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Everything posted by moules

  1. Sara who had been sleeping on the couch, crawls into Nadia's bed. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording
  2. The securities fraud resulted from his eavesdropping. In the United States, individual state laws define what is eavesdropping, and when it is illegal. The Federal government's laws against eavesdropping are limited in their application, with the national government primarily deferring to the states in this area.. These state laws vary, and, for example, many states allow eavesdropping if one of the communicating parties consents. Massachusetts is a two party consent state, and with an extreme prohibition. see below: Assuming Spain requires two party consent. As several posters argue, Massi consented by speaking over his phone at a spot where he could be overheard by RLC subscribers. However, the party he was speaking with did not consent. Eavesdropping prohibitions generally apply to conversations where a telephone is used. If Massi stood in the LR of B-7 and shouted in Italian that Participant X is a whore, and she lets dogs fuck her, and that the only way that RLC can operate in Spain is by paying big bribes to everyone, and that Participant Y gave him syphilis and laughed about it, AND a CC poster overhears Massi saying this, and then posts a transcript on CC of what he said, that is not eavesdropping. If Massi said the very same thing over his smartphone, that's when the eavesdropping prohibitions could come into play. CC has a rule that villa/apartment locations are not to be published, nor are the real names of participants to be published. It seems to me when there are government rules against public disclosure of private conversations over a telephone, it would be a good practice not to publish transcripts of such.
  3. Man makes $1.7M from stocks by eavesdropping on wife's work call SCRIPPSNEWS.COM A man illegally made $1.7 million by trading stocks using insider information after eavesdropping on his wife's work call. He now faces... FWIW.
  4. I suggested they might be lesbians on the first day they arrived in B-4, because they slept in the same bed. But other posters soon pointed out there was no sign of affection between them, and I agreed with these posters that there is no indication that they are lesbians. As for your legal interpretations, you sound like a certain Presidential candidate and the various ways he defines various laws.
  5. He did not give his consent to transcripts of conversations he had with other parties over a telephone in his bedroom being made public.
  6. If you were in the United States, a prosecutor would use this post as prima facie evidence of your having committed a crime, often defined as eavesdropping. You used an amplifying device to listen to a telephone conversation, reported on what was said, and neither party gave their consent to your doing that. I believe even in Italy, which once was the wiretapping capital of the galaxy, recording telephone conversations is now illegal if neither party gave consent.
  7. Segregated. There is a problem with the English --> German translator. Segregated: vom Rest oder voneinander abgegrenzt sein; isolieren
  8. My memories of Sara's first tour in RLC are a bit faded, but I believe that when Sara has a threesome, she and the other girl are sexually engaged in the course of the threesome. So Numi's tactic last night of exclusively focusing on Massi, and ignoring Sara, was not going to work. I really empathize with Numi about her current situation in B-4. Karma and Sara are in relationships, Naya and Katarina have segregated themselves, B-7, other that for Massi, does not fraternize with B-4, so presently she is like being on an island by herself. It is now three weeks since Daytona left the project, and the bedroom that Radi and Tani were so great in, remains unoccupied. IMO, this indicates that the waiting list of future RLC participants is a very short one. I'll concede that Daytona's bedroom is the best in all of RLC for the lighting and cameras, so RLC may not want to put just anyone there.
  9. Any hanky panky would have been a threesome, because all three were in the same bed. Numi brought glasses of wine up to the penthouse for Sara and Massi. Then Massi went down to the kitchen and brought a whole hug of wine back to the room. A bit later, Sara had Numi return the jug of wine to the kitchen.
  10. Numi now in with Karma. Perhaps upset there will be no trio party in the penthouse.
  11. Sara, Massi, and guest girl (I don't recognize her immediately) look as if they will have a small party in the penthouse. Num1?
  12. Massi is financially savvy. He probably makes good money, not great money, in finance. But his income is taxed, and if he were not living in B-7, he would be paying for a leased apartment. By working for RLC, he has a second income. The money he makes weekly at RLC is probably not taxed, and now, most importantly, he also doesn't pay for an apartment. From what I can see, he is not spending his RLC income on a wardrobe of new clothes , or gambling, or drinking, or paying escorts. What he is doing is saving. Maybe he is investing, maybe he is buying bitcoins. He is not the first participant to have saved much of the money they made at RLC, intending to put it to good use in a future life after RLC.
