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Posts posted by moules

  1. 4 hours ago, cylinderopuntia said:

    Hat Elian gestern einen negativen Test bekommen , weil sie heute die kleine Tasche packt. Vielleicht fährt sie für ein paar Tage nach Hause!

    The policy in Catalonia is that if someone tests positive for COVID, the public health department will contact all close contacts of that person, and these close contacts are asked to take a test as well.  I have not read any posts that indicate other residents of the villa have gone to be tested.  If a close contact tests positive, then that person's close contacts are asked to take a test.  Example. Tesla tests positive.  Nelly would be asked to take a test.  If Nelly tests positive, then Nelly would give the public health department the names of close contacts.  She would give them Martina's name.  Martina would be called and asked to take a test.  If Martina tests positive, then Alberto would be asked to take a test.  And so on.

    You can see why RLC (and those who are part of the project) might not want authorities in Barcelona asking many questions about their legal status in Spain.

    The most common COVID test in Catalonia apparently is a rapid antigen test.   These are quick (15-30 minutes) and inexpensive.  They are not the best test, and work best when a person is symptomatic and at the peak of being infectious, which is 3-5 days after first being infected. 

    The PCR test is the most accurate test.  It is more expensive and it takes a day or more to get the test result.  This would be the test to use if a person is asymptomatic.  If Eli was tested, I doubt she was given a PCR test. 

    I do not know whether those who are not residents of Spain can be vaccinated by the Spanish health care system.  The Ukraine has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the world, ten times more people have been vaccinated in Spain than in the Ukraine.  So no trips to the Ukraine to get vaccinated.  And if one did go to the Ukraine, one may have trouble re-entering Spain or another Schengen country without being vaccinated. 


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  2. if Eli was tested, she was tested before she went to the airport, because her bag never left the penthouse.  

    The Delta variant was about 20 percent of the cases in Catalonia in mid-June and is expected to be predominant by mid-July.  Spain does poorly at testing for variants.  More expensive test.

    As for isolation, she and Tesla were at B2 on Tuesday night.  So much for isolation if she has COVID.  Assuming she has tested positive, then she should sleep in Holly's bedroom.  Perfectly suitable for isolation.  And yesterday, she and Tesla were on the terrace having a grand time with Bogdan's friend/assistant.  So simply from her behavior, I am more than a bit skeptical she has COVID.

    I continue to believe she is not vaccinated, and her not being vaccinated has now interfered with her trip/vacation plans.


  3. Little dog in bed with naked Martina.  RLC tech's finger is on the switch ready to put room under maintenance.  Little dog seems to debate whether to go for it or not, but ultimately decides not to set a RLC first, and backs away!  Martina seemed to be amused in seeing what the dog would do..  Thought he might start licking her nipple, his mouth was that close. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, yadevol said:

    Do you know for sure she was planning to visit Ireland or are you speculating?

    Speculating that she favorably impressed 'Finn'.  He apparently was off to Marbella, the most expensive resort town in Spain.  So probably could afford to have her visit Ireland.  She wasn't going on a vacation that she was paying for, when she is paid very nicely to be on vacation.

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