon a time some people mostly non Scottish could be kidded into believing that Haggis were little wild animals that roamed Scotland and that we Scots had to hunt for our Burns night meal.True!!!!!
  5. I'm Edinburgh born and bred so a castle is second nature to me but along with Stirling and Balmoral castle(the latter being one of the places the Queen resides when here)they are equally impressive.We also have Holyrood Palace.If you have any interest in UK history Edinburgh,London and Glasgow are just three of the places to visit.You get a cracking pint of beer in Scotland(Belhaven Best)gosh nearly forgot the most important bit.I better stop now before I get too boring.BTW impressed with your Scottish Gaelic.I canny speak it.
  6. I'll be in the Saltire room and he 'll be in the St.Georges cross room and we will probably not be speaking to each other,that is after we have had our platonic haggis of course.HaHa good one but your idea would put VH out of business for ever.😂😂
  7. Hi Ashley,I am peeing myself laughing here in bonnie Scotland.You are discussing Haggis with an englishman.Credit where credit is due though Rob does know what it is and likes it as well.Could be Scottish blood in him somewhere.😀As for your USA version it was going not too badly till you mentioned pigs what's its.I had a sudden sharp pain in the groin so I will maybe pass on that bit.Interesting culinary info nonetheless.However it's dinner time here and as is custom on Burns night we are having haggis ,tatties and neeps,translated means haggis potatoes and turnip.Cheers for now.Slainte(Wiki that for meaning😀
  8. Likewise mate,nice to hear from you.as you can see from my post I think Just in is a Scot but not sure.Rob replied and totally confused me(but happy he did)so I don't know.Are you celebrating the bard?Haggis,tatties and neeps will be it for me.Keep in touch.Anytime you want a blether👍
  9. Where about I have looked and cannot see him?In Lisa's flat?
  10. Good on you Rob,but now I am confused(not difficult).Do you know if Just in is a Scot?
  11. I'm guessing you are a Scot like me(if you are not i'm gonna look damn silly)anyway it's Burns night tonight and I was wondering if you are planning on going out to hunt one of these little fuckers for dinner.If I don't get one it's tatties and neeps for me.Slainte.☺☺
  12. Never!!Jabbath would think we were back in separate rooms😀😀😀
  13. Just think you will have all that extra dosh in your Davy Crockett.Make sure the struggle and strife doesn't find out.Any way keep posting cos we need your valuable,sensible,educated,humorous input.lol😀😀
  14. It's really nice to hear an explanation now and again that isn't solely based on sex.a natural observation👍
  15. Yeh point taken but you have to admit that Alan was always ready for Nina for sex.He just seems to have to work harder with other women which says to me that his mind is maybe elsewhere.He could fuck Nina more than once in a day whereas he struggles to "finish the job" properly with anyone else,in Giselle's case over a week.Any woman would be a relief from the Giselle marathon or him jerking off,but good luck to the guy.
  16. Personally I am quite happy with Dana and Chris(minus camming)As far as I am concerned keep up the good work.All kinds of action.👍👍
  17. That's Utopia man but can you seriously see it happening.i will go to sleep tonight and hopefully dream about it but that's all it will ever be.
  18. A fit and healthy Nina returning would save this place.lets face it she is the only woman that will ever make Alan truly happy.He needs a strong woman in his life and lovely as Giselle is she is not for the future.Giselle is just a short term stand in.But Nina's health comes first.Just my POV.
  19. Did Clara and Stas have a full foursome with Cleo and Axel in their flat.i seem to remember them playing cards in C&A's bedroom before it?.Maybe wishful thinking.😶
  20. When communism in Russia died so did censorship.Do you want someone overseeing what we write and him or her deciding what can be published.Having said that I respect your point and opinion.Like Lets I am keeping out of this argument.jmo😟
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