  13. Wolf walks and moves as if he is muscle-bound. This can happen when muscles become so over-developed that flexibility and agility in movement is reduced. Has anyone ever seen Wolf dance? He probably is small-boned, and bulked himself up with muscles. And he over-did it. I don't see him leaving soon. And I am beginning to wonder if his constant attention to Madison is simply a waiting game. Margo left Dec 11, 2023, so she is now eligible for another 90 day Schengen visa, and a return. (Neytiri left January 30.). And I do not understand Madison, who is playing the vestal virgin. She is as chaste as her sister is carnal. The two of them are like yin and yang. I am certain that Marilyn knew Mati and Amalia sexually before she arrived at RLC. I think it likely that Madison also knows them. And that Marilyn and Madison possibly both know Cecelia from outside of RLC. Thus, I am perplexed that Madison would arrive at RLC knowing what it is and what happens at the villas and act as she does. Unless she is also playing a game. The two of them certainly generate high cam scores with their big tease!
  14. Only masochists continue to watch the nightly adventures of Wolf and Madison.
  15. When she arrived, she did not have a Schengen visa that would have allowed her more than a 90 day stay. (Interestingly, Margo and Ney both departed RLC just short of 90 days.) There are ways to obtain a longer stay visa, being a student is one, for example. Another way apparently is to register as a civil partner. An individual such as Sara, a Russian national who is already in Spain, would need to register as the civil partner of an individual who is legally residing in Spain (does not need to be a Spanish citizen). The Spanish resident needs to show that he/she can financially support the civil partner. It was/is thought she had registered as a civil partner, and her 90 day visa was extended. Given subsequent events, I do not know what would prevent Sara from entering into a new civil partnership, this time with Massi, or with Alberto, or even with Nadia, if Nadia could demonstrate an income source, or perhaps Fior. I am not an abogados (lawyer) practicing in Spain, so, under no circumstances, should anyone rely on what I wrote above. There are other types of visas as well that provide for extended / indefinite stays; and issued for political, humanitarian reasons. Novalny's widow, for example, voted in the Russian election yesterday, at the Russian embassy in Berlin. Daytona would now be categorized as an extremist in Russia, so perhaps that categorization might secure him an indefinite stay visa.
  16. Three out of four isn't a bad guess. Wouldn't be surprised to learn that Massi was with them, but as he has to do real work this morning, he returned to B-7. Sara's most recent painting depicting Nadia (?), Karma (?), and Sara (?) riding Massi's penis led me to see her earlier painting of Daytona and Neytiri in a different light. (The Daytona/Ney painting is presently off the wall and on display in her wardrobe area (Cam B-1)). To my knowledge, -- and prior to the weekend before last, when Daytona touched Sara sexually -- the only previous time he had touched a participant girl was Neytiri. Daytona, on cam, several times touched and stroked Ney affectionately but only through her clothes. As for when Sara might depart B-2, I think an early sign of that might be when she becomes nervous and agitated. Right mow, she seems to be very content and relaxed. She has declared she is not going back to Russia. The owners of RLC own at least one other business, a very legitimate business in Russia, and I would not be surprised to learn she knows the owners through that business. If so, she might have a special status within RLC.
  17. I will note that Massi, Sara, and Nadia are not at 'home'. I'll check tomorrow to see if they end up in the penthouse together like last weekend, and if they do, 50/50 Daytona is there too.
  18. I eagerly await when she shows the painting to Nadia and Karma!!!
  19. The four of them shared a bath in B-1. A dressed Octavia talked with them in the bath. So there is already some intimacy. Perhaps Octavia wasn't invited because she would like do a repeat performance.
  20. Ok, Sara is displaying her latest painting as if it was hanging on a gallery wall. it depicts Massi with a penis so huge that three girls can enjoy his dick simultaneously! Whether the three girls are actual representations is hard to tell. One has long, blonde hair. Nadia? The shape of the penis appears to be that of a horse penis. This may be a tribute to his nickname, The Stallion.
  21. Octavia staying in B-1. Marilyn in the bath at B-7. So perhaps a small party with these four.
  22. Madison won't be attending. She and Canis lupus are in the B-7 kitchen.
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