She is an attractive and sexual girl but according to Alan's flaccid cock he is a one woman man.He won'be fully sexually fulfilled until the lovely Nina returns.jmo😍
I just hope she is getting treatment for her itch and is getting better quickly.i wonder what she thinks or does she know what's going on at the moment with Alan.I don't know if she is coming back,but I hope she is.
Oh dear I suppose that makes Scotland tropical.i know someone in Lac du bonnet in Manitoba and the photos in winter Wow.Snow we don't know the half of it here.
Not literally HaHa good one 😀😀He literally definitely does.He is a dog.Anyway enough of this bullshit.Wherever you are on mother earth have a good day.Its fucking freezing here in Scotland.☺
Ok I take your point but I did not mean literally scripted,more in line of what might be an idea of George's to make money.Whats repulsive is the way George manipulates his tenants in any way he can.You just have to watch his other places.He is a piece of work!
Does that asshole guy think he is the phantom of the opera.what a tosser!And Rosie do yourself a favour and get out of their cos you are only lining Kira and George's pockets.I don't doubt you love sex and action but get your self your own flat and pick and choose who you want to visit.Obviously with the leech around that might be easier said than done but at least consider it.😑
Hiya Ashley or is it Ash,nice to meet you too.i feel a right Twit.for not spotting your sarcasm.we could maybe have a secret codeword when you are being sarcastic to spare my blushes.😀😀anyway thanks for responding and have a good day.cheers.☺
Do you mean that if she is being assfucked that gives the guy licence to punch and slap her whenever he feels like it.the woman maybe only wanted anal and nothing are giving an abuser the benefit of the doubt.