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Dave 27

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Everything posted by Dave 27

  1. There are reasons she maybe cannot have full sex right now.just saying.
  2. Who is this attractive lady?as far as this morning has gone she won't be a part of any MFF activity.she slept alone in the loggia last night and this morning has moved around the apt.fully clothed having breakfast etc,etc,much to M&B's disdain as they had"other business" to conclude.quite amusing really to watch their frustration.☺
  3. I enjoyed watching misty in that tiny little apt.when she had numerous guys in.she always seemed happy.then Kyle appeared and she just didn't seem to be the same again and we all know how that turned out.she obviously likes to be in full control of her own life.absolutely nothing wrong with that.you go gal.
  4. I am sure groomy said in a previous post that Ana&Misty were having compatibility issues.maybe best to ask him?
  5. I am pretty sure the girl with the glasses returned and her and Alan had a snogging session although nothing sexual happened,so she ain't no relative.Exciting Joe has turned up so the whole place as you would expect has dumbed down.watch this space but not for tool long.
  6. Preferably MFF.tony certainly will not be involved.He got dumped swiftly for Grisha.
  7. Oops should have checked the timeline.Michelin man had his wicked way with the lovely Rosie which proves the point that opposites do attract.😉
  8. Michelin man tried it on with Rosie a week or so ago in the guest bedroom but she was having none of it.he has maybe not got the message yet.time will tell.
  9. Do you remember the couple Mary and George from a few months ago?.when he shot his load he positively convulsed.when I first saw him I was genuinely worried that something was wrong(I am treading carefully here in a medical sense)but it turned out he always reacted that way.i am sure they were supposed to be returning last autumn but never reappeared.BTW I woke up to a dreary cold Scottish morning today and your ever inventive script writing gave me a good chuckle).thanks Amy3 for getting my day off to a start with a smile.you have gotE.L James shaking in her boots.😀😀😀
  10. If they were to say anything more than niet or da I would be fucked .sorry russian people if my spelling is wrong.
  11. With script like that you are missing your true vocation in life.move over 50 shades!😀😀
  12. Can any one tell me why Kira is so upset.her latest girlfriend has just left but I don't what they were saying to each other.maybe something to do with it being russian Christmas Eve?.
  13. Yeh gotcha!doubts now removed. Even bigger tosser👎👎
  14. I suppose it could be alcohol but I have my doubts.tosser👎
  15. No probs.it was just a bit of light hearted banter.certainly no need for an apology.just trying to lighten up what can be be a bit over serious at times.
  16. I don't think they give a toss about what CC or VH subs.think.as long as they can earn enough from CB to put bread on their table is top priority.all this is just a means to an end until she graduates then she can get a real job.
  17. A&L should consider getting a decent sized apt.(with 2bedrooms)for this four.financially it could benefit all round.larger apt.would be higher rent but at least it would be shared.if last night's performance is anything to go by familiarity breeds familiarity.i personally think it would work.
  18. Onesie alert!!!.EM hasnt morphed into alan's apt?☺
  19. I don't sub. To any other voyeur site so cannot comment but I do agree Kira's apt was very active and interesting but I would stop short at calling it incredible.
  20. I hope she has made the correct new year's resolution and maybe earn herself some forgiveness from you lovely understanding,people out their.
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