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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. now the stupid daylight is on. could not really see that Kam kitty on display when he was fingering her to orgasm. Now they are cuddleing and the day is in view
  2. for English translate:unfortunately for kami , she does not seem to have found a partner as strong or enduring Bogdan ........ Yet a young guy but he seems to need the little blue pill
  3. looks like he is spending the night... but its 5 am so spending the day. either way they are happy to be with each other again no way to avoid daytime sex
  4. Thes Ive never seen you really go "Ham"(Hard as a Mother) on the ladies. whats up with your dislike of Megan. I don't know her much would like some insight.
  5. -long I understood that these apartments are girls attrappes-pigeons to lure the customer and alas fontionne here with a lot of people here, these girls are just there for teaser again and again to talk here or elsewhere and so insciter people to subscribe, if there is no free-camera for this apart-there's a reason! rlc walking on the buzz is all but the oldest pertinament know that nothing will pass this exeptés maybe once every 3 months and if you're not there at the right time and get well paid $ 45 for nothing not for loan repaid rlc-there are too many things that are not on this site and their members rlc treated like crap then it peuve wiping your ass with the money I have given them in recent years, j 'I understand their armory, rlc not see me as a member and I hope that others will follow my way, stay with the free cams that's enough for this site as rlc not change casting method, behavior of their members and leadership, it's going more and more rlc is uninteresting, are only the most addicted addict and continues to pay for this shit and it's not what's missing on this forum alas!
  6. that's to trick viewers who think they are home and continuously click. that wind is deceptive all the apts are doing it. hehehe
  7. Do they have direct flights to Ibiza I don't know. but maybe they fly to Barcelona then get to Ibiza. Pardon my minimal European geography
  8. I used to feel frustrated with this apt as well so I get it. but that was my fault for concentrating on only one apt that kept my interest. plus after 6 months not a lot goes on anyway. We all have our favorites and we miss them when they are not there. The Barcelona apts. seem to fill my void now. and I can still go old school with Leora and Adrianna every once in a while.
  9. I don't think she uses them regularly. This will be interesting Kamila likes to hook up on her trips.
  10. I don't know how RLC tracks apt. demand but it appears K&K have some leverage to not be bound to the apt. For the first time in since they left Spain I am enjoying the Barc apt again. and the new Barc. I kind of gave in that it is what it is with these two. My eyeballs have a choice.
  11. I guess RLC is ok paying for this apt. regardless if they are there or not. much like Vanessa and Thomas.
  12. I used to be sad that the girls would go away. but now I have Barc 2. Yummy Megan and Barc #1 Stella
  13. So the only women I know for sure are Bonnie and Lyree. Can you give me a female perspective on what Kamila's vagina issue is and why is so long lasting. I think a the dudes would like some insight, if not PM me
  14. can a veteran pm me on how to record this stuff. I don't get to see much but when I do I see a need to keep for myself and those I trust to see.
  15. is there another dead spot we are not aware of besides the restroom and balcony from the rooms?
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