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Posts posted by moules

  1. 17 minutes ago, MountainSwede said:

    Just tuned in and I find Martina and Nelly cooking in the B4 kitchen!  And, a LARGE bag packed in Nelly's room.  

    It looks to be TWO LARGE bags.  Bags were packed by Nelly and Bogdan.  Appear to be Nelly's clothes.


    Eli is going away, but the way she has packed it appears to be for a trip.  She is packing a small suitcase very carefully, and a carry-on baf, and leaving clothes in the wardrobe.


  2. 7 minutes ago, wooders78 said:

    she wouldnt use clingfilm if she was going to B4, plus her case is still here

    and one wouldn't use clingfilm to ship a package either, unless one intended putting it inside a box.  Shortly before she left B4 with the others, Vivien gave her a number to call.  They were in the kitchen.  Amira read the number off of Vivien's phone.  Amira then went out to the pool and spoke what seemed to be Russian/Ukrainian to the person on the phone.  She spoke while standing near E&T.  Then, all three plus Nana changed into white and black clothes and left B4 together..

  3. I think RLC should bring Dick and Jane to Barcelona, and give them a villa.  And I also think that RLC should then have many of Dick and Jane's many friends visit on vacation.  And Masha can visit too, because of her relationship with Dick and Jane, especially Dick and his dick.

    All this analysis of M&A's relationship and N&B's relationship, and N&M's relationship would fade into the background when the analyses start of Dick & Jane's relationship, which pushed boundaries.

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  4. 12 hours ago, jman9212 said:

    I think she drove there and she then drove him somewhere.

    When they got up to leave the terrace, she made a motion which I thought indicated she was asking for or confirming a ride with him.  When they went outside the front door of the villa, dogs began barking, and I thought that Martina had the dogs with her.  (But the dogs were with Alberto.) So allowing several minutes for good-byes to N&B at the villa, and 2-3 minutes for good-byes with the friend of Bogdan (former ? bf of Fiona) at her apartment, the drive time between B4 and M&A's apartment was 20-25 minutes at 2100 hours.

    I agree with the timekeeper that this friend of Bogdan who now visits the villa regularly either works directly for RLC or is a contractor for RLC.  Maybe more rubles are being invested in Barcelona apartments and villas.

  5. 9 minutes ago, profish said:

    she's got a dry trench--hell she went thru a pint of lube just on the first go around never mind the same every other time--

    yes she has.  even a drunken Eli wet her fingers before groping Tesla while Tesla was submerged in the bath.

    On replay, when Tesla's friend first arrives by the pool, Bogdan greets him like they have met before, and begins describing the villa.  By the pool, Bogdan, Nelly, Eli, Tesla, and the friend all converse in English.  The friend is not a native English speaker.  Maybe he is from Morocco? 

  6. 5 minutes ago, maxfactor said:

    The BBQ was to capture clicks for subs from Europe.  RLC knows there are three important time zones 5 to 7 pm in Europe,  often staging a massage or a bath time then to get the European click subs.  Dinner time or 5pm North America east coast to about 7pm (11 to 1am in Europe)...and then these special marathon events to get the west coast.  It's all set up and staged.  

    The strategy worked.  The site had load balancing issues with regard to the stream from B5.  Those issues arise when there is too much demand for a stream, and buffering and disruption of the streamed content results.

    Very early in the days of livestreaming, Victoria's Secret 'fashion' shows would invariably crash and burn.

    A girlfriend from a while ago worked as a sales rep for a major tech company, and she and I would look at livestreams from early-era sites before RLC to identify sales opportunities.  Porno was always an early IT adopter.


    "Regardless of whether it’s hardware or software, or what algorithm(s) it uses, a load balancer disburses traffic to different web servers in the resource pool to ensure that no single server becomes overworked and subsequently unreliable. Load balancers effectively minimize server response time and maximize throughput.

    Indeed, the role of a load balancer is sometimes likened to that of a traffic cop, as it is meant to systematically route requests to the right locations at any given moment, thereby preventing costly bottlenecks and unforeseen incidents."

    • Haha 1
  7. 8 minutes ago, yelt said:

    Well, looks like Bogdan made it back to B4. Wonder is he is working on another RLC apartments for Martina? With Bog being how,  I wonder between Nelly and Martina who gets back to there respective apartments first.  If Nelly is early and Martina is later I would suspect she may have stopped off to spend a little time with this Michael everyone's been talking about.  It would be great if Martina invited him over for a meal when Alberto is off on his bike so we can see who he is. 

    Michael is an Irish friend of Finn, who declined to accompany Tes back to the villa on the night that Finn joined Eli.  So Finn got to sleep between Eli and Tes.

  8. Okay.  Bogdan arrives at the villa,immediately sets his backpack down.  He races down to the kitchen, gets a can of insect spray and begins spraying around the front door.  There is apparently a swarm of insects around the base of the front door.    These are not flying insects because he leaves the front door open all the time.

    He tries scraping them off the floor with his shoe, then gets a broom.  Vivien comes up the stairs to throw out a trash bag and he tells her to stay away, and points out the door.  he takes the trash bag from her.  He goes up to the office and brings down the cans of paint, and places them on the ground outside the front door.  the insects are apparently crawling up out of the ground.

    He later will get buckets of water and mop the floor inside the front door.  And bring the cans of paint back inside and take them back up to the office.

    Vivien was unaware of this insect infestation, so she didn't call Bogdan.  Perhaps M & A did when they left and called Bogdan.  P:erhaps no one called Bogdan.  But he acted with great speed once he opened the front door.



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  9. Bogdan is with M&N.

    Martina is polyamorous, Bogdan as well.  Nelly lacks enough self-confidence to be polyamorous (sharing Bogdan), and Martina and Bogdan are  working together to help her overcome that. 

    Eli is polyamorous.  Tes may not be as hypersexual as Eli.  When Eli twice reflexively wets her fingers before fingering Tes in the bath, and Tes' pussy is submerged in water, that suggests Tes is not always lubricated.

    A quartet of M&N, E&T would be volcanic.  As would M&N, Alex, and early Bonnie.

    Gina will not let Bruno near the villa while E&T are there.  So there will be no center of the arena spectacle of E&T devouring Bruno

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