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Everything posted by moules

  1. Maybe I am over-interpreting this, but to me it looks like a portrait of Massi which greatly exaggerates the size and importance of his penis. She seems inspired by the subject matter, working very quickly.
  2. I will make an observation. Wolf is behaving toward Madison like he did with Neytiri. If my observation is correct, he won't have sex with Madison. Neytiri even had a great advantage over Madison, as she was into cosplay and fetish, and he still couldn't bring himself to have sex with her. Now, watch him prove my theory wrong. IMO, this seemed to be a psychological impediment, because he brought the porn actor with the big dick (named Boris ?) into B-7. for several nights. Boris fucks Ney hard and long. Wolf watches, then joins by masturbating in Ney's face for an insufferably long time before he finally ejaculates on her face. True, Wolf had no problem when fucking Margo or Ulyana. More recently though, he was an unsatisfying fuck for Nadia, but she prefers big, like Massi. Wolf has ejaculation dysfunction, not erectile dysfunction. ---------------------------------- And as I am making observations, I looked up causes of involuntary back spasms like Wolf seemed to experience last night. A common cause is excess adrenaline. Excess adrenaline can be caused by excitement or stress. And if the bulge in Wolf's spandex underwear was an indication, he certainly was excited. And who the fuck wears spandex underwear to bed if fucking is on their mind?
  3. Tattoo guy may be American. The tattoo that covers his back is of the Statue of Liberty. With "We the people" in script above, and 'liberty and justice for all' below. We the People is from the Constitution. Liberty and Justice for all is from the Pledge of Allegiance. Pledge of Allegiance was first published in Boston
  4. Bit strange. Wolf has these involuntary spasms. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording He seems to have had them a bit earlier, when he was lying on top of her, and had to get off of her.
  5. Wolf eating by himself in the DR. IMO, he is looking more and more like a one-trick pony. If it isn't cosplay or fetish, he is at sea with no idea of where the harbor is. Very awkward to watch.
  6. Tonight, so far, is similar to what what I remember from the previous party. Mostly the two girls, and their toys. Tonight, Marilyn brought at least two of hers. Mati in a supporting role.
  7. IIRC, it was mostly Amalia and Marilyn. I don't remember him fucking her. This was toward the end of January. If you go back to topics for B-5 last two weeks of January, you should find descriptions of their party.
  8. This guy resembles a guy known as top knot guy. If it is the same guy, he is no stranger to RLC. He previously has been in B-2, B-4, and B-7. that I know of.
  9. This is not the first rodeo for the three of them. Repeat of a party they had soon after Marilyn arrived in B-7. So surprised then that it made me think that there was a history that precedes RLC.
  10. I thought you quit subscribing weeks ago.
  11. Marilyn already naked. There may be a wild party in B-5 this weekend. given that Jadith and Isaac have departed the project. Svetlana hasn't bothered to clean J&I's room, as A&M are apparently getting it. Clearly, the white knights of CC are far more protective of Madison than Marilyn is!
  12. Daniel spending too much time in B-7. Petit-dejeuner with N&B on the terrace this morning. Maybe he needs a bed and not the couch.
  13. Suitcases out the door. Looks like Bruno's younger brother/cousin? helping.
  14. OMG! Marilyn seems to be packing an overnight bag. Will she leave her sister alone in B-7 with Wolf? what is Marilyn thinking? And Wolf walking around in just a bath towel! If I could see his face, he is probably salivating. Noldus had better prepare two new topic pages for B-7, because I fear the Wolf will capture the lamb.
  15. I would say so. But not going very far, if you pack your clothes in black trash bags. I just had a thought. Maybe they are going to Martina's former apartment. The designated Spanish language apartment.
  16. I think you are correct in saying that they are not lesbians. If they are, they are deep in the closet. Perhaps they will socialize more this weekend.
  17. RLC Replay REPLAY.REALLIFECAM.COM Watch your favorite cams in 24-hour recording The smile and look on guest's face as Dayana comes out of the bathroom in her panties.
  18. As this post ^^^ was apparently confusing to some, let me try and simplify it. First Daytona, then Aziza left RLC unexpectedly. That meant there were three empty beds in B-4. It appears that RLC does not have any other girls in Barcelona who are immediately available to sleep in these beds. Or at least, girls that RLC wanted to bring into B-4. So RLC went looking elsewhere. There was too short an interval between when Daytona and Aziza departed and when Naya and Katarina arrived for Naya and Katarina to have come directly from Russia or Ukraine. Visas are not issued quickly. My hypothesis is that Naya and Katarina were already in Eastern Europe, and RLC was planning on placing them in a new apartment or an existing apartment in Eastern Europe. Instead, RLC sent them onward to Barcelona to fill empty beds in B-4. I suspect they are Russian. One reason I say this is that they do not own a laptop. New participants now often arrive in the villas with multiple iPhones and MacBooks. They either did not own a laptop, or were unable to leave their country with it. I will guess they are probably from Saint Petersburg, because RLC seems to have some success in extricating Russians from Saint Petersburg and getting them out of Putin's Russia, --particularly individuals with lifestyles for whom Russia is no longer safe. Their language skills, other than Russian, may be limited.
  19. Not sure that the guest, who looks to be in her mid-30s, will have sex on-cam. Maybe do it on the balcony? They hid in the bathroom, out on view of cam 2-19 for about 15 minutes. I do think the guest is eager to have sex with Dayana.
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