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Everything posted by kenny1940

  1. Being that neither Kam or Kris are into receiving oral, their magical hook up that some desire would be lots of fingering, massage and touching, a little kissing.
  2. 08:46 BF left after a really sweet long kiss good bye at the door. Kamila will be home this weekend bating her ass off while he is gone for the wedding.
  3. Magic Man, was caressing Kam when she was naked, he had his tighty whites undies on. After about 10 min Kamila when to the bathroom brushed her teeth put on a shirt and shorts and now they are caressing again with the BR door wide open. Kristy will surely be up soon. 08:40 Gonna listen to Heart now Magic Man, Barricuda
  4. yep, and get out of her small town like lots of women do across the globe. It explains her primitive ways of using water bottles and lotion bottles and her overall sexuality. She has become more sophisticated since we me her. Nonetheless, she comes from a more simpler life. Kristy will be fine it seems her family is not far from Moscow as she visits every week. She fits in the big city. For Kam its a bigger quest. Do I want the glamorous life, or a simple life that has the trappings of a great lifestyle, family and happiness without the clubbing and being sexualized in her "modeling". I would imagine for both, it's intoxicating to be that young and have fans, a fancy pad et cetera. At what cost? they both seem to want to be in a relationship. Even if they cant see RLC in their region, how do you explain to dudes what your lifestyle is. How many secure dudes can handle it?
  5. That Megan chick has moved way up the charts for me. finally I have someone else to distract me from K&K
  6. Olympics are over and I went through 6 seasons of LOST again. Now back to regular programming. K&K in one week both have done what I wanted 6 months ago. It took three 3 month tours to get there, and you know what I'm cool. Just want some prescience and a little outside life in the apt. Keep the apt ladies if you want ladies but don't walk away from love for it. The single ladies of RLC cant be compared to the couples that made the decision. It's a different game. I support all of the tenants and friends and guests if they are present. Cant wait to read what happens from you guys with K&K. 08:42 Kamila in black underwear, Kristy in yellow underwear, both topless curled up in their blankies in the early Moscow morning.
  7. yep both of them. why leave a fancy apt. paid for? Kams parents don't live close, at least Kristy parents seem to live close. they faced an adult decision and said let do it. good for them
  8. that's funny Mike I just watched that episode last night. be patient all it was an introduction. her sex stories never match up to her real life sex. why? those damn cameras.
  9. I find this very romantic. I'm happy he is attentive and so is she. Time will work out for them.
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