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Everything posted by moules

  1. Rachel has suffered from logorrhea all night. (Logorrhea means an inability to shut up, or stop talking.) She ruined the small group in the LR with her constant chatter, and now she is up in the bath, and still talking. Sara has passed out.
  2. Nadia gyrating erotically on the bed while Sara watches.
  3. It appears that Sara and Nadia will sleep together.
  4. There seemed to be some urgency in their leaving. Sara was trying to get Nadia involved in something when Rachel came running in.
  5. Karma in pre-orgasmic bliss. Must be the raw oysters* that are on their private dining menu. * hard to tell in the low light if these are actually oysters. But Karma is very horny.
  6. Anonymity allows people to break social conventions and norms. In a few cases, feedback might be useful and helpful. But for the most part, 'No'. In Florida, there is a law known as the Baker Act. It allows for the involuntary commitment of an individual who represents a danger to themselves or others. I was told of an instance where several girls had conversations with subscribers about using the Baker Act with respect to another girl because of concerns about her behavior. But that was a whole different level of interaction than occurs on CC, and any reading of comments on CC by participants. If a CC member has a participant's phone number and/or social media account, and converses at least occasionally with the participant using such means, then I would think feedback would be appreciated. otherwise, not so much. And if a CC member has such access, I don't think he or she will tell CC posters about it.
  7. The girls if they met someone, 1.) knew the person's real name and address; 2.) often meet them initially as part of a group; 3.) had talked with them on the telephone before first meeting; 4.) sometimes knew of them through a friend. I think stalkers much prefer anonymity.
  8. Girls on MFC appear at 'conventions' in the U.S. for meet and greet with their fans.
  9. Over 20 years ago, there were two sites that were the predecessors of RLC. Both originated from Tampa FL. One was called Watchcams, the other was called Voyeurdorm. From a newspaper article describing a court decision regarding Voyeurdorm. ^^^^From a major U.s. newspaper. I will note that the monthly revenue, according to the owners, was $4 million or more. As I have posted on CC before, a girlfriend at the time was selling specialized network hardware and software to sites that offered streaming content, such as Voyeurdorm and Watchcams. So we became familiar with both individuals who produced the streamed content and a few of the girls themselves. As one could chat and interact with the girls, subscribers get to to know the girls, and even meet them. Voyeurdorm particularly encouraged this, and even sent girls on tour, such as to Mardi Gras in New Orleans. An owner of Watchcams was concerned about girls receiving and accepting offers to fly to other locations for a weekend visit, and subscribers using the site's chat function for this purpose. Of note, neither site allowed men to visit the girls while they were working. Most of the subscribers treated the girls with respect. They certainly did not offer advice on how the girls should live their lives, or how to interact with each other. From what I was told, if you met them socially, it was like meeting a girl in a club or a bar. (At one point, the girls working at Voyeurdorm sued the owners over wages under United States labor law, so I informally advised several of the girls about a legal document that Voyeurdorm had filed with the court. I was not their lawyer.) I was never told of stalkers, or of subscribers who were obsessed with the girls. This seems to be a RLC phenomenon, brought about by the anonymity of CC. The court noted in the opinion that I excerpted from above, that subscribers to Voyeurdorm did not lurk around the house where the girls lived, or try to visit them there. (The police did come once, neighbors had complained about a loud pool party.)
  10. Somewhat OT, and the answer may have been posted already upthread or in another topic. Is Sara's portrait that of Ney and Margo, or Ney and Dayana?
  11. RLC must have read CC too. IMO, Octavia has the most fragile mind of any Barcelona participant, and she needs a steadying influence to help keep her head together. Without Cecelia and Kelley, she is adrift again. Talking to the camera is not therapy, especially when it is a monologue. RLC will now also send a reminder to participants about subscribers listening to conversations.
  12. Thank you. What still has me a bit uncertain is whether Massi was ever part of this video shoot. From replay, he left B-4 at 20:18, with a small black bag and dressed casually, e.g., wearing a hoodie under his jacket, If Aziza left at 18:00, and next appeared in B-2 with Nadia and Dayana at 22:00, I think that Massi was not involved in any video shoot given the relatively short time between when he left B-4 and when Aziza must have met up with Nadia and Dayana somewhere in Barcelona.
  13. Perhaps if the report of a video being recorded featuring Aziza and a massage is true, it will be tomorrow in B-2. The morning light through the LR windows is very good for natural lighting.
  14. If Aziza is having a massage photo shoot, it looks to be off-cam. Massi has left B-7. Daytona, Sara, Nuni, and Karma all chatty in the B-4 kitchen.
  15. I would say they are the first occupants of this apartment. Looks to be all new furniture. It was posted that they were moving to Wroclaw, so I assume they were previously in another Polish city.
  16. You must be a retired farmer. You know nothing about global companies, or business.
  17. You must be describing a certain American politician. He and another notable American politician, and a royal prince, and numerous very rich men, and even a woman or two, were great and good friends of Jeffrey Epstein. IMO, you seem to be engaging in Jungian projection when you describe some of these attributes. That is, what you say about some participants you are, in fact, describing yourself. You seem to be very naive when it comes to business.
  18. In other news, Wolf busy at the LR massage table.
  19. Corporations need people to manage their income, and their spending. And to calculate how much in the way of taxes they must pay to a national government, in this instance Cyprus, on that income. And to be clever in identifying ways to reduce the amount of taxes they do pay. The oligarchs don't flock to Cyprus because it is the birthplace of Aphrodite.
  20. Cyprus tax rate on global income is 12.5 percent. Spain is 25 percent. There are ways of reducing the Cyprus tax rate even further, even to 0 percent.
  21. You don't think RLC needs employees with backgrounds / experience in finance? accounting? taxation? https://www.companies.gov.cy/en/business-entities/2-company/5-lifecycle/1-running-a-company/5-guidance/filing-annual-returns-and-accounts
  22. Who knows? It's possible that Massi could work for RLC in Cyprus.
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